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Posts posted by Virt

  1. 26 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

    Lets see , the masks protect the health care workers who are in close proximity to known virus carriers from infection but some how they won't protect us? 


    It's not that simple as far as I understand. The masks does not protect the Healthcare workers. It's a barrier that helps them a little bit when it come to droplets, but more importantly they are wearing them to prevent they infect the hospitalized, since the personel can be infected without knowing it and then spread it to the other patients, that is not in for Corona. 


    I work in the medical industry producing insulin and it's full suit and protection gear, mask, goggles etc, and that's to protect the product from the humans not the other way around.


    Maybe that can be compared a little bit? 



    • Thanks 2
  2. I know a regular mask is doing nothing for a normal healthy person, other than it is a very small barrier for catching droplets if someone sick sneezes in your direction, but seeing us falangs beeing pointed out like this, I wonder if it's safer just to wear a mask when I'm in Bangkok next week to avoid getting into any discussions with the locals who takes his words for facts. 


    Or can the normal Thai see through this smokescreen of fake news out there? 

  3. In Thailand atm and not sure how to react after WHO now call it a pandemic and the numbers of infected in Europe are going through the roof. Is there a chance Thailand will stop all flights to Europe so we get stranded here in Thailand? 

    I'm from Denmark. 


    Not sure if to break off the vacation and take first flight home or if they will continue to fly people home, but not bring new tourists to Thailand 


    Or am I overreacting? 

  4. Denmark raised their number once again and at 156 cases atm. Quite are steep rise in the last 5 days. 


    Talked to some coworkers at the medical company I work for in Denmark, before I was heading to Thailand and told them I was more worried catching the virus in Europe compared to getting it here in Thailand and seems like the statistics are climbing fast in Europe since I flew out Friday.


    Maybe a good time to be in Thailand compared to Europe if the theory about the virus not surviving so long on surfaces due to temperature and UV 11 + 

    No idea, but time will tell. 


    If I however get infected by the virus I would prefer it happened in Denmark so I maybe could self quarantine in my own home if not needing a hospital. Not to sure how I would feel getting quarantined here. 



  5. 3 hours ago, ExpatOilWorker said:

    Can we trust the above numbers?

    Now that the Scandinavian countries are starting to show some cases we might have transparent data, and it is might be scary.

    Denmark: 1,119 tested and 90 confirmed cases. 8.0% positivity rate.



    Denmark climbed to 113 this morning. I actually don't mistrust the numbers from my own government, but I'm not sure they handled it correctly. The other day a plane full of Italians landed in copenhagen and without any checks or anything they were let into the public. 


    I would have thought that passengers from Italy which is going through quite some crisis, had to go to some sort of checks or quarantine. 


    Also had a case in Denmark where 2 people travelled to Madeira, when they were supposed to stay quarantined as one of their family member was down with Corona.

    They can now sit in quarantine in Portugal instead.

    Not to smart and I hope they end up paying for the entire bill themselves. 

    Maybe quarantined persons should be registered in systems so they couldn't leave the country where they are supposed to be quarantined in. 


    I wonder if Denmark will keep trusting the numbers from Thailand since Thailand is not on the high risk list yet, but I would assume Thailand put Denmark on the list if numbers keep rising. 


    Things are allready ugly in Italy and I trust their numbers. Doctors there now discussing if they should implement age requirements, so they put the people in the hospital which has a better chance to survive, compared to the old and weak. 

    Not a pretty situation to be in, and must be heart breakening for the medical staff if implemented because of shortage of beds and equipment and staff. 

    They hope the outbreak will start to decrease in 8 days time, but if not, new plans has to be made. 


    Hopefully a vaccine can hit the market faster than normal. If not I wouldn't be surprised to see the outbreak decrease closer to the summertime and then return later in the winter.

  6. As far as testing or not, maybe Thailand also has a low supply of the materials used in the tests and can't test all. 

    Read in the local danish news today that hospitals are running low on special trays used for that specific Corona test and the producer can't deliver enough, so they are in back order. 

    So they save their tests for people that they need to know if they are positive or negative and not just testing everyone who walks in and want a test. 

    They still have the ability to use other tests but those are supposedly much pricier and requires more staff /longer waiting time for results. 


    Personally I'm not to worried about the Corona virus as for my own health. I'm more worried that an epidemic would infect 10% of the population at the same time, which would have a huge effect on most countries Healthcare systems and overload the hospitals, which also would affect all those people hospitalized with more severe things when surgeries etc is canceled due to the work burdens. 


    But it seems like we might as well get used to this strain of Corona virus and now just have to try and control it as best as possible before a vaccine is ready.


    As for checking temperatures in Bangkok Airport the only thing I noticed when we arrived yesterday, was an area that had monitors and thermal cameras so I assume they are trying to pinpoint out those with a somewhat higher temperature than normal. 


    Other than that the only thing I noticed was that many used facemasks, even Europeans. 

    Personally not using a mask since I'm not sick or have symptoms.

    Going by the advice from most experts since this virus is not airborne. Sticking to proper handwash/hand sanitizer and using common sense.


  7. Hopefully they allow those e-cigs again after they find a proper way to tax the products.


    We're coming back to Thailand this summer, but my girlfriend who changed to E- cigs several years ago is now "forced" to use ordinary cigarettes which is worse than E cig-s when it comes to health, smell, breath and littering.

    I bought some filters to put on the cigarettes to remove some of the worst tar, but that's still not optimal.


    Why not Introduce some sort of license that e cig users can buy at the border/airport when they arrive in Thailand.

    1000 Baht for a month.

    Thailand get some of their lost tax money back and maybe most e cig users would gladly pay 1000 baht to use their e cigs instead of having to smoke regular cigarettes.

     I would gladly pay 1000 baht if my girlfriend could use her e-cigs.


    33 millions people visiting Thailand.

    20% of those smoke.

    5% of the smokers use e cigs.

    That's 330.000 tourists each year using e cigs.

    If Thailand would sell a license to those e cig users that would be 330 million bath each year in sold licences.


    Or is that idea to crazy?


  8. Don't smoke myself but my girlfriend vapes and is not interested in going back to regular cigarettes when visiting Thailand.


    So sadly we have to stop visiting Thailand unless they change their mind on Ecigs again.

    Been to Thailand/koh Samui 10 times since 2011 and it's our favorite country to visit and would miss is a lot,

    but if Ecigs are banned and huge fines or even jail is an option, we have to find another place to spend our money.


    Hopefully the thai government come to their senses and realize that E'cigs are not harmless by any means , but they are most likely healthier to use than conventional cigarettes and lift the ban again.

    Until then our money is being spent in other countries.


    Sucks big time that i might have to spend my next summer vacation not in Thailand :(

  9. While we are at this lovely new scanner.

    Can someone explain the precise rules for electronic cigarettes because the customs are quite eager to tell you there is a 5 years prison sentence for importing electronic cigarettes even just for personal use with no flavoring, yet thai airways suggest people to leave electronic cigarettes in the luggage and not on carry on.

    9th trip to samui and never had any problems with electronic cigarettes before other than they just ask what it is, and that's it. This time we had an issue.

  10. For less than 100 baht i can get 6 bottles of Tuborgs here in Denmark on sale in markets.

    But i would prefer to pay 100 Baht for a large bottle of Chang on Samui where i also can get cheap delicious food, warm weather and nice beaches to relax on,

    compared to the expensive food, mostly cold weather and crappy beaches we have here.

    Beeing able to buy beers for 15 baht pr bottle is not making me a happier individual ;)

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