FFS bob, here we go again, another silly "I am the victim in Thailand" post. You can do better than these boring roles you come up with mate. So branch out and finally add some adventure to your fake internet character. Here are some fresh ideas for new roles for you to play:
The soiled panty sniffer, the insatiable overeater, the fabulous cross dresser, the marathon runner, the Mount Everest climber, the lady-boy bar owner, the wine taster, the wanted fugitive, the international arms dealer, the dild0 factory owner, the woman’s shoe thief, the food blogger, the Harley gang bikebiker, the gay sauna owner, the village idi0t, the unstable short-order cook, the cocktail bar hostess, the rice farmer, the lunatic asylum escapee, the hi-so trans socialite, the begpacker, the Thai language expert, the cabaret show dancer.
Cmon bob, live a little. The world is your oyster!