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Everything posted by impulse

  1. Can't say I blame them. A couple of years ago, I saw a group picnicking and playing Frisbee in the WW2 Cemetery in Kanchanburi. The Thai caretaker was having none of it... Kudos to him. I suspect they feel the same way about temple crematoriums. BTW, the Frisbee players in the K-Buri Cemetery were Asian, but I was too far away to tell what nationality. I was on my way closer when the Thai caretaker ran them off.
  2. They're all the same inside. Pink and wrinkled. (Sorry, I'm trolling some lefties on some other threads and that's put me in a strange mood)
  3. If your kid came home and said "Dad, I'm not doing dope, but don't look in my top left drawer" would you have evidence before you looked in the top left drawer? The Repubs want to look in the top left drawer... Biden's team of dozens of lawyers, aren't letting them.
  4. He may be a troll, but he's our troll. I don't subscribe to the conclusions or analysis of either of these links. But that's where you need to go to see RFK Jr's claims. The MSM is silent on the issue... https://www.foxnews.com/politics/rfk-jr-campaign-accuses-dnc-being-undemocratic-demands-assurances-every-dems-vote-counts https://www.naturalnews.com/2023-09-08-rfkjr-democrats-rigged-nomination-biden-excluding-everyone.html The gist: "Two of the things today is they've moved the Iowa primary, they've made rules that if anybody campaigns in Iowa or sets foot, any candidate sets foot in the state of Iowa or steps foot in the state of New Hampshire, then none of the votes that are cast for that candidate will be tallied," RFK Jr. said. "In other words, any delegate that I win in Iowa or New Hampshire would go instead to the president. And now they're trying to change it that if I campaign in New Hampshire that none of the votes cast for me in Georgia will count, and that's significant because it's hard to win the nomination without Georgia."
  5. Karma: https://www.npr.org/2023/09/10/1187224861/electric-vehicles-evs-cars-chargers-charging-energy-secretary-jennifer-granholm Yeah, I know it's just teething pains, but it's still funny...
  6. If there's no evidence, why not release the evidence?
  7. That may be true, but shouldn't the voters be the ones to decide whether he's bat cr@p crazy? Not some Star Chamber at the DNC, like they did to Bernie...
  8. Wow. Tag team lefties. I don't favor an impeachment (yet), but I absolutely favor an impeachment inquiry, granting congress subpoena powers to get at the documents, emails, bank records and other evidence they seek (and the Biden team is holding back on). If there's nothing to hide, why not just release the evidence? And fire the dozens of attorneys they've hired to squelch the evidence...
  9. Really? What could be easier? Have you observed how renewable energy has taken over that market for example? That's basically the result of government intervention funding the research and startups and putting priority on development of alternative non-fossil fuel energy. Have you observed the carbon markets? For the first time they're now becoming economically viable in terms of the market price providing sufficient incentive and funding. That's again the result of government intervention then the markets realizing that this is a worthwhile investment and taking it on. Have you observed the $30+ trillion in US gub'ment debt? Any idiot can throw money at a problem. Carbon market? What, exactly is the commercial value of carbon, other than a scheme to transfer wealth?
  10. Looks like they're trying the ole rinse and repeat. What's the Current Coup Count?
  11. You were doing okay until you mentioned AOC. Not great, but OK. Then, you lost it... Bernie, I like. Though I disagree with him a lot. If you don't like what they're doing to those 2, look at what RFK Jr is saying about his primary struggles. Scary.
  12. Probably not a good time to ask you to post back with whatever info you find, though it may be helpful to some others on here. Assuming you're on Step Zero of the process, I'd suggest you go to the Thai Post with a few typical items that your son expects to sell, and see about the process and the cost by sending them to a family member back home. Also, see what's required to get their best pricing if he's going to be shipping a lot of parcels. He may need to be a registered business. (Or maybe not) The cost may be prohibitive, or it may not. I wouldn't worry about getting the taxes 100% right at the start. Sure, reserve some money so you can pay income taxes when required, but don't let that sidetrack you. And if you can, please post back when you do get it figured out.
  13. I still wonder what happened to that Italian (I think) guy who was banged up for no work permit because he was building boats in his yard.
