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Posts posted by YipYipYa123

  1. about the cheaper, low tech bikes that are "Made in China" or that are made from parts coming from china.

    Firstly the motorbike has been around for over 100 years and the technology has been around almost as long so the bikes manufactured in China use more or less the same technology. You are maybe correct that in China it is cheaper to have 100 guys stood at lathes rather than one CNC machine so there maybe some differences between the components but that is manufacturing technology, not motorbike technology. The bike manufactured in China are not necessarily lower tech they are simply of lower quality, maybe. This is a direct result of the lack of interested or attention to quality by the manufacturer. If they really cared they would have one process for local consumption and one for export quality.


    OK back to your intention:

    Of which particular models do you speak? I wasn't aware that there are sub forums about specific Chinese bikes or specific bikes in general. Maybe you could include the names of the Chinese bikes you would like to hear about from people that own them.

    Sorry if this is off topic, what about cars made in China? ie DFM.

    Almost everything has been faked in china /asia ,its quite worrying that fake airbags are being counterfitted and even fake medicines

    have made their way into western hospitals ......disturbing to read


  2. Here is a new one, requiring a new pair of underpants,

    On the main highway 2 in central Khon Kaen, some dip-shit decided to drop some concrete in the bikers lane. With my eyes constantly scouting for the obligatory potholes, I was heading into these rock hard moguls before I knew it. On any other bike but a fat tyred Phantom I would have been off and on my face, followed by a truck running over my turn-ups.

    Nice invisible death-trap, thanks lads, this fairly new addition to the KK road system is likely to catch a few out in the future. I may go back there and paint it red before someone else does.

    your insane if you even use the slow or bike lane

    theres always sand and gravel trhat gets dropped by trucks on that road and always idiots pulling out in front of you at 20km/ph

    i travel in the middle or fast lane and its much nicer ride ,trucks carrying 40 tonnes

    of sand and spilling some all the way dont tend to be in the rightmost lane and the road

    quality is higher with less holes

    ....But then the police will fine you for driving in the right lane

    if you stop they might ......smile.png

  3. I am pretty sure the el cheapo 69 baht garden tap I installed at our digs in the village was white metal. 6 months use and it's buggered! In the village our only option was to buy the better 99 baht tap. Hopefully we will get 12 months or more out of it.

    What do you mean by "white metal" that is an alloy of tin and copper used for making bearings, typically engine main and big end bearings?

    69 baht, what the hell do you expect, you Cheap Charliewai2.gif

    69 thb is a few hours wages to many thais......... laugh.png

  4. Mytion shop :new one in Pattaya is 209 000 bht.

    They all have a problem with the front brakes and leaking head lamps.

    I know by now what can be done and told them .

    But they just send you away ,not interested,the moment you have payed they

    not like to see you anymore.

    So be ware !

    what is leaking from the headlamps exactly ? sounds like a strange problem

    unless youre talking about light laugh.png

    • Like 2
  5. Here is a new one, requiring a new pair of underpants,

    On the main highway 2 in central Khon Kaen, some dip-shit decided to drop some concrete in the bikers lane. With my eyes constantly scouting for the obligatory potholes, I was heading into these rock hard moguls before I knew it. On any other bike but a fat tyred Phantom I would have been off and on my face, followed by a truck running over my turn-ups.

    Nice invisible death-trap, thanks lads, this fairly new addition to the KK road system is likely to catch a few out in the future. I may go back there and paint it red before someone else does.

    your insane if you even use the slow or bike lane

    theres always sand and gravel trhat gets dropped by trucks on that road and always idiots pulling out in front of you at 20km/ph

    i travel in the middle or fast lane and its much nicer ride ,trucks carrying 40 tonnes

    of sand and spilling some all the way dont tend to be in the rightmost lane and the road

    quality is higher with less holes

  6. I managed to get a quote with a company that i can't pronounce to save my life, once the official paper work comes through I'll add the name of the company here.

    First class

    210,000baht of cover

    6000baht excess

    Premium cost; 13,400baht

    This was the highest amount of cover i could get on the bike for a reasonable price.

    The lowest quote I had (with a year's no claims) was 12,***baht but with a total loss of just 180,000baht....

    So all in all I paid 400baht more compared to the first year I had the bike but I have an extra 30,000baht of cover should the bike get written-off, not too good but not too bad, either way I’m covered and that’s what matters most smile.png

    P.S. I never knew I had to purchase ‘paraboar’ (spelling) When I went to pay for my tax, I was surprised to see a total bill of just over 800baht…. From my understanding and the woman’s English it covers 3rd parties should I hit anyone…. I thought such instances were covered by the First Class insurance??

