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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. bob, I don't wanna lose you. Is there anything I can do to change your mind? ๐Ÿ’”
  2. bob, the thought of you leaving is very sad news. is there anything we can do to dissuade you to stay? i am all ears and am willing to help to do whatever it takes to prevent your planned departure. ๐Ÿฅฒ
  3. What about Benzos as your alcohol replacement therapy? Have you already abandoned that project for today?
  4. You might try and lick all the boxes, but it is only going to get you arrested.
  5. They allow serial pedos in those places? Ok, so you being able to join, with only money coming from a state pension, is clearly a hoax. Right, so you are back in the UK now. If English speaking, white-skinned, trannies is your thing, why did you ever leave Lancashire? Water seeks its own level innit. Her tossing you out, whilst keeping the house, the car, the banks accounts, and everything else you have, would really be upping her game. It's all registered in her name already innit.
  6. Or perhaps: โ€I got kicked out of the gym for speaking Thaiโ€ โ€I got kicked out of the gym for drinking a beer on the bench pressโ€ โ€I got kicked out of the gym for showing a girl the tatt on my willyโ€ โ€I got kicked out of the gym for singing ac/dc and meatloafโ€ โ€I got kicked out of the gym for trying to buy benzosโ€
  7. Some images of him in his element. Not the most flattering: https://www.gettyimages.com/photos/bernard-trink?assettype=image&sort=mostpopular&phrase=bernard trink&license=rf%2Crm
  8. Looks like bob has left the building for now. Probably jumped on his Dream 125 back down to 7-11 to restock on Chang, 40 Degrees, and M-150.
  9. Tomorrow he will post a new topic about how he's down at the bar midday with one of his drinking mates and going ST with a bunch of tatted up harlots, haggard whores, slappers and sluts. Stay tuned. Good fun. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
  10. yes, a very long time back, 2 days ago in fact. ๐Ÿ™„
  11. lol, you just got trolled by bob smith ๐Ÿ˜‚
  12. bob do you need a personal trainer and a workout program too? I heard there are some really good ones at No Hands Bar.
  13. Up 2 U Clinic Dr. Bootyram 69 Soi Buakhao
  14. please don't do anything rash like this bob. the negative effect on the alcohol and fast food industries could be grave. talk less of all the broken hearted tatted up sluts that will be left in your wake if you stop going to the bars. at least you aren't threatening to bathe more often. the last thing we need is any added burden on water supplies. by the way, have you considered switching to benzodiazepines? i know a good doctor who hands them out like candy! ๐Ÿฌ
  15. Adding to what I said earlier, seeing a guy like this, who was struggling with the downsides of what he perceives to be an addiction, really helps me to define the difference in the types of people that use cannabis. My use is nothing like this guy. We're not even in the same league. For me it's not a significant part of my life, nor has it changed or affected my lifestyle. I still do everything in life the same that I did before. I've only been using it for a relatively short period of time and never really used it in my younger years. If anything, my light use has increased my quality of life. I only use it in the evenings in small amounts and on somedays not at all. It just relaxes me a bit, makes me more creative, increases libido, and puts me in a bit of a happier mood. No downside to that. But then you have this guy who felt like it had taken over his life and was affecting him in many ways, both emotionally and physically. So if people want to paint every cannabis user with the same brush, it doesn't work. There are definitely distinctly different types of users. For some people, like myself, cannabis is a positive thing where for him it had become destructive. I could never imagine being high 24/7 like he was. Nor would I even have the interest to do that. But that's what makes people different. While some people are able to do things in moderation to reap the goodness from them, there are always others who are inclined to take it all a bit too far.
  16. That's not new. It's been that way for 40 years in the bar business in Thailand already.
  17. Yeah it was. Had a lot of fun back then in Marine Disco. And if you wanted to reload, there was Marine 2 that opened after hours. There was no gentrification back then and no Asian tourists. It was so much fun back then that you couldn't handle more than 2-3 nights of it in a row.
  18. It all comes down to moderation. The people who tell these stories of how it badly harmed their life are typically using too much of it and too frequently to where they are in a fog and it overtakes their daily life. People who use cannabis in small amounts, say after the day is done, rarely report these sorts of problems. It's like anything in life. Even too much of a good thing isn't healthy. We all need food to survive, but too much and it and too often can lead to obesity, various chronic diseases and even death. I wouldn't say the same for alcohol and cigarettes though because studies have shown, even in small amounts, they both can still be very harmful. But then some people drink and smoke cigarettes their whole life and still live happily and to a fairly old age. To each his own though. If this guy felt that cannabis was harming his life then it's good that he quit. But one size doesn't fit all. And to me, this type of information is purely anecdotal. I don't have the sorts of problems he seemed to have with it, and so I wouldn't be interested enough to watch his video.
  19. Your lucky. I just managed to obtain a verbatim copy of the transcript of bob's conversation with the doctor today. Here it is in full and unedited: bob: hello doc Doctor: Hello bob how are you today? bob: well, I'm not too bad doc, but I'm an alcoholic. enough is enough, alcohol is killing me. I canโ€™t do this anymore. It is ruining my life. I can't sleep and mrs smith is fed up with my drinking. Doctor: Well, I see sir. That's very good that you've recognized you have a problem and that you want to fix it. The road to recovery always starts with one acknowledging their addictions. bob: well, yes, doc, you see, I've been this way ever since a very young age, unfortunately, and I want to finally end this misery. Doctor: No problem, sir. You've come to the right place. I'm sure we can help you cure your addiction very quickly bob. bob: thank you very much doc, yes, I'm sure you can, all I need is 30 benzodiazepines tablets and I'll be cured. Doctor: Well sir, there are various forms of treatment that can help you. Benzodiazepines isn't necessarily one of the best. But we can consider that. However, I'd like to start by asking you a few more questions first to better assess the best form of treatment for you. bob: look, doc, is this gonna take long? I got to meet my friend shaun from devin down at the bar in 30 minutes to pick up the first round and have a ST with a wee little tatted up slapper that I know. in fact, he just rang me and ac/dc is playing on the juke box. Doctor: Sir, I regret to inform you that I don't think I will really be able help you under these conditions. I am very sorry sir. bob: look, doc, I don't really need your help. I just the meds and I'll be gone. cured and out of your hair forever. easy peezy lemon squeezy. just give me those pills now doc! Doctor: Sir, I'm very sorry, but I can't give those pills and you are also going to have to leave my office now. I have other patients waiting to see me. bob: Mang I-Heeah! Doctor: Get out of here now bob or I will call the police. bob: Fine! Sawatt Dii Khrub and Kawp Khun Mahk Krub you oversized c*nt!
  20. You got that ice bar: https://maps.app.goo.gl/akq7ZMZqW9hq2tMHA https://www.facebook.com/vloungepattaya/
  21. Spot on. In fact, it would be impossible for bob to ever write anything that would trigger an angry or malicious response from me. At this very moment I'm patiently awaiting his next garbled offering with bated breath.
  22. I can just imagine the ear to ear grin on his face. He's probably so chuffed about it he's gone speechless now innit. You reckon the ST he mentioned in his original post took place right in the empty-bottle store room at the bar?
  23. Good on you. Some people just need to be taught a lesson. It's the small things in life that make it worth living. He's probably still searching for it until this day wondering how it managed to escape his basket. ๐Ÿงบ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ
  24. Prior to the dental work it was probably more difficult for him to chew. No wonder he's playing it safe on mostly on a liquid diet now.
  25. bob any new updates on the girls at the bar?
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