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Everything posted by ABCDBKK

  1. HAHA. I can actually picture that. Do you also tackle all the "buy 1 get 1" promotions? I'm actually a 7-11 grilled ham and cheese sandwich regular myself. You wouldn't want to see my face when I go in there only to discover they've run out and that someone else standing at the register just bought the last 2! πŸ˜‚
  2. That's great. So bob certainly has something to offer all of us. πŸ˜‚ I've got some middle-aged mates who still like to ring me up and tell me about their carnal conquests. I just figure they probably didn't get much attention when they were younger. Perhaps Brick-Top-Bob is the same.
  3. I'm with you. I go into 7-11 and beeline right for the half price expired food section. Almost as good as happy hour!
  4. bob, why the avatar of Brick Top from Snatch? Is he your man god?
  5. I DO! OKAY???
  6. I agree. And who cares if most of his posts are rubbish. Let him do what he wants. Nothing harmful to anyone else in his messages. I also appreciate all the silly irony of his cognitive malfunctions. It challenges me to try and add some humor to it. A shame some others can't see the value in it for what it is.
  7. I agree. It's not nice. But no need to let it get to you. Just ignore it. Just keep on doing you boo and let the giggles keep flowing. πŸ‘πŸΌ
  8. Did you see that link above to the shop in Siam Square? I've never used gummies, so don't know much about them, but their website does look like they have a few options.
  9. Thanks. Agreed. I don't mind if people want to constructively voice negative opinions about cannabis, but when people come to the forum wanting to outright bash the subject without any basis then they are likely to get baked. Spewing angry rants about cannabis in a forum where people are discussing the subject in a generally positive way is like deliberately running right into an electrical fence. Your just gonna get fried.
  10. Cmon boys. Let's keep it light. Bob is great entertainment. Seriously. No reason to get nasty. If you don't like his drivel just click off his posts. He's not harming anyone. I thoroughly enjoy his rubbish banter. ❀️
  11. Here is his next presumed offering: Never enough. Alcohol's a thrill. Keep going. Life's a blast. Sleep's for the weak. Mind's buzzing. Love this. Tatted sluts. shi*ty beer? Ac/Dc. meatloaf. Short time. All the bees knees. Doc's cool. Benzos, maybe? First 30, let's party. No turning back. Having a blast. No help needed. Sean is buying. Don't call mrs smith. Thoughts? Thanks. bob.
  12. bob, serious question, how many tattoos does it take to make a bar girl?
  13. His post yesterday was much more fun and dramatic though:
  14. I reckon he's the type that would rather be put over their knee and slapped. That would explain why he comes here to only get abused nonstop.
  15. You can barely type anymore. Did you check the plumbing to make sure it's really a girlie? I still reckon you were on the can and are still trapped in the sh*tter right now awaiting 191 to come and release you.
  16. Guess the hunt for Benzodiazepines is over for today? Nevermind, there is always tomorrow. Alcohol today, Valium tomorrow! But if you're in a bar with tatted up slappers draped all over you, a mate buying you beers, and AC/DC pumping on the jukebox, then why would you want to be posting simultaneously on AN? Maybe because your really at home, you accidentally locked yourself in the bathroom again, and now your awaiting the rescue team to arrive?
  17. I don't want to sound overly critical, but this bloke doesn't strike me as the sharpest tool in the shed. Lots of enthusiasm, but not enough critical thinking skills. It's one thing to venture off using a conventional form of transport to reach a hotel in the countryside of a rural area in a developing country and then make a happy little vlog about it. But it's a completely different thing to go long distances on a bicycle on dangerous open roads, without any said experience, with only a moderate level of physical fitness, and not much understanding of the challenges you will face driving cross country in a very extreme climate and challenging environment. I think the take away from this is, if you're going to do something as difficult as this, that you do your research first, get proper advice from people with good experience who have already done what you're attempting to do, and just be more prepared in general. He was quite brazen and unprepared and I would say the silver lining for him from his experience is that he wasn't accidentally taken out by one of those big trucks. At least he lived to tell about it and he can still go back another time and give it another go if that's what he really wants to do. I've also driven some fair distances myself on the highways in Thailand on a proper motorcycle, while wearing full gear and, given the high volume of big trucks, the heat and all the dust coming off the trucks and going in your face, it's still no cakewalk. I would have never ventured out to do what he tried to do. There are much safer, more exciting, and far more interesting ways to challenge yourself physically with a travel adventure. Hopefully he's better prepared and chooses something more rewarding for his next go.
  18. Lol, drunk as a skunk aye? Family orientated? Haha, what I really want to know is how did you manage to hop off P0rnhub long enough to even type a half coherent message in that sloppy state of yours? 🀣
  19. In that case they better remove every bit of visible alcohol from every restaurant, convenience store, supermarket and anywhere else where an underage person might see that toxic, life threatening poison. Cigarettes too!
  20. I don't see one good reason listed here in your little write up to stop the drinking. So stop the whinging. It's been a blessing and FFS it has done wonders for you! Just add in the benzodiazepines, fantastic idea, and a bit of meth, and then you'll be rockin'. New and improved bob smith FUBAR 2.0!
  21. After reading all the replies posted in this thread, and after much deep consideration, I've decided not to top myself and have since drafted up a Will which should cover all eventualities: LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT I, Rooay Tisoot, hereby declare this to be my last will and testament. I expressly revoke all prior wills and codicils. I leave all of my property and assets (including all stock certificates and bonds, money, bank accounts, real estate, and any other assets) equally to whichever 4 bar girls are lying on top of me when I kick off and in equal portions of twenty five percent (25%) to each of them. I hereby name bob smith as executor of my succession for this last will and testament. If bob smith is unable to serve as executor then I name GammaGlobulin as executor of my succession for this last will and testament. The executor may act as an independent executor and shall serve without bond. Signed: YOURS UNTRULY __________________________________ 21 March 2024 Date: ______________________
  22. KD are also the initials of the man on Koh Tao who first started growing this Thai strain on that island in the seventies. His name is "Ko Dahm", which translated to English would be something like "Uncle Black".
  23. That's not the issue here. Bob smith and GammaGlobulin are 2 high level trolls (possibly the same entity) that post provocative fictional accounts just to stir the proverbial pot. Their posts are all meaningless drivel.
  24. I always suspected you like to play catcher. At least this whole, otherwise useless thread, has resulted in some clarity on why you complain so much when you don't get properly stuffed.


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