    I never had this, nor was it mentioned when I bought the bike a year back.. :S

    i learned that one the hard way too

    i tried to buy tax without buying the compulsary 3rd party insurance policy

    tryed to tell them i already had 1st class insurance but they wouldnt sell me

    tax without buying another policy which covers virtually nothing ( por ror bor )

  7. I am still waiting to see the first decent product been made in China, being it bikes or anything else.

    The only thing that counts in China is volume and low price.Those requirements don't match with quality.

    Do apple not make their iphone in China thesedays?

    I don't like it but I have to agree it's decent build quality

  8. I didn't go riding today and it is a slow day!

    I thought importing carburetored bikes was forbidden by law. Obviously I am wrong. I think generally any bike built using or copying the Honda Cub is probably OK as all the parts are interchangeable. So if anything goes wrong it is a simple matter of taking it anywhere. to get fixed.

    The problem occurs when bikes need proprietary spares. Then the question of dealer network and availability of parts becomes an issue. Some owners have problems with Tiger for instance but if I lived in Samut Prakan it would be OK. The same for Chinese bikes they are only as good as the network that supports them.

    My observations about Chinese bikes comes from Indonesia. Someone would open a shop in the town and start selling cheaper bikes. As soon as the container(s) load of bikes were sold the shop would disappear. So the owners were left to fend for themselves.

    The old adage is that "the bitterness of poor quality linger long after the sweat taste of low price has been forgotten". As long as potential customers of Chines bike remember that. Oh and "you get what you pay for"

    Lets us not forget that Taiwan is not China, there are more Taiwanese or maybe even Korean scooters coming here. They should not be tarred with the same brush as the Chinese ones.

    There are still bikes with carb officially produced or imported. Here some examples of threads about such low tech chinese (or thai made) bikes that are street legal:

    Lifan Cross 200

    Keeway Dorado 250

    Keeway RKV 200

    Platinum PX250

    ... there are some more

    I don't know the reason why the Japanese manufacturers have stopped producing/selling similar bikes in Thailand. But there is still a lot of interest in such "low tech" bikes. Some people claim that quality of chinese bikes is getting better. Many people say quality is still very poor. Its important to have people talking about their actual experiences with there actual bikes. So we can compare the bikes/brands and keep ourselfes informed without falling back into stereotypes.

    The latest Yamaha Fino is still manufactured and sold without fuel-injection, it also has an air-cooled engine and according to stats from the Department of Land Transport it's one of the most popular scooters in Thailand for the last few years.

    Actual you can find a few more motorcycles/scooters that have a Japanese brand name badge which still use a carburetor...

    Fino is probably on the last production run, yamaha

    Will likely move to the newer economic fi engines in the

    Ttx and the filano before long if they even keep making

    The fino

    Also the emissions laws will probably get stricter every

    Year for bikes to fall into line with pollution figures

    I would not buy a carb bike right now because injection is

    Simply better

  9. This forum is about the platenum 250 or any new platinum bike, if you jap critics want to troll this forum ?then why???

    stay on your own forums instead of wasting typing space on this forum,

    have you nothing better to do???,

    being its almost based on the old air cooled honda then your halfway to slagging off your old honda's

    this bike of mine is getting the crap thrashed out of it and its loving it as did the older air cooled honda's

    i drive it litteraly everywhere where some of you would not tread on your cbr's and would your cbr's take the pounding this bike is getting??i think not

    thanks to those who post polite posts

    It's the Chinese habit of building things to the lowest possible standard that will continue to plague their reputation. Sure there are some products out of China that are world standard, but you will find lots of input from Western companies like Panasonic, GM, Apple et al behind the scenes....or in front.

    Get back to us when you have 10k on the speedo......or in 6 months if the speedo stops working.....and give us an honest report on how your bike is going....or not going.

    Small detail is that Platinum motorcycles is not a Chinese company. The company is 100% owned by Thai.

    Yeah, and Thai's don't do any shoddy work do they? :-)

  10. ]Talking of which, why is it that Thais aren't accurate with their tyre pressures? I carry a British tyre gauge with me all the time and have checked peoples tyres for them, amazingly, I hve seen pressures of OVER 50psi on Waves and such like, when going by the recommended pressures for my Spark, they should be 33 rear 29 front. No wonder we see so many stupid accidents here. Oh I forgot, motorbikes are only bicycles with an engine...blink.png

    I dont know if it is that they are not accurate or if they want it that high


    I have handed the hose at gas stations to the next person waiting.

