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Posts posted by DocN

  1. This is not world first.

    Many country have such law.

    Some even force you to exchange x dollars per day to their currency.

    What countries are these "many"? No place I've visited. I'm not doubting you but which countries have such a tourist unfriendly law?

    No doubt this is yet another hare brained idea that will die the death it deserves.

    The 30 day visa on arrival in Indonesia costs $25 US. I don't have a huge problem with Thais charging 500B. Tourists who stay in Thailand for 30 days use roads, infrastructure and so on. Why should Thais pay for that? Not all of them benefit from tourism. Some have seen prices rise because of farang.

    I'd like to see the money well spent--that's an issue with any government. How about spending some of it to clean up the environment!! Proper public washrooms on beaches would be excellent too.

    You are aware, that tourists bring money into the country, aren't you?!

    And I would guess, they bring more money in, than they cause "harm" to roads or pavements.

    They "create" jobs f.e. in the hospitality- industry!

    Some have seen prices rise because of farang?

    Yep...those pesky foreigners again!

    Responsible for all things bad in Thailand!

  2. I thought my visa fee was to enter....

    No, your visa fee goes to fund Immigration services. If you (and others) didn't come, Thailand wouldn't need immigration officers at the airports, at the land borders, wouldn't need systems to monitor and track non-residents, etc.

    Other agencies charging additional fees, like the Health Ministry, seems reasonable. Of course, some would consider this unreasonable socialism, taking money from some to share with others (as in, charging everyone in order to pay for the few who don't bother to have insurance or financial resources to cover their sorry asses in case of medical calamity).

    Now, that being said, this surely would be a large pot-o-gold for dipping into by any and all other agencies of the government, or when elected representatives get together and decide they need it for other projects (and certain 'personal' expenses they need to mitigate for being in the service of their country).

    I actually (even though I am living here) would be willing to pay a fair share, IF -and that is a big IF- the money would (fully or at least a big part of it)

    flow into the health care system!

    But I guess, we all know, that it will not go anywhere near there!

  3. The government seems to not understand that forcing people to respect the culture of the monarchy will inevitably result in resentment, if not resistance, as already seen in the vibrant anti-lese-majeste-law movement.

    Respect and appreciation, be it for religion, culture or monarchy cannot be forced. They must be earned. Forcing respect on something or someone is not respect but coercion.

    The government does understand this. They are using it as a tool to gain further control of the people, and at the same time indirectly discredit the monarchy presenting it as autocratic and undemocratic. These laws aren't the work of the monarchy, they're the work of the government - the King has said himself that he does not support the lese majeste laws and has pardoned offenders whenever possible. Bringing such discredit to the monarchy shouldn't be tolerated - Yingluck should be charged under article 112.

    ...along with any politician and citizen of this country since...forever!

    Because actually they all have heard him speak on several occasions and on several subjects...and no one really cares.

    The King has said many intelligent things- just no one listens!

    • Like 2
  4. The institution sit in the middle and directly above everything else in Thai society.

    If Farang do not wish to respect the institution, he/she should not visit Thailand.

    SPARE me!

    This is an open forum and we can not even discuss this issue here!

    Do you even understand, what "thought crime" is?!

    And while I am on it: do you understand, what this law is about?

    • Like 1
  5. Again and again young Thai girls knew that it is dangerous to take van and taxi in Thailand; yet they still expose themselves to the risk.

    These girls should have their father or husband drive them around, just like in Saudi.

    What a brilliant solution, Einstein!

    I guess, if everybody had the possibility to do so, there would be no taxis or van- services, no?!

    Castrate him and lock him away. Punish the parents for raising a girl without any common sense.

    Yeah, total lack of common sense.

    I mean he clearly told her "Come in here, I want to rape you!"

    ...oh no...wait...he didn't!

    I think we can assume form the OP that he was driving her not for the first time.

    So he was no complete stranger to her!

