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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. @Illy: pray tell the story - what was wrong with an oil change at Kawa Phuket?

    Sent from my Desire HD using Thaivisa Connect App

    just the usual under or over filling, got to check everything yourself and they are hopeless at doing almost anything that is outside the 'service book' stuff. such as a sticking rear brake problem i keep having..they just dont understand i think.

    yamaha main dealer on dindeang rd filled up my cvt oil today WITHOUT a funnell and spilled quite a puddle of it on the floor

    those small bottles dont hold much anyway so i dont know if i have less oil than im supposed to have in the transmission

    because im sure the manual doesnt allow for half a bottle to end up on the floor ......

    also they changed the brake pads but failed to adjust the cables for the new pads so i had to do that myself when i got home to get brakes that worked

    + changed the oil but not the filter ................., as usual no torque wrenches to tighten my brakes back onto the discs and the oil sump plug was given a 1/4 of a turn to tighten ,no new ruber washer /gasket was used either

    id complain but not likely teenage mechanics would listen to a farang who thinks he knows better then they who do it all day everyday ........

  2. On Thai scooter forums a lot of guys are guessing that the Forza will cost between 150000 and 160000. If they are correct that would pretty much blow the two Sym maxi scoots out of the water IMHO.

    on the thai versys forum i read that the versys 1000 will be produced in thailand by 2013-2014 for around 450k although just a rumour ,it would sure be a nice addition to their range ........thumbsup.gif

  3. Unlimited 49 *138*49# icon_telephone.gif

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    15 Baht

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    *500*91# icon_telephone.gif

    29 Baht

    60 MB

    *500*92# icon_telephone.gif

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    7-day Pass Fee

    Data Quota 3G/EDGE+

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    59 Baht

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    99 Baht

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    *133*20# icon_telephone.gif

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    *133*21# icon_telephone.gif

    350 Baht

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    source : http://www.ais.co.th/12call/en/promotion_special.html

  4. i use 12call unlimited package and it works quite satisfactorily in bkk (although not always perfect )

    it costs 799+ tax for 1 months unlimited usage but apparently it gets throttled down to edge speeds after youve used over 3GB+ on 3G/H+

    they have a lot of packages for lighter and heavier users ,my wife uses true and i think its cheaper but a bit slower also but asol depends on your location

    to the nearest mast and how overloaded that mast is etc

    12call package comes with free wifi login details so if you find yourself in some open hotspot place like the airport or a shoppinng mall you may get better speeds from logging onto their wifi than your 3G

    EDGE/GPRS Package

    Monthly Package

    Service Fee (Baht/month)

    Signing Up

    3 hrs. 30 *138*31# icon_telephone.gif 6 hrs. 50 *138*32# icon_telephone.gif 20 hrs. 100 *138*33# icon_telephone.gif 100 hrs. 350 *138*34# icon_telephone.gif Wifi Unlimited

    (Username and password

    will be sent via SMS) 99 *388# icon_telephone.gif EDGE/GPRS 250 hrs. + Wifi Unlimited 550 *138*59# icon_telephone.gif EDGE/GPRS + Wifi Unlimited 799 *138*79# icon_telephone.gif

    30 Days (Only for One-2-Call!

    & Sawasdee Customers)

    Service Fee

    Signing Up

    1 hrs. 20 *138*55# icon_telephone.gif 2 hrs. 30 *138*56# icon_telephone.gif 5 hrs. 50 *138*57# icon_telephone.gif

    One Day Pass

    Service Fee

    Signing Up

  5. if i were you id drink a few less beers or whatever and get it sorted by BMW ASAP

    google has plenty of info about BMW's leaking oil

    so the dealer will likely have seen the problem before

    and can sort it easily

    may not cost much anyway but if it is ,have BMW check the

    problem first and if the price quoted sounds insane order the parts yourself

    and bring it to your local somchai shop to fix for a couple of hundred baht :D

  6. a guy at my office rides a 2011 cbr 250 and its rusted to bits

    it looks like a 10 year old bike

    even the chain is orange with rust and the bolts on the exhaust have rusted

    i think he just leaves it in the rain ,and probably hasnt had it serviced since he bought it

    and wont until it breaks laugh.png

  7. althought big wing honda in Chiang Mai had the 700cc integra scooter looking thing on its show room floor

    Hmmm.. Is there a cut off for the size of bikes sold by Big Wing? At what point do bikes and or scooters become BIG. Or is it a local vs. imported split?

