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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Was it just a week ago, that Madame Yingluck said "Your safety is our main concern!!"

    Hope those who died didn't suffer!!

    Yes, it was certainly the PM's fault that this bus crashed.


    In fact she is to blame

    She runs the current government and they have yet to address the issue of driver training proper safety standards and enforcement of a proper driving code. Until the government acts in a correct fashion these type of accidents will continue

    Time for the people in power to take action instead of being solely concerned about bring home the a hole from dubuy

    While I am saddened to hear of the deaths of tourists caught up in traffic related accidents I have no lasting concerns for the Thai people involved, it's their country and it's how they choose to live, unlike many "posties" here I am not in such a rush to change things.

    I came to Thailand a long time ago to break away from the "nanny state" in which my home country was fast becoming.

    What you have here in fact is "FREEDOM OF CHOICE" & I have no desire to try to turn Thailand into a replica of where I came from.. otherwise what was the point of coming here in the first place?

    If you don't like the transport system don't use it.. if you don't like Thai drivers, stay off the road.

    Stop bleating about every accident & get used to living in Thailand !!

    If you want a nanny state go back home!!

    How original!

    Please post again, when your wife, good friends or your children are among the victims...

    • Like 1
  2. So...what he IS makes what he SAYS less true?!

    It´s not wheter what he says is true or not, what he is saying is immoral. He is saying that, hey! other people commit crimes so why can´t we give Thaksin a break?

    What he is, and who he works for is perfectly a valid consideration in view of his biased opinion.

    But that is not ALL he says!

  3. Do tourists even actually come here especially for the Loy Kratong festival? I seriously doubt it.

    Anyway the locals will still celebrate it anyway. Any excuse for a piss up, and this year they may get to do it twice. It's a win win.

    They might not come exclusively for Loi Krathong.

    But they may come at a time that includes it and it may be part of their palnning.

    Same as Songkhran.

    • Like 1
  4. You should really be either more like the "dude" in your avatar...or get off the dope!

    We destroy what we came here for?

    I didn't come here for some guys in suites, telling me (and others) what to do and what to think and when to do and think it!

    I must have missed the memo, that told me, that TAT (this stands for the TOURISM AUTHORITY of THAILAND)is in charge of calling annual festivals off or postponing them, because some high- ranked guy in that office thinks, it is the right thing to do!

    By the way: Loi Krathong is a beautiful, happy and peaceful festival (well...as peaceful as it gets in Thailand) and I have no idea, why the passing of a guy who officially believes that he is now either a) reborn or cool.png in a place called Nirvana-which should be quiet a happy place- should be mourned by everyone.

    But sure you have a good explanation for that?!

    "...because it is Thai and therefore good by definition"?

    I feel happy for who I am, thanks.

    You didn't come to a country that is run by a government? Maybe find some island that hasn't been claimed yet.

    As you might have already noticed, the TAT has postponed festivities and events that are organized or condoned by the TAT. If you go down to the river to light up your candles, you can still do it.

    You have no idea why one of the heads of the religious movement in Thailand might influence other festivities related to religion in Thailand? Well, go down to the temple and get yourself educated. Because right now you're just assuming and generally have 'no idea'. Why don't you get an idea before you start complaining in first place?

    I can however see how that is much more difficult and how it's easier to be cynical and to spew negativity all-around.

    Well you are pretty full of yourself...among other things, aren't you?

    TAT is not "the government"- it is an agency, that takes care of a specific subject.

    And if you tell me what I said, please stick to what I actually said!

    Where have I said that TAT is the government? I have replied to your dislike of coming to any country which is run by suits, which is any country with a government.

    Have you by now understood that TAT is cancelling only TAT related festivities and not the Loy Kratong festival? Because it doesn't seem evident from your replies.

    And yes, surely, if I tell you what you said, I should stick to what you actually said;

    You stated : "and I have no idea, why the passing of a guy (...) should be mourned by everyone"

    To which I replied : "Well, go down to the temple and get yourself educated (...) get an idea before you start complaining"

    Hope that clears things up for you. And about the 'full' part, I can only return the nice words.


    I guess, even to you,it was obvious, that my "suites" remark was hinting at TAT, no?!

    And no, it doesn't clear things up for me.

    And it doesn't need to, because I know, what I wrote.

    For example, the whole part that you (...) out !

    Anyways: thanks for the discussion!

    I wish you a nice 3 more days in Thailand. Keep observing; maybe you learn something!

  5. If that's also the only thing you carried away from my post, well good luck to you :-)

    Let's bash on each others heads, constantly, and ridicule and criticize everything.

