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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. As far as the chain etc, what's the point on spending loads of money on it when you have to change the whole thing every 10,000kms.

    imagine the sitaution

    your cruising between two cars at 150

    your chain snaps and you get squashed like a bug because the guy behind didnt see your brake lights or any indication you were slowing down

    also snapped chains have been known to tangle around and lock up the back wheel which usually causes a catastropic crash

    ps .your chain would last much longer than 10,000km if you bothered to lubricate it

  2. I saw 1 white MSX at Honda sukhumvit 71 Bkk today, they had a black one too but I never saw that one as I just rode past. they told me 69K a couple of weeks ago, if I remember rightly.

    i was getting an oil change and the honda on dindeang rd quoted someone 83k for a pcx150 today

    i told him they are available for 73k in another shop in front of the price gouging owner and the look

    on her face was priceless

    She probably had the mechanic piss in your oil for that stunt:-)

    i dont let the mechanics touch anything on my bike when im not watching them closely :)

  3. I am 1000% sure it was a fz1 because it was parked in a no parking zone and I was talking so I took a good walk around it and even with a siren and police emblems it was still a mean looking bike

    No idea what rank of cop was riding it or why but it was a real police vehicle for sure and had the crimson 5 digit number plate with the police insignia beside it

    If it's there again I'll take a pic for everyone and upload it here :-)

  4. I am pretty pissed off with my Phantom, it is currently going through a second complete rebuild inside a month, the first being due to 4 anti-vibration gearbox rubbers that disintegrated and blocked the oil pump. The second was due to the same, when all the debris wasn't cleaned out properly.

    These were replaced by some (4) inferior grade rubbers (fitted during the 1st rebuild). due to the unavailability of the real Honda part, the alternative being 10,000 baht price tag on the gearbox front section. Does anyone know if this is this the case?

    With very poor performance especially in the hills, I have started to look at alternatives, but struggle to find one, what I did fancy was a Royal Enfield 350 or 500, with a lot of grunt for climbing hills, but not available here. So was thinking about getting a 350cc engine from India and installing it in the Phantom frame, this would transform the hill climbing with torque figures of 28N/M @ 4000rpm compared to 16N/M @ 6500rpm for the Phantom. Plus it would sound like a real bike. Has anyone done anything similar?


    it would be more hassle than its worth to import and put a 350 or 500 cc engine in a phantom 200 frame

    you would be just safer buying a bike with bigger engine for too many reasons to list

    + you could never sell the bike if the engine number didnt match the book etc

  5. ^^^^ If they are made in thailand that would be great. If not the price may be out of line.

    A bike that ugly had better be cheap. The cbr250 is great value here, the new Ninja 250 is beautiful. I've a massive Suzuki fan having owned RM's and GSXR's but only a mother could love that monstrosity...

    It may not be sex on wheels but neither is the cbr250, I'd love to see suzuki start making some bikes in Thailand but I doubt they will

  6. I saw 1 white MSX at Honda sukhumvit 71 Bkk today, they had a black one too but I never saw that one as I just rode past. they told me 69K a couple of weeks ago, if I remember rightly.

    i was getting an oil change and the honda on dindeang rd quoted someone 83k for a pcx150 today

    i told him they are available for 73k in another shop in front of the price gouging owner and the look

    on her face was priceless

  7. I've been riding an Fz1 since 2002. It's a super sport bike with comfort. Basically a r1 with a slightly de-tuned motor for better slow speed control. I fixed that. If you don't believe me, ask all the gsxr and cbrr riders I've dusted. Of course the rider helps but still. It was the 6th fastest production bike in the world the year my 02 was manufactured. Beware the fazers!