    Everything larger than the cbr250 seems to be only available from big wing

    although ,if theyre not selling enough they may allow the scooter dealers to sell them

    This new 300cc Scooter is supposed to be sold from the same dealers, where you also buy Klick, PCX and CBR150/250.

    that would make sense ,it would also make sense if you could pay and order any bike from your local honda dealer and have it delivered there

    even cbr1000rrs and goldwings etc

    it doesnt affect me personally because im just down the road from the big wing centre but would be useful for the people who live 700km

    away from the nearest bigwing if they could order the larger models and pick it up at their local scooter dealership

  8. althought big wing honda in Chiang Mai had the 700cc integra scooter looking thing on its show room floor

    Hmmm.. Is there a cut off for the size of bikes sold by Big Wing? At what point do bikes and or scooters become BIG. Or is it a local vs. imported split?

    Everything larger than the cbr250 seems to be only available from big wing

    although ,if theyre not selling enough they may allow the scooter dealers to sell them

  9. I have just seen the CBR500R in my local showroom, thought it was a 250 until I got up very close, why would you spend 204k on a bike that looks identical to the 250 with obvious exceptions of course, what a big disappointment, after reading about this bike and assuming it was going to look a bit like the CBR1000 it just looks like the 250's dad, definitely forget this bike and go for the new Kawasaki 250 or the ER6n, Honda seem to be going backwards in design whilst Kawasaki are moving forward! although the CBR250R is awesome and definitely worth buying over this lame duck!

    cbr250 is "awesome" but the cbr500 is "a step backwards in design" ?

    i dont know if i agree that ,twice the power and only a bit heavier

    factory fitted immobiliser key ?

    probably much more economical due to brand new d4esigned modern engine

    i think youve got it the wrong way around ,kawasaki 650 range are hardly state of the

    art technology even though i am a happy owner of a versys and a ninja 650 and ive owned a couple of er6ns

    as well

    i think the kawasakis could give a bit more value for money and adda bit more technology especially

    now the gap in price has widened even more and the versys is 100k more expensive (unconfirmed new price 319k ? )

  10. I think you still do not understand, nowadays everything is made in china but parts or products made for companies like honda or ducati are strictly supervised where ever they are made unlike other chinese bikes.

    That does not mean it is originated from China!

    So do you call an iphone chinese too? laugh.png

    But how come ducati claimed as made in thailand, i am not sure too!

    What is the limit legally to claim something as made in Thailand? Anyone knows?

    Sent from my GT-N7100 using Thaivisa Connect App

    Tiger Boxer 250 had the worst quality of any bike i ever had the misfortune of owning

    it was so shit the factory bought it back from me because it spent more time at the service centre

    than i spent riding it

    the service centre couldnt even fix their own bike inside the warranty period and sent it back to the factory who also

    couldnt fix it ,i beleieve they also are made from chinese parts assembled in thailand but to compare it to honda or kawaski would be just laughable

  11. I would think riding around with the green book in the bike is a big mistake. The bike gets stolen with it in it and they own it!

    they dont own it by being in posessio0n of the green book ,to transfer ownership they would also need a signed copy of your passport ,,visa or work permit and a proof of address usually a letter from a embassy or a tabien bann is all they will accept

    oho ,and a ownsership papers /power of attorney etc signed by the real owner

    posession of a book means very little ,the real owner can get a new book easily from the DLT if it gets misplaced

    carry a photocopy if you really think you need to but ive been riding for years and never asked for more than my licence

    and usually a small fine for some minor traffic violation......

  12. Well you are right about that! But anyway, the prices here are seriously turning me off. What happend to "everything is cheap in Thailand"? biggrin.png I am now thinking about buying a used HD in Europe, and drive it through Russia + China and into Thailand. It will be a long ride for sure, but I got plenty of time on my hands.

    I guess it will be a one way trip for the bike, but thats fine with me as I am planning on hanging around here for the next 20 years or so.

    In the end, it will feel way better than dishing out 1.5 million baht.

