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Everything posted by Peterphuket

  1. And precisely because of the non-hygienic conditions at the market, I buy it from chain stores, it's just what you care about.
  2. At the moment for me it is 124/66, and I use this chart.
  3. And of course no seat belts used. Why would you? It's always someone else that something happens to....generally.
  4. When you come first it was 12 k THB/Bath weight, when I com first it was 5 K THB/bath weight, that was about 25 years ago, it wil always continue to rise in line with its monetary value until people no longer see gold as valuable.
  5. Why is the number plate masked in one picture and not in the other?
  6. It makes no diiferent, Will. "during the New Year festival’s high spending period. " So it is only for a very short time.
  7. Their own wine is also ridiculously high in price, and mediocre quality, but that can't be helped, this is not France.
  8. Oh, I wasn't aware of that, by the way, did you make that film yourself? That would imply that you are of Japanese descent and have visited many nature parks already here?
  9. A few months ago I did that trip up, not the first time but the last, it did cost my front tyre, so had to buy 2 new front tyres. By the way, the authorities are always difficult when you want to go up. Also, it is not allowed to fly a drone upstairs, it is not indicated but you are told when you are doing it. And yes they still operating the one way waiting system, unlike before.
  10. The manufacturer adjusts the price according to the country it exports to.
  11. Perhaps a little hidden homesickness after all? After all, you read daily aseannow...
  12. Clearly, the Germans as much as the Dutch like to eat ham, but I am still very curious to know what the 'dry cure' contents are, surely those 5 kg can be kept in vacuum.
  13. Ha, ha, because the high price, I was already searching for this but it is not so easy to make good ham, It must first be pickled and then cooked in a special way. Because of that reason, I just gave up on it.
  14. Perhaps that is true but the so-called real ham is not what it used to be either, often it is collected pieces, stuck together with glue. Real hind ham is also no longer affordable here, for 2 slices I already pay 104 bath (75gr) It's even more expensive than in Europe while Thailand is the land of pigs.
  15. Yes indeed, I mention this before, I used to buy a jar of anchovies, net 750g for 770 thb, now a 245g jar for 600 thb. And the big pot is now out of the range....of course. But what do you expect, it has been taken over by one of the 3 richest companies in Thailand, they call the shots and set the high prices. I also read recently that the Thai 'central Group' is now also buying up european department stores. So, they now not only buy up foreign companies in Thailand but also do so abroad.
  16. And I'm happy I don't have to live there anymore, it loos like more and more Turkey or Morocco....
  17. You know better yourself, if you are honest, advice is given not to report because of lack of manpower. yes logical that the numbers go down then.
  18. The Fa[ang, is the only one who is genuine.
  19. Some time ago we can do banking through there website but the Thai banking was of the opinion that is was fraudulent, do you still believe it? I not.
  20. Well, I wondering comes asennow back or is this the end, I searching on Google and got different messages about this like they are bankrupt, and they are trying to sell the website. But, they are here again.
  21. Correct me, they are talking about Chinese airlines, not about China Airlines, I was wrong.
  22. I don't understand this message, afterall China Airlines is from origine from Taiwan.
  23. I don't talk about myself, I talk about the Thai people en the Budha religion.
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