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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. It is now with a lot of things, all under the guise of securing and preventing fraud. But there is only one reason, total control over the population. Just take the example that banking can no longer be done through the website, only through the app, which is much more susceptible to fraud, and then they now come up with face verification, SIM card veryfication and so on. It drives you crazy, (at least I do). Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  2. Politicians, are all the same alloy, do as I say, not as I do.
  3. They called him the butcher, save you the money for the flowers.
  4. I think not only British famimily, in whole europe prices are no longer affordable. One reason is that they just let anyone in which has to be raised by local citizens. It looks more and more like a population movement vice versa then. Edit: Africans in, europeans out.
  5. Doesn't seem that hard to find an explanation for that, namely the police had trouble understanding him because of the foreign language. then surely it makes sense in this context to explain that he is an Israeli
  6. Sober Russians are extremely rare and worth money.
  7. Indeed, I don't like Turks either, and certainly not in American sausages.
  8. Until they start asking for fingerprints, then you don't do anything with another person's passport. Sometimes they are not so crazy in LOS.
  9. There have been such plans more than once but they have been abandoned each time because of the bad economy.
  10. Yes you hits the nail on the head, always one step ahead in the whole world, lemmings we are.
  11. This can only be to Muslims who put a smiley face under my comment.
  12. Well, as you can see, Anutin Charnviraku will soon take action. Noted.
  13. Islam is now a major world problem which is grossly underestimated.
  14. This is all true, but to sit next to a passenger at Emirates who is loudly and clearly professing the Koran, which happened to me recently, makes me reconsider whether I will ever fly there again.
  15. Yeh, clear, unfortunately I don't use social media perhaps that is the reason why, to date, I have not received my money from the cancelled trip, by Thai, from Hong Kong to Bangkok. It seems Thai is almost going to force you to have to participate in social media to get a response from them.
  16. They do seem to be very proud of themselves, judging by those faces.
  17. It's to cringe, the whole game is starting all over again, yesterday I was wondering, if it's so hard to get some information before allowing drugs, now it's hard to turn back, but yes TIT.
  18. You will have to realise that they exist because of the customer, that too is sometimes forgotten in LOS. Or more than "sometimes"
  19. Thanks for the message, sure I'll never visit it because I only want to pay cash. Cash is King.
  20. I am not in favour of drugs, but with this kind of change, you are really letting yourself know, was it that difficult before you allowed info to be obtained in other countries, or did they feel too proud to do so again.
  21. You think they put that tree there for the sake of the photo.
  22. How long do you stay in los? Maybe after 25 years you'll change your mind.
  23. More and more you get a sense of racism. I know, it's not since today or yesterday, it is deeply rooted.
  24. You can keep making roads but the island is full, packed. To much people.
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