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Posts posted by DocN

  1. @ docn - You posted this amazing comment -

    He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

    Does he care?

    Hell, no!

    Do the people, who back him do?

    Not in a million years!

    Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

    Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

    Will anything change for better?


    Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

    And then you posted -

    If you have anything intelligent to answer, please feel free to do so!


    I am surprised you even managed to spell the word "intelligent" ! clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    Yeah! Now isn't that funny!?


    ...you are such a tool!

    • Like 1
  2. Once again, looking for the toilet when the crap is already coming out.

    You talk about resolving conflicts while your government is inflaming the situation by making all sorts of threats. You say you want to 'reform' while your family is making things worse by actually adding another Shinawatra to the election roster. You should have resolved this long ago and distanced yourself from your criminal brother. Feeling all generous and conciliatory now that a coup is imminent? You should have found that toilet and toilet paper long ago.

    Unless you are a Thai citizen, you should mind your own business.

    Only me or the hundreds of others here on TV who post their opinions about this country and its political woes? If you don't like what's written here, leave this forum and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

    I agree with you...and now I am waiting for the rivers to turn to blood and frogs raining from the sky! wai.gif

  3. Farang not know thainess....

    No offense, but, and I only cite what is being said so many times - is there a chance that you stem from the North East of Thailand and are perhaps among those with a little less education?

    If that is not the most accurate and independent analysis written, then I assign myself to the ... you know.

    It is sad to say, but it is people like you, that make Thailand sink deeper into the mud, day by day.

    Even though i am a Farang, too, I am not a racist nor do I discriminate and as such, I pray fro Thailand that its people come to their senses and see start seeing and "accepting" the real color their country is overshadowed with ... can you guess?

    Although this country had done worst to myself, one would not even wish to dream of, I have only good wishes for Thailand.


    ...<deleted> are you on about?

  4. He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

    Does he care?

    Hell, no!

    Do the people, who back him do?

    Not in a million years!

    Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

    Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

    Will anything change for better?


    Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

    Well the red colored kool aid must taste great! clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>

    He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

    Does he care?

    Hell, no!

    Do the people, who back him do?

    Not in a million years!

    Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

    Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

    Will anything change for better?


    Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

    Sounds like someone is getting their red knickers in a twist ! clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif pagespeed_url_hash=3951237149 width=32 height=20>clap2.gif.pagespeed.ce.z5euFoXm0J.gif alt=clap2.gif pagespeed_url_hash=892957568 width=31 height=25>

    If you have anything intelligent to answer, please feel free to do so!


  5. Why can't both Yingluck & Suthep arrange the "peace" debate in the front of the public through live TV? It will not cost anyone's life.

    Actually Suthep DID challenge her to a debate. She declined.

    Why should she accept? Who is he to demand a debate with the PM? Are you saying that every moron can decide she owes him/her a debate? Ridiculous notion

    Why do you place such different standards on her than on your own leader?

    Call him whatever name you want but he's the man about to topple her government. Or seeing that she's already dissolved parliament, you could say he already did. If a debate could have prevented this shutdown or bloodshed, what's so ridiculous about?

    He is the one to turn this whole mess into a bloody mess!

    Does he care?

    Hell, no!

    Do the people, who back him do?

    Not in a million years!

    Will many, MANY innocent suffer?

    Yep, you can bet your @$$ on that!

    Will anything change for better?


    Next year: same <deleted>, different name!

  6. The stubborness of the Taksin Regime plays in the hands of the PDRC. Anybody think that the army let them lead the country from a "Bunker" in Chiang Mai? They must play softly, if they not want to flee the country. The PDRC will stop the Government working and that was it for the first goal. More interesting is the question about filling the political vacuum, and the constitution of a "Reform Council". The people of the whole country must be involved, I hope the PDRC is aware about this. It would be better, if the people can manage this with help from the army, but without a military coup...wai2.gif

    Brilliantly astute observations.

    And therein lies the problem. . . "I hope the PDRC is aware about this"

    I would add, even it they are aware, would they include the people of the whole country in reform? I think most people believe the answer to that would be a resounding big, fat NO.

    Oh, I am sure, they are aware.

    If only that would be their goal...

  7. To Munterhunter:

    All those viciuos protests didn't keep the Democrat Party from kicking up the blocking of internet- pages and sharpening the tone in the lest majeste- debate.

    But it kept them -of course- from tackling corruption and other issues!

    Cheerypicking much, aren't we?!

    They had their time in office and they did nothing about what they are complaining now.

    And you and I know exactly why this is, don't we?!

    Here is a hint: it starts with "they" and ends with "didn't give a hoot"!

    Well i guess as he didnt initiate this fight against corruption back in 2009 he shouldnt be allowed to do so now? Thats what you are suggesting right? No wonder this country doesnt move forward with a mindset like that!

    After all, PTP wont tackle corruption, courruption and graft is their bread and butter, their entire reason for being in politics from the get-go.

    First of all a mindset like mine don't do sh!t for the country, because I am not allowed to vote here.

    But I guess, you don't find it strange, that the most pressuring issue that is suddenly on the agenda now...was never even close to any agenda, when the DEMS had the chance to adress it?!

    And I don't know, ho w the minset is, on your homeplanet, but...care to point out, what Abisith and Suthep are actually are planning in the fight against corruption?

    Let me help you: a) get rid of the Shin- clan and b ) "we will tell you later"!

    Fighting corruption, my backside!

  8. DocN

    I believe I do know Thainess . In my village people light fires , no matter that the smoke might fill a neighbours house . People play music they like so

    loud that it can be heard over the whole village . Advertising vans pass by shout so loud as to deafen one , some have parked for a break right outside our

    house with the shouted message still going , I have complained and asked them to move on . My Thai wife gets upset and tells me Thai people do what they

    like .

    Truth is , no matter the reforms and anti corruption , corruption will continue as usual , because ordinary Thai people have no qualms about flouting the

    law , Thai people just do what they like without consideration for anybody else or the law .

    You still don't understand sarcasm, when you see it?!

  9. To Munterhunter:

    All those viciuos protests didn't keep the Democrat Party from kicking up the blocking of internet- pages and sharpening the tone in the lest majeste- debate.

    But it kept them -of course- from tackling corruption and other issues!

    Cheerypicking much, aren't we?!

    They had their time in office and they did nothing about what they are complaining now.

    And you and I know exactly why this is, don't we?!

    Here is a hint: it starts with "they" and ends with "didn't give a hoot"!

  10. You don't need 20 measures to end corruption in Thailand. You just need one. Require all politicians, senior public officials and generals to open their personal finances to public scrutiny. Then we can see who's living far beyond the means of their salary.

    Fair enough.

    Question: Why didn't Abhisit and his Democrats do this when they were in power?

    Question: Why was one of the most powerful men in the Democrat party, Khun Suthep made Deputy PM when Khun Suthep had a questionable record?

    Probably because his ass was up against the wall trying to fend of violent protests in the center of bangkok.

    ....yep...aaaaaaaaall the time, they were in power!

    From Day 1!


    ...and now: back to bed and take your medicine!

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