    Let's destroy what we came here for, by being cynical and destructive in everything we hear.

    Let's just do that. Because back at home people don't do it enough already.

    You should really be either more like the "dude" in your avatar...or get off the dope!

    We destroy what we came here for?

    I didn't come here for some guys in suites, telling me (and others) what to do and what to think and when to do and think it!

    I must have missed the memo, that told me, that TAT (this stands for the TOURISM AUTHORITY of THAILAND)is in charge of calling annual festivals off or postponing them, because some high- ranked guy in that office thinks, it is the right thing to do!

    By the way: Loi Krathong is a beautiful, happy and peaceful festival (well...as peaceful as it gets in Thailand) and I have no idea, why the passing of a guy who officially believes that he is now either a) reborn or cool.png in a place called Nirvana-which should be quiet a happy place- should be mourned by everyone.

    But sure you have a good explanation for that?!

    "...because it is Thai and therefore good by definition"?

    I feel happy for who I am, thanks.

    You didn't come to a country that is run by a government? Maybe find some island that hasn't been claimed yet.

    As you might have already noticed, the TAT has postponed festivities and events that are organized or condoned by the TAT. If you go down to the river to light up your candles, you can still do it.

    You have no idea why one of the heads of the religious movement in Thailand might influence other festivities related to religion in Thailand? Well, go down to the temple and get yourself educated. Because right now you're just assuming and generally have 'no idea'. Why don't you get an idea before you start complaining in first place?

    I can however see how that is much more difficult and how it's easier to be cynical and to spew negativity all-around.

    Well you are pretty full of yourself...among other things, aren't you?

    TAT is not "the government"- it is an agency, that takes care of a specific subject.

    And if you tell me what I said, please stick to what I actually said!

  6. You know what a great comment would be? "What a great sacrifice the Thai people are doing to honor this man. This must have been a great person."

    But the majority of comments are about holiday schedules and know-it-all political trivialities.

    The Thai people are not making any sacrifices. This is being forced on them by a government agency. My Thai friends don't really care who died; they just want 'sanook'.

    Sacrifice LOL! starry eyed much?

    If that's also the only thing you carried away from my post, well good luck to you :-)

    Let's bash on each others heads, constantly, and ridicule and criticize everything.

    Let's destroy what we came here for, by being cynical and destructive in everything we hear.

    Let's just do that. Because back at home people don't do it enough already.

    You should really be either more like the "dude" in your avatar...or get off the dope!

    We destroy what we came here for?

    I didn't come here for some guys in suites, telling me (and others) what to do and what to think and when to do and think it!

    I must have missed the memo, that told me, that TAT (this stands for the TOURISM AUTHORITY of THAILAND)is in charge of calling annual festivals off or postponing them, because some high- ranked guy in that office thinks, it is the right thing to do!

    By the way: Loi Krathong is a beautiful, happy and peaceful festival (well...as peaceful as it gets in Thailand) and I have no idea, why the passing of a guy who officially believes that he is now either a) reborn or B) in a place called Nirvana-which should be quiet a happy place- should be mourned by everyone.

    But sure you have a good explanation for that?!

    "...because it is Thai and therefore good by definition"?

  7. Well they should watch that they don't price themselves out (inceased Airport duty) ,as tourists will want new destinations eg Vietnam,Myanmar

    Vietnam visa fee

    A. Single entry, one-month: $100.00/ each person

    B. Single entry, three-month: $140.00/ each person

    Myanmar visa fee

    30 USD for a 28 days Tourism Visa (non-extendable)

    Last time I went to Cambodia, a total of $45 in and out

    ...and my mommy used to say: if all the other kids jump from the bridge...would you too?

  8. Guys please show some respect for the culture in this Great country we have chosen to live as visitors, & guests of the king & nation. we complain enough about foreigners in UK. Remember your manners & show some respect also to the governor.

    Remember if we don't like it we have the option go home. Embrace the culture or you will miss out for sure.

    As someone else already said: I get reminded almost every day, that I am a guest.

    Although: how many of your "guests" pay for entering your home, get send out and pay for coming back in, pay for using your toilet and get told by you, what to say or better not say?!

    The Governor will see not more respect from me as any other politician: if he does something good and great- he deserves my respect.

    If he doesnt...I don't!

    Yeah...like it or go home!

    Haven't heard that for ...wow...since...oh...5 minutes ago!

    • Like 2
  9. Yeah, right!

    I will do so, as soon as Thais respect their own religion!

    ...aaaaawwww, look...flying pigs!

    How is the Thai's respect of their own beliefs any of our business?

