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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. That's a difficult question....sorry about that.
  2. Funny, it's like a world turned upside down. In the Netherlands they are busy closing casinos (because high tax) and here in LOS they are having trouble opening them.
  3. Is it beef or pig?
  4. YES, Mac mini 2 Pro, at the moment the best there is, highly recommandable. One year ago i bought this one, and one month ago on my holliday trip to europe I took it with me. Then I got the idea to sell it there, and in no time it was sold. Now I'm back and bought a new one here.
  5. There are so many things to worry about.....
  6. Satahip, Pattaya, foreigner, motorbike accident. They are words that are related in some way.... Edit: I forgot to mention alcohol.
  7. And then....suddenly you wake up. It's not going happen, it's deeply ingrained and part of the culture. The culture of "mai pen rai"
  8. Huh???? How long do you stay in Thailand? 20 years ago it was a regular occurence that American pilots flew on the Thai planes. But in the message itself I made a mistake, I was under the impressionthat the skidding was caused by wrong management. But it turned out because aquaplaning and was not the fault by the pilot.
  9. Some banks already state the co2 content you have used, can you imagine. Banks are all BS.
  10. With all this fear mongering it is better to make sure you have physical gold at home. You can always pay with that In that respect the Thai aren't so bad, they do this for years.
  11. "In fact, a staggering 97% of Thais report weekly usage of mobile banking apps," 😂😂😂 Ridiculous, who believes that. I think they only ask the elite, that's probably where it applies.
  12. One example, a bank that lends out money at high interest rates, money that does not actually exist, and it does that over and over again. There are many examples, too much to mention.
  13. In the Netherlands there are certified private companies that are allowed to inspect a car, or truck with a permit from the government. After the inspection of the vehicle instantly they have to deregister each vehicle to the LTD, after which there is a 50/50 percent chance that the same LTD will come to check the inspection, until then the vehicle may not be released. This largely eliminates the chance of commiting fraude or corruption.
  14. "The United States are a madhouse, no idea why they're still ranking this high. " because: The ranking, developed by US News & World Report in partnership with the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. What made you expect them to rate.
  15. Are rubbish. Satisfied now? Can you write flawless Dutch? Its only a question.
  16. All the banks ar rubish. I hope cash will continue to exist for long time. My last car i bought, I also paid with cash. I can still remember the lady had some trouble counting the 1000 notes, it surprised me that they didn't have a money counting machine.
  17. I bought already my tickets for the next year,I'm not worried.
  18. And let's not forget, where a lot of the money goes.
  19. "I would point out that Lazada and Shopee in my experience have good return systems" About Lazada, I agree with you but with Shopee I have very bad experiences and will never come back there.
  20. Exactly, that's the coolprit here in 'LOS' There are no professionals here because there are no training courses for them.
  21. I don't agree with that, time after time again it has been shown that the knowledge is not there, which means that they don't know what they are doing. The training here is not enough, and above all the 'mai pen rai' mentality, in othere words I don't care.
  22. That's going to be something. I hope for Iran there are enough virgins up there. If not, they will have to fight for that too.
  23. The best helmsmen are on shore.
  24. Indeed, the government should hold up a mirror to itself. It always happens afterwards, nothing is ever checked, but is something does happen, the government is ready to punish.
  25. Wouldn't it be better to go back to American pilots?
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