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Everything posted by impulse

  1. If you're looking for a perfect example of what unvetted immigration can do to a native population, you just made the case for tighter screening.
  2. If she's kept her nose clean for 20 years, I doubt she's much of a threat to society.
  3. I'd suggest the OP try the Behavioral Medicine department at Bumrungrad hospital, or its equivalent department at Samitivej hospital. I don't know if either one will have it, but that would be my first call. Very reasonable price to talk to a Doc and find out what pharmaceutical options may be available for someone looking to go that way. Edit: Please post back and let us know what you find out. The info may be useful to others.
  4. I'm not a fan of mandatory public masking at all. But I don't mind masking up to wander around a hospital. Especially during cold and flu season. Still, I wonder if any other parameters may have occurred at the same time, that may have affected the study results?
  5. Clinton was proof you can be a morally bankrupt human and still have a successful presidency. Not that he was the first, by a long shot. But he was the first that got ratted out by the media, who gave JFK cover when he was cheating even worse on Jackie. And LBJ, who was about as corrupt a politician as we've seen in my lifetime.
  6. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/14/politics/dominion-voting-georgia-vulnerabilities-2024/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/elections/online-vulnerable-experts-find-nearly-three-dozen-u-s-voting-n1112436 https://apnews.com/article/election-security-voting-machines-software-2024-80a23479d8a767ba9333b2324c4e424b
  7. But only after analysing the system in a lab for months.... And you figure that any hackers didn't figure it out, even if it took a few months to cut the first USB chip?
  8. I think that the most telling takeaway from these protests is revealing what they're teaching kids at K-12 and at these universities.
  9. I'd give it 50:50. They may choose to parachute in Newsom, Michelle or (God help us) Harris at the convention. But 90% certainty that the Dem Elite will decide, and not the Dem voters. That decision is way too important to trust the voters to choose.
  10. There's complexity. The schism is between those who think the war started on October 7 and those who think it started before 1949. Gonna be a fun one in Chicago at the DNC national convention.
  11. The reality is that you and I will never know what the case was really about, why they really settled, or what the terms of the settlement were.
  12. I wonder if they'll get that Dominion money back after a Georgia court case showed you actually can hack the machines with a Bic pen and a $10 USB chip?
  13. Good catch. Shaw was on location. But I remember watching Blitzer. Pretty much 24/7. Before that, CNN was a curiosity.
  14. Just gotta love those ladies of The View, who saw earthquakes and an eclipse on the same month and concluded that Climate Change is real.
  15. I'm saying that today's fact checkers are even less reliable than the sources they claim to be checking. And that, when you have dozens of fact checkers all refuting a bunch of claims, the salient point is that there are so many claims out there to refute.
  16. Then you have missed my point. The fact checks do refute the Clinton Body Count. But Shakespeare comes to mind: The lady doth protest too much, methinks Or the redneck version: Where there's smoke, there's fire. Or the more contemporary: Are you going to trust the fact checkers, or your lying eyes? (I paraphrased)
  17. I can't believe the way they're salivating over going on a war footing. I wish every British politician was required to visit the graveyards and tour the museums in Kanchanaburi to see what happens when you send your young men off to foreign wars. Nowadays, it'll be young men and women.
  18. Blitzer's cover of the attack on Bagdad is what put CNN on the map. But it's been downhill since. Now, CNN is just a media arm of the DNC.
  19. What taxpayer money? As opposed to NPR that had 87 registered Dems in the newsroom and zero registered Repubs? They take tax money. For now.
  20. Fox anchors would have to move 5 miles to the right (and gain 800 pounds) in order to balance MSDNC's leftists.
  21. Not good at English? Could they be Scottish? I literally had to lipread when I had meetings with a couple of Scottish guys I worked with. Great guys and extremely competent. Just hard for this Texan to understand. Perhaps the guy with the watch got mad at being filmed because he didn't want to get deported for a WP violation. Or it may just be the watch was fake.
  22. Perhaps they just want to reduce the tourists who would consider $9 a show stopper.
  23. Nice eyes, slim ankles, and IBT's. These are a few of my favorite things... Edit: I would concede that there have been times recently when my fantasies were dashed when the masks came off to eat or drink.
  24. Man, I feel for you. Not because I have kids, but because I remember the stupid stuff I did that had to embarrass my conservative, engineer Dad. I cringe to this day.
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