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Posts posted by DocN

  1. Well how often do we hear THE RED THUGS, so now what have you got to say? try there is good and bad in all, that would be a start guy's

    Nick highlighted himself by arguing with the guards, an act of stupidity and arrogance. "Mr. Nostitz said he was arguing with the protest guards when he was spotted by former Democrat MP Chumpon Junsai, who pointed his finger to Mr. Nostitz, accused him of being a "Redshirt reporter", and urged the crowd to evict him from the protest site."

    However, like you said "there are good and bad in all", "Some volunteer guards of the protest were seen trying to defend Mr. Nostitz, while others tried to charge at him, before a group of police officers intervened and rescued him from the crowd."

    NN's posts in here always showed a degree of bias, despite his claims to the contrary.

    If this incident played out as quoted above, he has gone beyond a journalist with a hint of bias, to an antagonist with an agenda.

    Luckily for him, he didn't walk in to the tiger cage with a pork chop, he walked in to the rabbit warren with a carrot.

    I expect that the larger of his bruises will be on his ego.

    I'm wondering about the

    "Speaking to our correspondent later, Mr. Nostitz said he was arguing with the protest guards when he was spotted by former Democrat MP Chumpon Junsai, who pointed his finger to Mr. Nostitz, accused him of being a "Redshirt reporter", and urged the crowd to evict him from the protest site. The photojournalist was promptly assaulted by the crowd."

    I thought photojournalists would be wise not to argue while trying to cover a protest?

    We don't know, what he "argued" about, do we?

    ...oh...I better stop now, before I get accused of defending the "Reds" again...

  2. ...aaaahhhh...TV's best at their best!

    I am not a racist, but...those stupid people from Isan...

    I am not saying she deserved to be raped, but...getting drunk with a man and wearing that dress...

    I am not saying he deserved to be beaten, but...he is biased, so....

    Dear DocN,

    let me explain it to you in simple terms.

    As an apparent fan of a certain football club in Hamburg would you accept a referee that has publicly announced that your favourite club should be kicked out of the league by all means possible, who praises your opponents in the upcoming match, predicts their victory and spreads his opinions throughout internet forums?

    Of course you would.

    Dear Mike

    let me ask you a simple question: in what way is that "journalist" like a referee (e.g. an important, if not game- deciding figure)?

  3. ...aaaahhhh...TV's best at their best!

    I am not a racist, but...those stupid people from Isan...

    I am not saying she deserved to be raped, but...getting drunk with a man and wearing that dress...

    I am not saying he deserved to be beaten, but...he is biased, so....

    • Like 2
  4. Who knows?

    Here's a little story. There was a local election a while ago and wifey got more than 2k bht from the newly elected mayor and her team.

    They were democrats.

    I never said dems were or are democratically elected, what i said was and say it again, there is no democratically elected government in Thailand and never was.

    I agree but would Sutheps self appointed cabinet be in anyway a popular choice?

    I do not know, but can it be any worse than it is now?

    Are you SERIOUSLY telling me, that this disastrous government, is actually the worse kind of government you can think of?

  5. Somebody in the anti-Thaksin group should seize Suthep by the throat and throttle him. This is going WAAAY too far. You don't replace non-democratic behavior with non-democratic behavior.

    I do not see anything wrong with seizing government houses and offices as long as its done in a peaceful manner.

    You are a nutcase just like suthep he should be immediately arrested and thrown in jail



    Corrupt elections involving vote buying and populist policies aimed at a certain demographic and not the people in general is NOT DEMOCRATIC!!!

    Which makes about every government ever "elected" in Thailand, not democratically elected!

    This one was as democratically elected as you can have it in this country!

    Happy now?

  6. ISA has been expanded to include other parts of Bangkok and surrounding provinces...

    YL broke the gripping soap opera Lamyong to announce this...

    Sounds like 2010, in reverse and sans violence - for the time being...

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    True ...except the part with the "gripping soap- opera"....thumbsup.gif

  7. I am waiting for the usual suspects, to defend this!

    When have you ever condemned red behaviour?

    Physical violence should be condemned by all.

    Sent from my Nexus 4 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I don't need to pat myself on the back, but I have condemned violence more than once, in all walks of life.

    That includes "red" violence!

  8. Why to be so susceptible ?

    By all means people with HIV should be more concerned to don't spread their virus to the non-infected people around them.

    Instead they should take all precautions to protect the others.

    When you have kids (like me), everyday you like to come back home "clean" to don't contaminate them (shower at the working place) if you work in unhealthy environment. Right ?

    I don't have HIV and I will not use their ustensils, even washed, to eat in a cafeteria. It is common sense, nothing else, and nothing about discrimination.

    The paranoia of exclusion starting to spread even in Thailand ? Or another extravaganza from gays ?

    blink.png you are trying to make a...very lame...joke, don't you?!

  9. <deleted>...even during the riots in 2010 it wasn't too difficult to stay out of trouble.

    If you don't want to be part of a riot, DON'T GO THERE!

    Bangkok is one hell of a big city and if someone is hitting someone else in the face at the Democracy Monument, you are quiet safe in Silom or Sukhumvit!

    If hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ. just avoid Bangkok and go directly to Ching Mai, Phuket or elsewhere.

  10. Everyone who really believes that this is about "democracy" is a fool!

    If you would take "Thaksin" out of the equation...and the name is, what makes them throw tantrums...there would be no one out on the streets!

    To really believe, that all of a sudden, Thai-people discovered their mutual interest in politics or democracy, is a joke!

    If we are still here next year, there will be another government as "democratic" as the current one, robbing the people blind...and no one will give a hoot.

    • Like 1
  11. Why does anyone has to challenge anybody, to comment on this?

    It was decided in an International Court of Justice and therefor will surely be honored by the Primeminister, her party, Mr. Abisith and all other law abiding citizens in Thailand...




    ...mai pen rai...

    Oh dear old son, wrong court and wrong court case !!

    Never mind, at least you have impeccable choice in football teams !wink.png

    They are playing Sunday...maybe that's why I am confused!

    For once, I would not mind, having a post deleted!

    Shame on me !

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