    You will buy it cheaper but when you arrive and want to reg. then you will be hit with the taxes likely more than the bike shops who do it for a living. Not sure of the current tax but just making the reg. is about 100,000 baht.

    Not to mention, you will have a trouble getting into China with your bike. If you do, you'll have to hire a 'minder' who will escort you across China; all of his costs, transport, lodging and food, at your expense.

    With these hurdles to overcome, the price of a properly imported bike in Thailand is sounding pretty cheap, and easy.

    riding halfway accross the world will probably be the easy part ............the hard part starts when you try and register it over here

    you would probably need to pay an import shop to do all that part anyway because they have the connections to register imported


    take it to the DLT office on your own and you wont get very far

  13. Police Colonel should have a very considerable net worth. From memory, the head of a police station is lower than a colonel.

    if i remember it correctly ,a significant station has a ridiculous number of major generals (at least 5) all in charge of various differnnt departments

    i remember reading it when there was a scandal about the police operating

    a major casino in ratchada (bkk )

    a few of themajors-gens had to be transferred when someone reported they were making millions every month from illegal gambling

    no wonder every thai you will ever meet thinks they know someone who is "big" in the police with so many promotions and departments

  14. theres a few shops in bkk and pattaya but normal policy is if you break it you fix it ,

    dont rent anything exotic or importedsmile.png ,plastics are cheap in thailand for local bikes so

    if you drop a honda or a kwacker it shouldnt cost much to put right

    i had to replace 4 parts on a pcx once that slid out when i was going around a tight corner

    and some c**t had spilled sand and gravel on the road

    i thought it would cost about 10k ,it actually cost 1,900 for the 4 parts and the labour was free

    so not exactly the end of the world laugh.png

  15. The Ducati guy in Siam Paragon told me the Monster 795 will be "500,000 baht up".

    As if their bikes weren't expensive enough.

    One on baht sold for 350k. Barely used.

    Snap it up lads. smile.png

    Might be some good deals on nearly new bikes with owners who don't know the price and value is just about to inflate.

    there might be a kickback from ducatti ,honda ,triumph and kawasaki

    i notice some of them havent published their new price lists yet but why ??

    this being thailand ,a law can change at any time as easily as the wind changes direction :D

    they should threaten to pull out and a few thousand thai jobs will be lost

    to cambodians or malaysia if the insane tax hike isnt reversed

    • Like 1
  16. I looked at the cbr1000 too. Its going to get taxed also which could put it in the 900k range. In its thai/restricted form it doesnt really have any more power then the z1000. I am getting older and for daily use and comfort the z1000 wins hands down.

    The tax probably wouldnt have stopped me as i wanted a legal bike. I ordered it before the motorexpo and it was here in less then a month.

    The CBR 1000 is easy enough to derestrict with an aftermarket exhaust, full spec velocity stacks, and an ECM piggyback. It is pricey though and it will be interesting to see if it gets the 10 or 20 percent tax.

    Thats sums it up "pricey" on an already expensive bike. Waiting to see some new price lists as they aren't updated online yet. If old inventory is not affected then it will be gone quickly.

    i asked the boss at rama 9 last week how much next years versys will be

    he just smiled and said ,dont know until next year whats happening

    he couldnt even confirm the current price

    possibly some bikes are overpriced enough here than the manufactures might take

    some of the tax hike off the bike price ........but i wont hold my breath either :D

  17. depends on the areas really ,in the centre or bkk or pattaya it will likely be a pain in the balls

    if you live way out in the provinces its usually no big deal

    I have owned mostly grey imported bikes over the years and rarely been asked for anything but some money ,usually can haggle it down to 100-200

    My friend recently bought my r1 because im working in bkk and pass the police a few times a day usually but hes retired up in sakon nakorn and he can use it up there and a smile and 100 thb is fine because the police arent so blatently greedy in the village as the ones in tourist areas who seem to think its a competition to fleece as much money as possible from everyone

    some companies will still sell you an insurance policy and some fixers can still make books under the table but i would only consider it if i lived outside bkk now because the sheer amount of police in the capital means the odds are stacked against you and sooner or later an enterprising cop might confiscate your wheels and you might not be able to bribe your way out of it ..........

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