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Everything posted by impulse

  1. Call Bumrungrad main line and ask for an appointment with their Behavioral Medicine Dept. After about 15 seconds of selecting English, they have excellent English speaking operators that should get you in with the right doctor(s). You'll have to Google the phone number. I'm afraid I'd "spell" it wrong if I posted it here. To get there, I always took the BTS to Nana Station and it was about a 10 minute brisk walk. 15-20 minutes if you walk like a local. BTW, the 800 baht consultation fee is for each refill, because the Dr has to authorize each. I don't recall the initial consultation cost. The fact I don't remember means it couldn't have been bad. May have even been 800 or less since that was over 10 years ago. Refill costs are from this year.
  2. And yet, it's the lefties that want to limit our choices to EV's or EV's. That's as black or white as you can get. Most conservatives would prefer choice. A lot of them choose EV's. For their other car.
  3. For a second car, I'd agree. In fact, I'd call the EV my primary car if I ever decide to become a 2 car guy again. But what's being run up the flagpole (and Trump is resisting) is the loss of choice- EV mandates/ ICE bans. We won't have the option of an ICE car, even for those instances where an EV just doesn't have the range and for those days when they tell us to conserve watts because the grid is overloaded. Edit: Then the question for the Greens becomes, if you need an ICE for those times, just how much are you saving the planet by having a 2nd car?
  4. Ask the people of NYC, Chicago, LA, and other cities/states being crushed under the weight of not even their fair share of illegal migrants if it matters who's president.
  5. Too many donors with $$ millions in sunk costs, and too many staffers know their gravy trains will end if he steps down. And the staffers thought "Weekend at Bernie's" was a how-to video.
  6. Has anyone looked into what this guy's story is? With zero inside information, it looks like it may have been some kind of TikTok challenge that went viral. And when it did, his only defense against getting canned was to claim the protected status of being a trans individual with a "condition". But that's just a WAG on my part. Anyone here really know?
  7. I don't know about sales, but the right wing coconut telegraph is saying there's a tremendous buildup in inventories of unsold EV's on the lot as everyone who wants one (and can afford it) has already bought. I'm all for EV's If I ever go back to being a 2 car family (of one person), my primary car will be an EV for getting around town and about 80-90% of my miles. The other will still be an ICE for those long trips and the days that they tell us it's gonna be hot, so cut back on your electrical use. I'm not even against subsidies in early days to help push the technology along. What I am against is mandates, and quotas. And long term subsidies. Not to mention EV's getting a free ride on road taxes (no tax at the pump...) while they weigh more and create more wear and tear on the roads. But that's gonna be the gotcha for EV buyers. (Once they get to a critical mass, they'll figure out a way to get those road taxes out of EV drivers. Right now, they're afraid to spook 'em) Edit: And my fear is that they'll charge EV's by the mile driven to recoup the road taxes, and that will eventually trickle down to ICE's. The next diabolical step is requiring our cars to phone in to report how much we're driving, and where (by GPS) I freely admit I'm a conspiracy wingnut. But we're getting it right a lot lately.
  8. If I were of a cynical nature, I'd say they were distracting from an imminent impeachment inquiry. TBH, I have very little interest in what Hunter did, except to the extent that Pops was involved.
  9. If only the Thunbergs had heeded your advice...
  10. A turnip in office could have added over a million jobs as people came back to work from the Covid shutdowns.
  11. It's only a problem if you're not rich and powerful. For them, it's working exactly as intended.
  12. According to the info posted above by Expatoilworker, they exceeded the legal maximum interest rate by 143,464,822%. I checked his math and that is the correct annualized rate for a loan costing 50% a week. I'm assuming he has correctly quoted Thai law regarding the legal maximum at 15%. So while I can accept arguments that a black market loan network charging exorbitant interest is a necessary evil, it's still evil (and illegal) nonetheless. In most advanced legal systems, she'd qualify for a bankruptcy and the usurious lenders would qualify for a prison sentence. Edit: Rechecked the interest math and he did put a comma where a period belongs, so the correct annualized rate is a little over 143 million percent. Seems a little bit more than the legal rate in any case.