    I already have the machine set to 31 psi & I see them ( Thai's )

    turn it up to like 42+psi

    They seem to like it rock hard or maybe they carry 5 people smile.png

    Tyres last longer, it's that simple

    Try a braking test with tyres at 29 and another with them at 59psi


    The less rubber you leave on the ground, you might only have to

    Buy tyres every couple of years

    Motorcycle taxis all keep their tyres hard and upgrade. The shocks to yss

    Actually, in my experience it's so they don't have to put more air in every few days. Putting the exact right amount of air in simply means they'll be under inflated within a couple of days. But if you but 45psi in then you don't have to worry about it for a few weeks, i have found myself doing this a lot lately.

    Get tubeless ones

    They are a lot better for some reason

    The pcx doesn't lose pressure by itself but the fino

    Before it did

  11. Tyres last longer, it's that simple

    Try a braking test with tyres at 29 and another with them at 59psi


    The less rubber you leave on the ground, you might only have to

    Buy tyres every couple of years

    Motorcycle taxis all keep their tyres hard and upgrade. The shocks to yss

    smile.png I know that sounds good but it is not true.

    Yes a hard tire does offer less rolling resistance but that is all the benefit you will see.

    When over inflated the contact patch will be reduced...hence your idea about less rubber.

    But, it reduced the footprint at the expense or traction/grip on imperfect roads.

    Also over inflated tires wear unevenly & lead to scalloping

    Under inflated tires are just as bad in other ways.

    Damage to alloy rims, tire squirm, added heat build up all leading to

    less traction & predictability & less tire life too.

    Folks design tires with a range engineered in given compound of rubber used

    tread design etc. The tires work "optimally" in this range.

    Traction/grip on imperfect surfaces are my main concern with tires.

    If you run your tyres hard they do last longer, but at the expense of grip

    If you run then softer they wear out faster but braking is much improved

    If I have hard compound tyredin the wet , I have to reduce pressure or they won't grip

    When I need to use brakes

  12. ]Talking of which, why is it that Thais aren't accurate with their tyre pressures? I carry a British tyre gauge with me all the time and have checked peoples tyres for them, amazingly, I hve seen pressures of OVER 50psi on Waves and such like, when going by the recommended pressures for my Spark, they should be 33 rear 29 front. No wonder we see so many stupid accidents here. Oh I forgot, motorbikes are only bicycles with an engine...blink.png

    I dont know if it is that they are not accurate or if they want it that high


    I have handed the hose at gas stations to the next person waiting.

    I already have the machine set to 31 psi & I see them ( Thai's )

    turn it up to like 42+psi

    They seem to like it rock hard or maybe they carry 5 people :)

    Tyres last longer, it's that simple

    Try a braking test with tyres at 29 and another with them at 59psi


    The less rubber you leave on the ground, you might only have to

    Buy tyres every couple of years

    Motorcycle taxis all keep their tyres hard and upgrade. The shocks to yss

  13. The reality is that McDonalds, as confirmed by Forbes and the Wallstrreet journal and numerous other reputable source including McDonalds and Starbucks (not fast food) -- has indeed been trying to compete with Starbucks --- no conspiracy theory here just simple fact that any person is capable of verifying.

    McDonalds has added WiFi, better seating (including sofas) and magazines to some locations in what has been a successful attempt to gain marketshare from Starbucks in this area. However, it seems apparent McDonald is finding out there is a cost to pay in lost food sales when you offer such free services along with cheap coffee. Coffee shops that sell coffee at inflated prices encourage to some extent their places to be used for meetings and work and in fact it is a model that some book stores have also taken. McDonalds is just finding out you can't have it both ways in terms of wanting to be a cheap and fast place for food while also attracting today's coffee house drinkers that tend to spend considerable time online or bs-ing while sipping their expensive drink.

    there should be a wall dividing the starbucks copied "mcCafe " area with the leather couches ,expensive premium drinks and comfortable surrounds to prevent people from buying a 20thb item from the main counter and carryin it into the "luxury area "