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    the royal thai police have a brand new fz1 in white colour

    i was shocked when i seen it today in silom rd

    gorgeous bike ,even with the police graffiti plastered all over it it looked great

    definately consider an fz1 if i needed another bike but i have more bikes than i

    have time to use them at the moment :(

  8. one sunday when riding from khon kaen to bkk i saw countless accidents including nothing less than a full sized bus on its side in the central reservation ditch and about 200km later a van on its roof

    then i saw a silver mitsubishi car which hit a metre high pile of gravel in a lane which was closed for road works but he must of thought it was still the overtaking lane and and while passing that an ambulance was attending and someone was being admistered on a drip and we got practically run off the road by people pulling left because the ambulance stopped in the fast lane and all the zooming cars had to make a sharp left to avoid it

    coming into bkk was another massive jam because someone in a jeep had crushed the back of the vehicle in front somehow and caused a 3 car pile up

    all this on one 500km journey...... on a sunday when most people arent even driving ..whistling.gif

  9. Looks good!

    it does look cool ,not as cool as a t-max but still would make a great machine for touring thailand

    its too big for bkk's gridlock etc and for touring i would prefer my versys with givi boxes but this kind of bike

    will still appeal to a lot of people if it comes at the right price and i love to see new bikes coming on the thai

    market whether they are my style or not :)

  10. Seems to be a lot of fake pipes coming onto the market

    Seen an add for akrapovic slip on for 6000thb which seems a bit cheap to be legit

    Also heard a bad report of a fake did chain breaking after 500km bought from a well known Thai shop

    Ebay has reports of fake brembo brakes from Thailand being sold to USA customers in 2010 if you Google it so I wouldn't be surprised what's being faked by now by dodgy Thai retailers

  11. Honestly, I don't care about brand name. If you go for a brand name, you pay for it. Finally, all phones are running the same operating system -android-, so it does not matter what is the brandname of the hardware.

    It does matter when the play store will not recognised your phone model and thus you will not be allowed to download some of your favourite apps etc

    More and more app developers are blocking their apps to unsupported devices. Because if it doesn't work the user with the cheap Chinese phone will leave a 1/5 bad review

    I had a couple of dual sim Chinese android phones which couldn't use watsapp, line, Facebook. And various Internet browsers also

  12. I'd suggest taking up a sport, charity work or online dating ...

    id suggest the op buys a lottery ticket .........a thai taxi driver knowing about the history of uk politics is a first for me !:D

  13. hi spec dual sim android phones are few and far between

    even the best flagship handsets from apple ,htc and samsung etc can barely last all day of use

    and most can be killed in 4-5 hours of constant screen on use and thats with just 1 sim

    adding another sim puts more strain on the battery ,ive bought a few of them from china

    and ive never been able to use em successfully for various reasons

    now i just use call forwarding to direct the other numbers to my main phone and that works fine

    for thai to thai sims but may not suit persons needing to use sims from differnt countries at the same time

    as some providors may charge for forwarding a call to a number in another country

  14. Early on here I learnt that just because someone has a motorcycle mechanic sign up on the front of his tin shed doesn't mean that he knows the slightest thing about motorbikes. It just means that he once had enough money to pay for someone to make him up a sign.

    your post reminded me of some other thai standards of "professionalism" biggrin.png

    you could probably say the same about many aging thai doctors in small soi "clinics" who only have a green cross sign outside and charge 50-100 thb

    i know someone with a fever who went to see the doctor and was prescribed antibitotics which were] apparently correct

    but 2 x tablets 4 times a day was 4 x times the correct dosage which was discovered 2 days later in Siriraj hospital when the sickness had gotten worse ,no thanks to the the excess medicine

    On another occasion our employee was stripping alumimuim and sliced his hand ,the same doctor/clinic told him its not serious and wrapped it up tight in dis-infectant and bandages

    fast forward to later in the evening and the blood started coming through the bandages so we changed bandages ,it didnt look like it was going to stop after the fresh bandages were red inside a few minutes so i made him go to a real hospital A+E

    There a young english speaking -thai doctor (probably with a real M.D cert smile.png ) proceeded to lecture us on why we should have came as soon as it happened (after 10 hours it was impossible to stitch due to scabbing but it was too deep to just bandage and had required stitched in morning )

    At some stage it may be possible to sue people /businesses in thailand for negligence,western style ,then professionalism and accountability might raise up a bit but probably not until it can hurt them financially ........where it counts !

    i would have loved to take the young doctor to the old doctor to explain his <deleted> up to him but TIT so the young doc would likely be afraid

    of making the old doc lose face by pointing out his ignorant incompetence and so the cycle continues .........rolleyes.gif

  15. Glad you like them, grip always comes before longevity for me and the Rosso IIs just ooze grip.

    Just had the front Rosso II on my Ninja650 replaced for a Supercorsa Pro, as it was worn out and I intend to attack Bira during Songkran. Grrrrrrrrrrrrip!!

