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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. It is nothing but 'Thai. Style', nothing wrong people, just keep walking.
  2. A very bad dirty organisation and certainly not for the benefit of humanity. They only proclaim lies to favour and influence the population.
  3. They think there "if we just keep repeating it long enough, people will start to believe it". Well, pretty much not.
  4. As long as it is possible, I will continue to pay cash, you could see it again last week with a global internet outage. Cash is King.
  5. 60 pages, that's a lot, that has advantages and disadvantages,my passport has only 31 pages so considerably fewer copies. to make, but yes if it remains valid for 10 years you have the chance of it being stamped full before it expires. By the way you forget to mention that wine has not yet been reduced in price, maybe you don't drink wine.
  6. Unfortunately, I have never been there but people say Vietnam is definitely worth a visit and hope to visit it one day for a tour.
  7. Yes, I have used this one more than once and am satisfied with it. But when I was at the emigration office in Hua-hin recently, I saw several people walking around with vests from other Visa agencies, with a phone number listed on them. Unfortunately, I was not in a position to take note of this but it might be worth finding out in relation to competitive prices.
  8. Looks like this government, Just looking at introducing taxes for the foreigners.
  9. And how about yourself? Or are you Thai.
  10. Oh, oh, how proud they are of themselves again.
  11. Can totally imagine. But it's been a very long time for myself, with Phen and Kwan.
  12. Don't forget to mention the NGOs that are largely responsible for this.
  13. Indeed, but yesterday I also cited Muslims in another item but I was not thanked. Still, I maintain that Muslims (read islam) are a big problem in the western world.
  14. Syphilis is up to that but Thailand already has an above-average number of HIV patients so to call that an opportunity to use or not use a condom. In any case, it means HIV is going to get much higher.
  15. Already started to learn the Chinese language, you never know and it is nice if I can answer the official at the immigration office in his language to answer the questions.
  16. Are you yourself excluded from that?....of?
  17. That can happen but doesn't have to, it's a matter of making good arrangements in advance and having them put on paper....problem solved.
  18. Opera+safe mode+vpn choice= asia or europe or america.
  19. You need to know the right browser, then you can see it all.
  20. … and racist to boot. How about the Thai to the falang?
  21. Most are Muslims, could that have something to do with it?
  22. The photo with the tuk tuk does not exist on Phuket.
  23. You knew it was coming, all these reactions to it. Apparently, there are still plenty of homesick expats out there. It will just keep you busy when you stay abroad.
  24. Perhaps because the brain has not evolved.
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