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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. You forget to mention at the traffic light: from 0 to 100 in 4 seconds.
  2. From Honda in particular, it is well known that the models made for the Thai market have a cheaper and lighter construction.
  3. I think it is a big problem especially with older people who depend on a fan. Just got the message through that an uncle of my gf died because of the heat. Had already passed do 80 and when I asked if there was an air conditioner there in the house, the answer was negative. His daughter was doing some shopping and on her return she match he was sleeping but alas, he had passed away.
  4. For many weeks now, everyday between 44 and 47ºC! Edit, at the moment 44.0ºC
  5. Wrong! They don't know anything about rules.....a big difference!
  6. I talk about the reactions, like smileys, confused, etc.
  7. And then there are those who are surprised, or laugh at it. When would those wake up? When it's too late? Can you imagine that.
  8. Incredible and that people rule the world and we can't do anything about it.
  9. Will never forget it, 25 years ago stood with my then girlfriend on the boat to Koh Samui, up on the deck 2 Thai men come up to us to offer a hotel room. As we had already booked something ourselves, we did not want to take advantage of it and my girlfriend tried to make that clear to them but they persisted. Slightly irritated, I started to interfere but my friend pulled me away from them. Once away from them she made it clear to me not to do that again because of the escalation that might result. I had learnt my lesson.
  10. Face loss, is the single biggest problem that can happen to a Thai, so yes, avoid any confrontation. edit: What else I forget to mention, and in particular with a falang, we are nothing to them.
  11. We NOT waiting for busses from HH to BKK, we WAITING for airplanes from HH to BKK for many years!
  12. Previously, I had several weather stations, the most expensive being a 250 euro one. In a short time, they all break down because of the high temperature or high humidity, or you name it. Then I had had enough, and didn't really want to spend much money on them anymore, and with this one I am very satisfied.
  13. Thai people can sleep everywhere under any circumstances.
  14. 47.1 to be exactly, above is the temperature insdfe, aircon switched of.
  15. 'During the past few days, temperatures in many parts of the country have soared, often exceeding 40°C. ' I don't understand this message, where I live it is for many weeks, every day between 44 and 47ºC. So, not during the past few days.
  16. I mention this before, I always speak loud and clear the money I give, for example when I have to pay 350 and give a note of thousend I say clear "one thousand bath"
  17. So, you think it is normal for falangs to pay double prices in LOS, you better go protect frogs with your ridiculous comment. We, as foreigners also have to work hard for our pennies, mind you.
  18. It's all misery with those airlines, you complain about Quatar airlines, recently I flew with Emirates, my neighbour was noisily professing the Koran, that doesn't make you happy, imagine it happening to you in Business class.
  19. You are very lucky, until now I never get any satang back after they refuse me back from Hong Kong to BKK. Also I'm 3 years waiting, rubbish!
  20. It will probably be done in a different way than sometimes ago with the lowering of the tax on wine. After all, today we still pay the same high price.
  21. Not so difficult, before I had solar cells I also had that problem, not far from me is a car repair shop and has a welding machine, this causes the tension to vary greatly. To avoid this I bought a automatic voltage regulator, this keeps the voltage constant. With the solar cells it is not needed anymore, and is now for sale.
  22. So true, but if you don't speak the language, you won't be able to see the price per kg. In bold, I'll see the price I have to pay, underneath Excl. Vat 689.72, than you can draw the conclusion from that.
  23. That must be it. Very clever, thanks for the explanation. Problem solved.
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