  13. Dems better be careful what they wish for. If all it takes is one activist judge (and no conviction) to kick someone off the ballot, a case could be made that willful failure to secure a border against an invasion is "insurrection". That would be just as wrong, of course. As would getting kicked off a ballot for evidence of bribery with no conviction. But what a mess we'd be in if one activist judge on either side could negate the will of millions of voters. Or even further down the road, 12 extremely partisan jurors...in DC for example, where the majority of people polled want Trump found guilty even before the trial starts. Which is really a gift for Trump, because that's gonna give him a change of venue.
  14. Comfy seat, check. Popcorn, extra butter, check. Smart BMW, let the bashing begin.
  15. I wonder if they can't find him because some of the locals got together and buried him in the hills once they found out what he did?
  16. Maybe. But what's it say that your guy is polling neck and neck with a guy who's been charged with 91 felonies? I'm still betting Biden will have a health care incident and will not make it to Nov, 24. Trump is 50-50 whether he'll survive the legal battles to become the candidate.
  17. If there's any justice, a judge should wipe her slate clean and prosecute the people charging her 50% a week for interest. Sadly, she'd still have to leave town before a hit squad finds her, or 18 of them.
  18. It may be a good idea to make it free for an introductory period. If they still lack customers, that should stick a fork in it. (Assuming they make a reasonable marketing effort, which seems to be lacking based on some posts above).
  19. Do you have a link for how many arrivals and how many departures? That would be an interesting one... My favorite resort in Jomtien catered to Russkies, Ukrainians and East Germans. I thought they were generally delightful. Maybe because the place charged a lot more than the average Cheap Charlie hotel in Pattaya. Lots of families and some of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen. Along came 2014 and Eastern European tourism scaled way back. Then the place was predominated by Chinese tourists. They were different, but still pretty easy to get along with.
  20. https://www.rt.com/business/582398-chinese-travel-boom-oil-prices/
  21. Do they still have the piano player in the lobby? I used to get a kick out of listening to him when I went in for follow-up to my heart surgery (getting a second opinion, after surgery at Bumrungrad). Made the place feel more like a fine hotel than a hospital. I have nothing but praise for both hospitals.
  22. I'm not saying Western economy has collapsed, or will collapse. I'm saying leftist cities are collapsing. And businesses are fleeing the crime and homelessness in droves. Seems like a good opportunity.
  23. Thanks for your detailed info. I think a lot of the folks tuned in here don't understand that if needing 100K baht to start, difficult access to small loans, needing a dedicated paperwork shuffler, and spending $10K USD a year to stay in compliance are barriers to entry, their business is probably not the BOI's target demographic. It's sad for someone who wants to bootstrap. But BOI isn't for bootstraps, though it can be doable. On the topic of Thai employees, most of ours (BOI Corporation) were extremely competent. So we paid them enough that the key people rarely left. Even if they looked around, they'd find out that our competition wouldn't match what we were paying. And if one did leave, we always had plenty of candidates hoping for a slot with us. Personally, I think Bangkok could be an International hub with a little tweaking. Especially when you consider the virtual collapse of some US cities like New York, San Francisco, Portland, etc. And Europe doesn't seem too far behind with all the immigration strife. My first suggestion would be to turn the BOI and the One Stop's focus from compliance to advocacy. Instead of forcing the companies to dot the I's and cross the T's, (sending them away if every page in that huge folder is not spot-on) why not have people on staff to actually help them?
  24. Is it so hard to believe that, in a country that's probably more diverse than all of Europe combined, there are some factions that want us to give up our cars, open up our extra rooms to homeless strangers, and eat bugs? And other factions that are not going to let that happen... May as well say, "So, Europe, the enemy is..... Europeans".
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