    It starts being my business, when they shove their believe down my throat, with not AT ALL observing it themselves...a bit, at least.

    But that might not be too understandable for you, as you seem to simply love everything Thais do, regardless and without the slightest criticism.

    I'm glad you agree with me then that the Thai's beliefs are their business, not ours on here.

    There are many things that in Thailand that I do not agree with but I don't believe that my opinions ever justify Thai bashing. Neither do I understand why you seem to have an issue with my love (or otherwise) of everything Thais do. That again would be my business, not yours.

    Take a biiiiiig spoonful of your own medicine, will ya'?!

    Why is it your business if I criticize Thais and their way of life (i.g. Thai bashing, in your world)?!

    • Like 1
  10. Since when has the Tourism Authority been in charge of cultural events and annual festivals? It is a little like the Australian Tourism Commission saying we will postpone the Melbourne Cup or Easter.

    Just how much power and what size stick do TAT wield in Thailand, geez they are even setting up their own private court and judicial system in the airport.

    So what is the tourism authority going to do for those tourists that booked their holidays 12 months ago specifically to witness Loy Krathong or are tourists not really party of the tourism authorities agenda.

    More to the point, perhaps, since when has a foreigner been in a position to condemn a government appointed body for following normal protocol in the event of the death of some one as important to their country as this person was?

    Yeah...ahm...it is called "criticism" and performed under "freedom of speech" or "freedom of expression" on an international internet- forum.

    Go figure!

    If the only thing in life left is constant criticism of others, woah, I don't want to see the day you discover the mirror


  11. Yeah, right!

    I will do so, as soon as Thais respect their own religion!

    ...aaaaawwww, look...flying pigs!

    How is the Thai's respect of their own beliefs any of our business?

    It starts being my business, when they shove their believe down my throat, with not AT ALL observing it themselves...a bit, at least.

    But that might not be too understandable for you, as you seem to simply love everything Thais do, regardless and without the slightest criticism.

  12. Since when has the Tourism Authority been in charge of cultural events and annual festivals? It is a little like the Australian Tourism Commission saying we will postpone the Melbourne Cup or Easter.

    Just how much power and what size stick do TAT wield in Thailand, geez they are even setting up their own private court and judicial system in the airport.

    So what is the tourism authority going to do for those tourists that booked their holidays 12 months ago specifically to witness Loy Krathong or are tourists not really party of the tourism authorities agenda.

    More to the point, perhaps, since when has a foreigner been in a position to condemn a government appointed body for following normal protocol in the event of the death of some one as important to their country as this person was?

    Yeah...ahm...it is called "criticism" and performed under "freedom of speech" or "freedom of expression" on an international internet- forum.

    Go figure!

  13. Or just maybe, given the entire purpose of Loy Krathong anyway, this could have been made a very special event to honour the passing of the Supreme Patriarch.

    Or maybe, just maybe, respect how the Thais run their own religion and stop complaining about how it's inconvenient for you. As it's the least of their worries.

    Yeah, right!

    I will do so, as soon as Thais respect their own religion!

    ...aaaaawwww, look...flying pigs!

    • Like 2
  14. A CCTV video record shows that the suspect took only 20 minutes to rob the store

    xhuh.png.pagespeed.ic.-IItaThStW.webpOnly 20 minutes?

    What did he do? Queue up?

    I know. He joined the wrong queue and got stuck behind a woman paying her electricity and water bill in 5 baht coins. Next in line was a gang of Korean tourists buying a phone sims so the staff had to enter the pin number for them. As he reached the front of the queue a bloke strolled in, went straight to the counter and asked for a packet of Khrong Thip. The bloke paid with a 1000 baht note so the staff had to get some more 100 baht notes as change from the safe.The robber felt a bit peckish so he ordered a hot dog smokey bite and a sticky rice burger which they stuck in the microwave and then the staff tried to sell him some tasteless, dodgy biscuits they had on promotion at the counter. He was about to demand the takings but the staff took an eternity counting off the promotional stickers he was entitled to. The staff then had to figure out how many straws and little plastic spoons they had to give him for the 5000 baht and put the cash in 20 separate plastic bags. As he attempted to flee the staff called him back because he'd forgotten his receipt.

    40 liikes for a boring, unfunny verbose joke. My opinion about the the average IQ of TV members grows stronger everyday.

    BTW, my average time in-and-out of 7-eleven is less than 30 seconds, plus of course any microwaving time. Buddha bless these kids being useful any hour of the day or night, for a pay of pennies.

    Ooooooooooh...someone had a bad day?!

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