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Posts posted by DocN

  1. A CCTV video record shows that the suspect took only 20 minutes to rob the store

    xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.-IItaThStW.webpOnly 20 minutes?

    What did he do? Queue up?

    I know. He joined the wrong queue and got stuck behind a woman paying her electricity and water bill in 5 baht coins. Next in line was a gang of Korean tourists buying a phone sims so the staff had to enter the pin number for them. As he reached the front of the queue a bloke strolled in, went straight to the counter and asked for a packet of Khrong Thip. The bloke paid with a 1000 baht note so the staff had to get some more 100 baht notes as change from the safe.The robber felt a bit peckish so he ordered a hot dog smokey bite and a sticky rice burger which they stuck in the microwave and then the staff tried to sell him some tasteless, dodgy biscuits they had on promotion at the counter. He was about to demand the takings but the staff took an eternity counting off the promotional stickers he was entitled to. The staff then had to figure out how many straws and little plastic spoons they had to give him for the 5000 baht and put the cash in 20 separate plastic bags. As he attempted to flee the staff called him back because he'd forgotten his receipt.


    You just forgot one thing: before returning ANY change, the staff counted 5 times...even if it was just 2 Baht in one note!

  2. "Police suspected that the group of students unintentionally discharged one of their pen guns at Mr. Anucha, and said that they will search for the suspects for further investigation."

    Maybe I am reading too much into this, but...doesn't that sound kind of "casual"? "Oh yeah...some students accidentally discharged their pen guns...." as if all students are having this type of sh1t as part of their uniform.

    The bus- man is lucky, not to have lost an eye....

    An eye,on his leg???

    "Police suspected that the group of students unintentionally discharged one of their pen guns at Mr. Anucha, and said that they will search for the suspects for further investigation."

    Maybe I am reading too much into this, but...doesn't that sound kind of "casual"? "Oh yeah...some students accidentally discharged their pen guns...." as if all students are having this type of sh1t as part of their uniform.

    The bus- man is lucky, not to have lost an eye....

    In his leg?

    Had a clown for breakfast?

    • Like 1
  3. Her shirt says it all whistling.gifblink.png

    The Swastika stands for peace, most people do not know, the Germans took the sign from the Indians and today it has bad connotations, nothing bad about it.

    No they <deleted> didn't and repeating this bullshit, doesn't make it right!

    They took a nordic "rune"- symbol and altered it!

    It does not and never stood for peace!

  4. "Police suspected that the group of students unintentionally discharged one of their pen guns at Mr. Anucha, and said that they will search for the suspects for further investigation."

    Maybe I am reading too much into this, but...doesn't that sound kind of "casual"? "Oh yeah...some students accidentally discharged their pen guns...." as if all students are having this type of sh1t as part of their uniform.

    The bus- man is lucky, not to have lost an eye....

    • Like 1
  5. It is true that Thai women revere white skin more than dark but the reasons are a bit more complex than white (self centred?) farang males think. The farang that write in this forum seem to be of the belief that Thai women want to be white to please them. Not so. They want to be white because they perceive it to be more beautiful than dark. The vast majority of Thai women do not care to get a farang, they live to get a Thai man and the Thai man prefers his woman to be white.

    No, they don't perceive it to be more beautyful- they perceive it to be superior!

  6. Wonder if you would be so unsympathetic if your wife, gf, daughter, or any female relation was raped ?

    I would be unhappy that my wife, gf, daughter was working in the sex industry .... can't see any other reason they would be in a massage parlour, it's a minimum wage job without selling sex.

    Who in the world would choose an 18 year old girl to 'massage' them, not someone who expected a massage.

    So...do you also not eat at restaurants with young cooks?

    Take only taxis- with old drivers?

    Why on earth should an 18 year old not be a good masseuse?

    By the way: I go to massages for relaxation, that is why I hardly have Thai- instead of oil- massages.

    I just don't like pain!

    The world is not just black and white!

    • Like 1
  7. Oh and you, having little sympathy for a masseuse that get's raped, because it is just another one more time: I think, I heard a bunch of bad, vile, stupid comments on TV...this must be very high on the "Worst ever"- list!

    Read the OP.

    Nobody was raped, an accusation of assault has been made.

    Read the the comments i answered to!

  8. First of all: what does it matter, if it is racist or not? It is backwards and stupid!

    Welcome to the 21st...or even 20th century, Thailand!

    Second: if you really can not see the difference between a "beauty- concept" of being tanned (in the west) and a right- out defamation- concept of white skin over dark skin in Thailand, I can not help you!

    If you are tanned in Germany, the UK, the USA...will anyone treat you better than the average "pale person"?

    If you are white in Thailand, will (at least a number of) people treat you better than the person with the darker complexion?

    See the difference?

    Go figure!

    • Like 2
  9. What flooding is the worst in 50 years?

    I thought, there was no flooding?coffee1.gif

    According to your beloved 'boss's' sister there wasn't going to be any flooding and as per usual she uttered those "don't worry everything will be alright" words again (simply because she doesn't want this to happen) . When will she and her 'abject' cabinet learn that if you make rediculous, illadvised statements on things you cannot predict or don't understand then it always comes back to haunt you (and some more)

    Typical Pheu Thai BS - I am surprised that you are leaving you're heroine so open to ridicule, have you finally realised what this rabble is REALLY all about?

    Abhisit never did such things as proclaim that floods in the future were not going to affect people or devise unwise and unaffordable policies to deceive voters into voting for them. Maybe it is because he is intelligent, articulate and a politician and Yingluck doesn't even come close to ticking ANY of these boxes!!

    Steve,Steve, Steve...where do I even start?!

    Maybe by advising you, to go back to your bridge!

    Have a nice day!

    Can't play the game I'm afraid - perhaps you can teach me 'snap' as I imagine that's the only game you can play!!!

    I will teach you something...as soon as I figure out, <deleted> you are on about!

  10. What flooding is the worst in 50 years?

    I thought, there was no flooding?coffee1.gif

    According to your beloved 'boss's' sister there wasn't going to be any flooding and as per usual she uttered those "don't worry everything will be alright" words again (simply because she doesn't want this to happen) . When will she and her 'abject' cabinet learn that if you make rediculous, illadvised statements on things you cannot predict or don't understand then it always comes back to haunt you (and some more)

    Typical Pheu Thai BS - I am surprised that you are leaving you're heroine so open to ridicule, have you finally realised what this rabble is REALLY all about?

    Abhisit never did such things as proclaim that floods in the future were not going to affect people or devise unwise and unaffordable policies to deceive voters into voting for them. Maybe it is because he is intelligent, articulate and a politician and Yingluck doesn't even come close to ticking ANY of these boxes!!

    Steve,Steve, Steve...where do I even start?!

    Maybe by advising you, to go back to your bridge!

    Have a nice day!

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