  14. Here's the exemption that confuses me: Persons who enter into the Kingdom for the performance of any duty or mission for the benefit of education, culture, arts, or sports;
  15. 1) We always had more permits and exploration prospects than we had the budget to drill and explore. We ranked them according to the Corporate criteria de jour and spent money on the best ones first. If the gub'ment came in and banned drilling or exploring on the best prospects, that left us with the dregs (for lack of a better word). It's a little simple to claim the permits didn't get drilled because of price uncertainty. Most didn't get drilled because there were better places to invest the finite Corporate budget. 2) I'm claiming that we may should have not fomented a coup that caused Ukraine to lose Crimea (under a Dem administration), Russia made no moves under the previous (R) administration, and now that the Dems are back in, Russia misbehaves again. Hmmm.... 3) There is no global price of oil. There are many prices for oil at specific delivery points. A pipeline reduces the cost of getting that oil to the delivery points, reducing the cost to get it to the end user. That means lower pump prices. Unless you stop the pipeline...
  16. Can you imagine the immense collective butt puckering sound at the DNC when he actually went and bragged about it? Of course, that was just one dot. And the evidence required to connect it with all the other dots was still years, e-mails, a laptop, whistleblowers, 1023's, and subpoenas away. But they had to be wondering what kind of an idiot... 'Cept Obama. He got it right. Never underestimate Joes ability to screw things up.
  17. If he reduced supply by banning drilling where drilling would have otherwise happened... Yes, he is partly responsible. If he imposed sanctions that reduce the world supply, he's partly responsible. If he's made it more difficult to move oil from Canada to the USA, he's partly responsible. Dems are quick to point out that US production is at a historical high. But that's not the question. The question is how much higher it would be under a different administration, given the improvements in tech.
  18. Boycott them, then! Except that cute one with the red stretch leggings.
  19. Anybody wanna muddy up the waters by mentioning the companies that exist to "hire" foreigners, charging them a fee to keep them legal (including paying taxes so they can renew their WP each year)? Edit: I never used one, so I don't claim to have details. But they seemed to be real popular with digital nomads before Covid. As I recall, some of them also provided shared workspace.
  20. I hope you're right... But there seems to be a disconnect between the speed at which they want to ramp up EV's (and H2), vs the speed that "the grid" is growing. For example, in my home state of Texas, they just had a power supply emergency. 10th one this summer. Not enough capacity. Yet, we're trying to push more EV's. The power grid has seen overall demand grow 7% this summer, after two decades of predictable 1% per year growth, and 10 preliminary demand records since late June. (Figure any of that is people charging their Tesla's?) ERCOT suggested that people raise their thermostats by a degree or two, avoid using large appliances such as washers and dryers and turn off and unplug non-essential lights and appliances. Commercial businesses can turn off lights, equipment and air conditioning when the space is not in use. Kind of suspicious that they didn't mention DON'T CHARGE YOUR TESLA during peak hours. Spot price approached $5,000 per MW-hour and any customers buying on their spot price optional plan is in for a very rude awakening, even if they don't have an EV. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/business/energy/article/ercot-grid-conservation-request-18351400.php
  21. Gasoline price on Inauguration Day: $2.40 per gallon. Gasoline price August, 2023: $3.95 per gallon. Ouch. https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=EMM_EPM0_PTE_NUS_DPG&f=M
  22. Know who else is spoilt by the low cost of internal tickets? The millions of Thai domestic tourists who go elsewhere because they can't (or don't want to) pay boutique prices. Spending their domestic tourism cash at other locations. The price of tickets in NZ or UK have nothing to do with whether Thai people can afford a flight to Samui.
  23. What's strange is they're not hating on all the countries and organizations donating humanitarian aid to Ukraine, but forgetting to send weapons. Something about staying neutral... But Musk is taking it in the shorts here for doing the same.
  24. I'll let lefty commentator Ana Kasparian tell it in her words: https://dailycaller.com/2023/09/08/ana-kasparian-democrats-gavin-newsom-california/ Or, howza 'bout CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/05/07/us/california-population-drop/index.html South Carolina, while not endowed with the natural beauty and resources that California started with, is still growing.
  25. Which is worse, letting war mongers war or allowing ethnic cleansing? In either case, I'd rather see the USA spend those $$$ billions that we don't have on solving American problems. But this thread is about Elon Musk, who probably did more for the Ukrainians than any other individual in the world. And he's being maligned here because he tried to prevent a nuclear exchange.
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