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  1. I normally do my 90 day online. At the time of my last 90 day I had been sick and forgot about it! I used a visa agency to get my 90 day and paid 2000 baht fine. I got my 90 day which is valid until the 15th. of this month. Yesterday I applied online for my next 90 day but the application is still pending and it seems to have been cancelled with a red cross. What should I do?
  2. I'm afraid I don't have the tools either but thanks for the offer!
  3. Looking for someone who can repair a dining chair? The way the wood as been made up to make this chair is by joining strips together then cutting at an angle making a clean break across the leg at an angle! I'm hoping to find someone in the Maprachan or Soi Siam CC area. Thanks
  4. I'd like to ask you posters how you can answer a question without reading it in the first place? My original question was about repairing or replacing a multiport valve that has a crack in it. Most of you have told me to replace the sand in the sand filter!! The mind boggles!!
  5. I thought I made it clear in my first post that there is a "crack" in the side of the multi port valve which is now leaking!
  6. It seems the body of my pool spider has a crack and is leaking! Not much now but when I do backwash it drips much more. I don't know how it became cracked but it is 21 years old! What I want to know is a. Can it be repaired or b. How much will a new one cost and I do appreciate that some are bigger than others so a ball park figure would help. Just so you all know what a spider is, here is a Google pic. of one similar:- Mine does not have the Hayward name but looks very much like this one. The crack is on the side! Thanks!
  7. Looks like you've got more kit than the average contractor has!!
  8. Does that mean they only do work for you or are they able to do work for others? I'm having my house painted at the moment, on the roof right now, but it's very doubtful I'll let them do anymore after! I would appreciate the ph. of your Cambo. friends to use in future Thanks.
  9. Where do you find a Cambodian when you need one??
  10. I am 76 and at one time done a lot of these jobs myself. Now I cannot manage to bend and squeeze into awkward places. As a lot of these jobs are small I don't suppose these contractors want the trouble
  11. Well! After over 20 years of living here in own house, I am yet to find a contractor who can or will do the job I need doing! Be it painting, brickwork, carpentry or plumbing I have NOT found anyone who can do a good job even though I have NEVER tried to tie them down to a lower price! Do others have the same experience? If not, where do you find a good contractor? I have asked the people who have used them to do jobs and been told they are satisfactory! I have asked at the local DIY shop for recommendations and still ended up with poor quality work! Are people not bothered by poor quality work? I realise a lot of Thai people cannot afford expensive work, but they usually talk the contractor down anyway! I nearly always accept the price quoted. If you have experience of this and have found a good contractor, please share this information! Rant over!!
  12. Thanks for the replies guys, I didn't realise you can get a 4 stroke until I looked on Lazada! I did find the plastic string with metal wire inside a couple of years ago, but it still breaks along the way!
  13. I was going to put this question in the farming section but I thought it would get more light here! I am wanting a grass cutter to cut up to the edges of my lawn and around my trees. We always called them (strimmers) Anyway, I am not new to cutting grass, I've been doing it here in Thailand for over 20 years but I still haven't got to find the perfect machine! I think I've bought 4 up to now! The first one was a Thai made electric (mains) which sliced through a whole coil of string (plastic cutter material) every time you tapped the end to eject a small amount for use! It also had the problem of stopping due to the brushes on the motor getting jammed. ( Poor workmanship ) There might have been another electric in there but it's now lost in time! I then bought a 2 stroke Matsu<deleted>a or something similar which worked IF you could get it to start! My last one was another of the Matsu<deleted>a ilk. Again it refuses to start even after I've had it in the shop for repairs that cost more than the machine did in the first place! Looking on Lazada I see machines with 2 stroke motors similar to my own but costing much less but wonder if I bought one would I have the same problem? I see battery powered ones but wonder how long will the battery last before I have to throw it away because I cannot buy new batteries that fit? I just want an electric mains one that I can cut pieces of plastic string and thread them into the cutting zone instead of the machine devouring whole reels of the stuff! I don't mind the mains cable being there! I just want a machine that's going to work!!
  14. IPTV service cancelled and monies hopefully returned! It seemed very fishy to me that after an initial 3 month trial I should get problems when I have just renewed for 12 months. Their loss!!
  15. Just to make things a bit clearer:- I have been with this IPTV provider for 3 months now and this is where I think the problem lies:- My 3 month trial ends today Jan 31st. I have subscribed for the next 12 months but at first did not realise I had to cancel the next 3 month period as well as paying for the 12 month term. The provider had already charged me for another 3 month along with charging me for a 12 month one. I got in touch and they told me everything as been put right but I think they may have cancelled the 3 month term 1 day early leaving me without IPTV until tomorrow when my 12 month term begins! That's why I asked if anyone else had been blocked by their isp! Hope that is clear? Thanks
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