    Tried out the Rosso II's on my favorite tight twisty hill today.

    Took longer to get them but they got installed this morning.

    What a transformation they made to this bike ! Really way beyond my expectations.

    I Have had good tires on other bikes but I guess the difference from stock on those

    compared to stock on this N250 was much wider.

    Right from the beginning riding I could tell they would be nice. The bike just turned in better even on my way to

    the hills. Also where I had originally thought that maybe I would need to lower the shock setting/stiffness on the rear to a softer setting

    all is fine now.

    Before if I had to brake hard before a turn or even using high RPM engine braking the back would skittle/chatter & loose contact.

    Now it is just planted solid. I guess the stock tires really had a hard long wear compound with little carcass give.

    But the best is the full leans. You can go as far as you like now & I had no problems getting to the edge.

    So sure footed! Exiting turns while accelerating now also extremely sure footed.

    I am really impressed / blown away actually by the difference these made on this bike.

    i had supercorsas after diablos on my last er6n and they were very nice tyres indeed , i was tempted to get the same again but i sold that bike and bought a ninja650 with bridgestone battlaxes 023s and they are also a truely excellent tyre ,so smooth you think they upgraded your suspension and sticks to the road like glue .........had one or two emergency stops and they saved me from going into someones back bumper

    worth every penny to get good quality tyres on your bike ,probably the best thing to buy after a helmet imo

    il be testing Avon Distanzias on my versys next since they get very positive reviews on the kawa and some other forums .....but i have to burn the pirellis off it first smile.png

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  16. Looks like the top coat has reacted with the primer...either that of they used the wrong type of thinners


    not defending cheap chinese quality at all but thai weather is pretty hardcore and will degrade even an expensive

    bike if you neglect it and the changes in climate here between scorching sun ,torrential rains and year round humidity

    is pretty hard on the finish of any bike thats left parked outside , regardless of cost

    Ive seen many jap bikes under a 2 or even 1 years old that look very poor because they get treated like sh1t or left out in all weathers with no care etc

  17. I am lucky as in the usa we have been running 10% ethanol as long as i can remember. I have used it in all my thai bikes 7 bikes in total. Never had a issue.

    the only issue ive noticed with E10 gasohol is its hard to start a bike (carb bikes only ) if you leave gasohol in it for awhile (like a couple of weeks ) without riding ,pure benzine usually fires right up even after sitting for a month or 2.......

    ive never tried stronger blends like E20 gasohol or E85 even though some of my modern bikes are "allowed " to run on it according to the owners manual

    i dont see the point in risking harsh fuels like e20 because if the manual says it can run e20 then likely they have only tested it for the warranty period

    If it is slowly degrading the rubber parts of your fuel system and the damage doesnt show up until after 36,000km or 24,000 km etc you may have to replace stuff yourself that may have lasted years longer if you just stick with benzine or at least E10 if there is no benzine on tap

    as to milage ,i think gasohol 91 gives the worst fuel consumption per tankful

    every other fuel seems to last a bit longer between fill ups but i have never bothered to calculate

    exactly how many kmpl i get on various fuels so these are my thoughts only

    when i get time i will install that phone app that keeps track of fuel consumption to see if my thoughts are correct

  18. 250's were considered girly bikes.

    Before we all start comparing penis sizes. We should remember that trials bikes are also 250 - 300 and while there are female trials riders I don't think they would consider their rides to be "girly bikes"

    in my experience the only 250 trail bike worth its salt is a 2 stroke.

    any 4 stroke sub 400cc is simply not worth considering

    thats all very nice but unfortunately in thailand if you want a road legal powerful dirt bike your options are pretty limited unless budget

    is not a concern

    my good friend has two nice imported ktms which are great bikes but unfortunnately they can not be made road legal due to emissions i believe so a truck and some hassle is needed to get them to the trails /fields /forrests etc from bkk to enjoy a weekend of trail blazing and exploring places a road bike would never get to smile.png ........

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