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Posts posted by DocN

  1. A bit of a red herring this violence against women campaign that governments and the UN champion around the world. Men are statistically

    far,far, more likely to experience violence. From school bullies to gang aggression, to hazing and barroom brawls. If physical abuse is

    learnt partially from life experience would we not get better results from focusing on ending violence against men or against violence period.

    Focusing on violence against women makes other types of violence more acceptable. Just my opinion.

    ...and except for the barroom- part...which part do women NOT experience...plus being married to a violent pr1ck, in countries, where women are second class human beings!?

  2. It's now exactly two hours since your description of dumb, DocN, and I note that you are still online. Please afford me the courtesy of a response as to why my statement is dumb.

    You've added no value to your assertion other than a blank dumb.

    Because EVERYTHING we discuss here, could be said about "everywhere else"!

    But that is not the dam point of discussing THAILAND RELATED matters on a THAILAND RELATED forum!

    I don't understand and will never understand, why someone always pops up with this sh1tty little point "yeah..but women/drivers/policemen/corrupt politicians everywhere do so and so..." Yes...we could!

    Or we could NOT and discuss the matter in question: THAI women and THAI men and domestic violence IN THAILAND!

    Thank you very much!

  3. I must say, it's amazing how much compassion posters are showing here. It is precisely this weakness that foreigners exploit of us Euros. They know that in their countries (like Thailand) they can degrade us, provide us no equal rights under the law but that we will not do the same with the tables turned. We have been weak and clinging to this idea that if we do what is morally correct, we will somehow convince other peoples to do the same. It's ridiculous, and we need to wake up and see that we are alone in our moral superiority.

    Most of us know the tables would not be different in Thailand, and in fact, the Thai authorities would probably give a mere 7 days to exit the country.

    Good on the Danes. When will the rest of us toughen up. We are god awfully soft, and it's sickening.

    And pray tell, why do "we" have to follow the bad example?

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