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  1. Hello Ron, 

    I hope you don't mind me continuing your old music thread, i'm just a frustrated DJ who loves 60s and 70s rock.

     Actually I'm writing to you to ask about the policy of using photographs for commercial use from the photography forum.I'm looking for a cover for a book of mine about Thailand and it struck me I could well find one here. Is there any policy such as the Creative Commons  format in use here, ie acknowledging the source or is it a case of asking the particular photographer in question?


    keep on rocking,


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bannork
    3. Ron19


      I have put it to the powers up top and now waiting for a reply.

    4. Ron19


      Hello Bannork,


      Firstly have a read of this.


      From the Forum Rules:


      All material on this site, including, but not limited to images, illustrations and multimedia materials, is protected by copyrights which are owned and controlled by THAIVISA.COM or by other parties that have licensed their material to THAIVISA.COM. Material from this Web Site or from any other web site owned, operated, licensed or controlled by THAIVISA.COM may not be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way. Modification of the materials or use of the materials for any other purpose is a violation of the copyrights and other proprietary rights held by the respective providers thereof. The use of any such material on any other web site, ftp server or network environment is prohibited.

      You agree to grant to THAIVISA.COM a non-exclusive, royalty free, worldwide, perpetual license to reproduce, distribute, transmit, sublicense, create derivative works of, publicly display, publish and perform any materials and other information you submit to any public areas, chat rooms, bulletin boards, social media, newsletters, newsgroups or forums of THAIVISA.COM or which you provide by email or any other means to THAIVISA.COM and in any media now known or hereafter developed.


      However, in this particular case I think it's only fair that the member who posted the image is asked personally and he/she acquiesces (and with the knowledge of the Photography Forum mods).



      The consensus from those further up the ladder is that it is acceptable providing the request is channeled through thaivisa management

      ie moderators who will put it to the original poster or owner of the particular image asking for permission for the image to be used for

      commercial purposes.

      Unfortunately it has to be done this way to protect thaivisa and  the party who wishes to use the image from any possible legal action that 

      could take place if permission from the owner was not sought.

      There are a number of our members that have copyright over their images and that may not be known by others.

      Even those that don't have copyright over their images deserve that courtesy be shown  by at least being asked for permission to use.


      Do you have any particular image or images in mind at this stage ?

      If so please provide me  with the topic, page number, post number and poster, this will allow me to correctly identify the image.






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