    ...and it was not at all her fault in any way: she got raped!

    She is the VICTIM!

    • Like 1
  6. Hey, Ploddi, it's flooding in Bangkok, or are we just imagining things???? whistling.gifwhistling.gifwhistling.gif


    I had to check my photos to see if you were in them.

    attachicon.gif2013-10-17 13.05.45.jpg

    Can we get a location of this non flood please?

    Well, the first one is in Asoke, that's for sure, according to that random Facebook post

    I am far from being @rsed to believe what the BMA spouts...but you know, that this is ridiculous, right?!

    This happens at every torrential rain in Bangkok, any time of the year at several places!

    Has got nothing to do with a "flood" in the conventional sense!

    This just happens - and I can't believe, I am saying this- all over the world and wherever tons of water meet a sewer-system that just can't cope.

    Have seen this happen in Germany several times, during heavy summer- thunderstorms!

  7. Which bell should it ring? The Democrats didn't make any lese majeste law. The Democrats did sue in masses. The Democrats didn't try to control the courts.

    It is more that the reds run amok during that time.

    While I don't like the lese majeste law, several of these cases would be also at court in Germany, USA or any other western country.....

    Oh yeah I forgot about all those Lese Majeste cases that are happening at the courts all across the USA. I heard Texas is trying to make it punishable by death penalty.

    Highest number of blocked internet- pages?


    Okay...angelic DEMS, devilish PTP!

    Got it!

    • Like 1
  8. Where are the strong PTP and Thaksin supporters, now?

    I would like to hear the explanation why this is good for Thailand and Democracy.

    Well clearly it's not. But this is basically what the yellow shirts and democrats wanted as well.

    The Democrats did nothing like that, or anything similar when they were in power.

    So can you explain why this is something the Democrats wanted as well?

    Highest number of lest majeste cases in decades.

    Does that ring a bell?

    • Like 1
  9. Thailand The Hub of cowards and scum bags

    If this doesn`t break Thai visa rules, than I wonder what does?

    Many of these thread themes are becoming platforms for those of lesser intellect to voice they’re racist and Thai bashing comments against the Thai people and Thailand. These days it appears that they are becoming the majority on these forums with hardly anything good or informative to say regarding the Thais and the country as a whole, and is mostly just criticisms whatever the subjects, they are just looking for the slightest of excuses to voice their prejudices and racist opinions against Thailand.

    I believe that most of these Thai bashing comments are quoted by a section of racist farangs who either don`t live in Thailand, or for some reasons have failed to stay the course here and are disgruntled, or in other words, the losers who believe that Thailand should have commitments to them instead of actually perceiving them for the failures they actually are.

    I am finding this trend rather concerning and of course these now frequent types of comments are not of any benefits to the ex-pats already living here, who the majority are quite content and happy with their lifestyles in Thailand and have good accord with their Thai hosts and have none or few complaints about the LOS.

    For those who have become irritated with Thailand, why do you stay here? And for those with extremist views that are not living in Thailand, what points are you trying to make and for what purpose?

    My advice is; find something else more sagacious to do and get a life. And for those of you who don`t know what sagacious means, look it up in the dictionary.

    And with what appears to be too many farangs with extremist viewpoints, such as Thailand is full of cowards and scum, is good reasons to kerb the long stay and keep tight controls of these farangs in the country and to never permit them any strong footholds here. Dangerous for the Thai people, of no benefits to Thailand whatsoever.

    So to extrapolate out your point of view, the entity doing the actual disservice to Thailand would be Thai Visa themselves by choosing to publish stories like this one. It is pretty much a given that posting another one of the endless videos of a group of Thais kicking the crap

    out of a tourist will bring out some angry comments. So really you should be writing an angry letter to Thai Visa requesting that they no

    longer print stories like this one, thus keeping future tourists in the dark , and preserving the illusion that Thailand is still indeed the land of smiles.....