    • Like 1
  14. This past weekend rode to Phrae from Chiang Mai on my Pcx150 cruising the highway at 100kph ate up the gas. But I am not a big stickler for saving every baht just wanted to get there. The scooter handled well and I passed a lot of trucks. On the return trip took the route to PhaYao on to the 120 and 118 into Chiang Ma,i I have the YSS shocks, and the scooter handled well. Lost power on the climbs no news there, down hill was another story

    i did 500 km a few weeks ago ,2 up (so 150+kg on a pcx 125 and it held up well but drank gas like a fish) ,

    people told me how economical they are ,well they arent if you keep it bouncing off the rev limiter

    for about 8 hours non stop :D

    i thought the bike would be knackered but its fine actually and very economical when driven normally around town

    it was a tedious trip though and i wished it would go a bit faster than 101km indicated which was probably

    actually about 85-90km as we were being passed by thais doing 110-160+

  15. Starbucks suffers from the same ailment. In fact, I think there's a thread here at TV somewhere about it. Wifi, aircon, table & chairs >> ANY fast food joint offering these things is going to have the same problem. Business owners here just don't know how to manage their establishments. It can be done "gently" but firmly. But I don't think they'll touch this. I'd put up signs, "tables are for the convenience of customers ONLY", and maybe add'l small signs on each table for awhile, and then I (the manager; I wouldn't expect the employees to do this) would make rounds frequently/regularly, every day, basically throwing people out who weren't buying. Yeah, there'd be grousing and some angry faces perhaps. A temporary effect. But I really DON'T think it would hurt the business reputation as I'm sure some will say it might. The only traffic you'd lose, and those that would be "put out", would be what was the non-paying traffic anyway. Have to get control of the WiFi, too. 60min connections (per MAC address) only; then disconnection with no ability to reconnect for, say, 8hr. Individual password slips handed out at the counter (with purchase only), good for the same 60min only. I don't know - whatever it takes. But Thais are bad about this. Thais treat these private business spaces the same way food and product stand operators treat sidewalks & roadways. If it's empty space, it can be squatted upon.

    if anyone really wants to stay there and occupy a table none of those measures will work

    i can buy a 20thb coffee every hour or a 12 thb ice cream and throw it in the bin after

    60 minutes and buy another one

    a customer is a customer ,they cant remove all the cheap items from the menu

    and if it costs 12 thb an hour to use the free wifi or occupy a table ,its still a lot

    cheaper than anything else

  16. I'll be fishing around for my new cover tomorrow and i'll update the thread with my quote.

    I'm going to try to get an agreed value of somewhere between 240,000 - 268,000, the 180,000 valuation when i bought the bike brand new was an insult and i'm not using that company again.

    it is a piss take

    ive been refused insurance in many companies and even told by some offices they dont insure bikes ,only cars (when i know other people that have it etc )

    to replace my versys i need 290k

    decent quality rack and luggage i added + 30k

    upgrade tyres 14k

    upgrade the shock to an ohlins 20-25k

    xenon bulbs,spot lights and a few other bits and pieces

    and ive probably dropped 400k on it

    lockton refused to haggle with me ,180k if stolen or written off (actually 175k i think because there is a 5k excess per claim )

    is quite crap but it was a choice of that or nothing so i paid them 16k for it in case i scratch someones lamborghini someday

    filtering in bkk traffic

    i will pay them 5k and they can re-spray it for him :D

  17. I spy a Yoshi smile.png

    Got my 2nd year's insurance renewal: 11k baht valued at 180k. Lockton Insurance.

    thats a better deal than i got

    i paid 15or 16k for a 2011 versys and it only gives back 180k as well if stolen

    i thought they would take into account the actual value of the thing

    also it doesnt cover the 3 givi boxes,custom rack ,seat ,lights and the extra i put worth about 50k

    i would have happily paid a bit more if i could insure the bike for its full value (what it would cost me to replace etc )

    180k is a joke for a bike which now costs 290k to replace

    and i stand to get back 180k - 5k excess so 175k outta 340ish

    they dont even take into account that a versys costs 40k more than an er6n ,the policy are identical and both pay 180k max

  18. I'm about to purchase a new mobile too and I-Mobile is top of the list so far, for last few years I have had a contract with AIS, what would any advantage be with a dual sim phone?, ie with another provider. Thanks.

    If AIS 3G is not working to your liking (very possible depending on your location), then you can stick for example a Dtac or True-H sim in just for an internet package, while remaining reachable on your ais number...

    Sent from my GT-I9001 using Thaivisa Connect App

    You can also keep your own number and move it to another

    Operator if you find yourself in an area that's only covered by

    True or Ais

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