    Don't worry: with the new law on thought crimes, this problem will eventually solve itself!

    And then, all the Thai- appologistst will have it their way: only positive things about Thailand!

    And if 6 Thais beat the sh1t out of a farang, it is just their way of expressing the beloved "Thainess", it is just a way for them to show their fantastic cultures and traditions!

    • Like 1
  10. I really don't know what any government has to do with this?!

    Every doctor, every nurse has a CHOICE!

    In fact EVERYBODY has!

    You see a person in need and you have a CHOICE to help or to close your eyes and hope the problem just goes away!

    It is despicable to turn this pregnant woman away, who was obviously in pain, just because she might not have the money!

    This is also not about the father (although he is a scumbag as well).

    This is simply about doctors, not doing what doctors should do: help the sick!

    The hospital would not let her in. How were the doctors to know? Do you think they wander the streets looking for sick people?facepalm.gif alt=facepalm.gif>

    Bit on the high horse today, again? Please point out, where exactly I said, that the doctors turned her away?! And who actually is at the "gates" of the hospital? Muscled bouncers? Last time I went, the first people you talk to are nurses! Duh!

    Wasn't this the same hospital where patients and visitors were drugged and robbed a few days ago?

    Never mind Hippocrates, patients should look to Dante...... "Abandon all hope, all who enter here"

    "Wasn't this the same hospital where patients and visitors were drugged and robbed a few days ago?"

    I don't know you tell us. the article did not name the hospital You apparently are privy to information on the case care to tell it all?

    ...and luckily there are no OTHER newspapers, which report on this, with name and all!jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

  11. I hate spending holidays in Thailand during this period .... I dont like when the hotels or resorts impose to take their pretended GALA DINNER , if you refuse you still have to pay for it ..... But just wonder how much money this extra day off will cost to the country ??

    never understood the point of this GALA DINNER. (beside making extra money)

    No one does!

    I work in the "industry" myself!

    It is a pain in the @$$ for us, the customers ...but the hotels get their money!

    We are selling one hotel in Khao Lak, where the "Gala Dinner" is more expensive than the room rate!

    Others ask for up to 9.000++ Baht.

    Insanity in its purest form!

  12. Thailand The Hub of cowards and scum bags

    If this doesn`t break Thai visa rules, than I wonder what does?

    Many of these thread themes are becoming platforms for those of lesser intellect to voice they’re racist and Thai bashing comments against the Thai people and Thailand. These days it appears that they are becoming the majority on these forums with hardly anything good or informative to say regarding the Thais and the country as a whole, and is mostly just criticisms whatever the subjects, they are just looking for the slightest of excuses to voice their prejudices and racist opinions against Thailand.

    I believe that most of these Thai bashing comments are quoted by a section of racist farangs who either don`t live in Thailand, or for some reasons have failed to stay the course here and are disgruntled, or in other words, the losers who believe that Thailand should have commitments to them instead of actually perceiving them for the failures they actually are.

    I am finding this trend rather concerning and of course these now frequent types of comments are not of any benefits to the ex-pats already living here, who the majority are quite content and happy with their lifestyles in Thailand and have good accord with their Thai hosts and have none or few complaints about the LOS.

    For those who have become irritated with Thailand, why do you stay here? And for those with extremist views that are not living in Thailand, what points are you trying to make and for what purpose?

    My advice is; find something else more sagacious to do and get a life. And for those of you who don`t know what sagacious means, look it up in the dictionary.

    And with what appears to be too many farangs with extremist viewpoints, such as Thailand is full of cowards and scum, is good reasons to kerb the long stay and keep tight controls of these farangs in the country and to never permit them any strong footholds here. Dangerous for the Thai people, of no benefits to Thailand whatsoever.

    Maybe...just maybe...that is the case, because the good things to say about Thailand and the "Thai Culture" (or Thainess) get fewer and fewer every day!

    Possible, no?!

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