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Posts posted by DocN

  1. I said it in 2010 and I say it again today: in a "democracy" (no matter how loosely we use this term when it comes to Thailand), you are allowed to protest!

    I am even going a step further: if you protest, you may even disrupt everyday life.

    Because...let's be honest...what good is a protest in an empty rice- field outside of Bangkok?

    So: as long as you don't destroy public or private property and you only dirupt every day life (but still let people get to work etc.)- fine with me!

    I am not criticizing the people demonstrating, I am not even saying, I don;t believe (most of them) to have honorable motives.

    It is the leader(s) of this protests and his (their) motives, means and ways that I criticize.

    • Like 2
  2. Printing extra ballots what do exactly ...what... to the elections?

    I am not 100% sure, but it would be a safe guess, that every country in the world, where elections are held, prints more ballots than they have voters, because ...you know...fire, floods, accidents....

    But since PTP does it, it must be for fraud, because no one EVER will notice 200 Million votes more, than there are voters....

    Jeeeeeeeeezuz, they make me dizzy!

    • Like 1
  3. The negativity on this forum is out of this world.

    Robby nz, on 12 Jan 2014 - 17:38, said:snapback.png

    I don't know how many of the posters on here have actually read the OP or even taken the time to look up Sutheps past, by the look of the posts, not very many.

    There is one thing that to me stands out and makes perfect sense :


    "The people's assembly will exclude politicians. Otherwise, you won't be able to change laws on elections, political parties and corruption," Suthep said, noting that people who take part in the assembly must be banned from politics for five years.

    Keep politicians out of the reform process, that would include him .

    I think I asked you before on another matter, but...do you actually and seriously believe this?

    The peoples assembly will exclude politicians?

    a) so...who will be in it? (not that he ever answered THAT, rather important question)...dentists, lawyers and -god forbid- farmers?

    b ) he resigned his post as MP to join his own protest as a normal citizen! Care to think that through?

    If I didn't answer you it is probably because I don't sit at this thing all day

    So here is your answer now.

    For a start Yes, why not ? do you think the politicians are the only ones who can achieve anything ?

    Who will be in it :

    To start.

    The groups suggested by Yingluk and Suthep are far to big, nothing would come of that as it would just turn into a bun fight.

    Those who want to contribute should be asked to register with say the EC or some other body.

    Then these groups would nominate say 2 people to represent their group.

    Groups represented would include those already making suggestions like the businessmen, the medical professionals, the reds, the darma army, a lawyers group, teachers. university teachers.

    And yes the rice farmers and the rubber farmers, or are you another one who thinks they are all dumb peasants who should be kept in their place.

    There should be a MOA as to what they are there to do and a positive attitude.

    A list should be drawn up as to just what needs doing and priorities set.

    The first priority would be what needed to be done to achieve a fair election for all.

    Reps would report back to their groups and bring feedback to the forum.

    It would be a long term staged thing and decisions on reforms would be binding on a government.

    You try to think positive for a change and try to work out where to from there.

    Or do you think things are great as they are?

    c. he resigned his post as MP to join his own protest as a normal citizen, Yes brave move wasnt it.

    First: thanks for taking the time to answer.

    ...and to make things very clear: no- I am not happy, with how things are running now and no- I absolutely don't think, peasants should be kept in their place...which was one of the reasons that YOU f.e. always accuse me of being a Thaksin lover.

    Actually I think, that your effort is a much better than Sutheps.

    But that is actually my problem: he still hasn't laid out any plans, about the how and what.

    c. no...not a brave move. A very calculated one, if you ask me.

  4. I often wonder when I see drivers (including professional taxi drivers) and front seat passengers who put on their seatbelts when approaching a potential police trap, then taking it off again when the danger is passed. They can do this 3 or 4 times in a short journey. Isn't it taking more effort and thought to do this rather than just put the belt on and leave it?

    It reminds me of the smokers back home who stand in the wind and rain in the shop doorway trying to keep their cigarettes lit . So much effort for so little gain...

    You have to under-sa-tand the Thai- psyche!

    They don't put on the seatbelt, because the driver is excellent...by definition!

    If his passengers put on the seatbelt, they signal that they think, he might have an accident...something that will of course never happen, because he is a formidable driver.

    If he himself would put on the seatbelt...you get the idea!

    The police might not be aware of his excellent driving...and they might be in need for some money...so...better to "play along"...

  5. At last, real students doing what students throughout the World do - supporting the right to vote and defending democracy.

    A change from those middle-aged thugs that Suthep passes off as "students", hell bent on fighting, shooting and looting, in between beating up taxi drivers, that is!

    "Respect my vote" will be the slogan that saves Thailand from slipping down into the cesspit of fascism, Suthep style.

    So it would be better to have the fascism of Thaksin if PTP had been able to rewrite the constitution their way! I guess we shall see how the students react come Monday, whether they will still be peaceful or not! Frankly some look too young to vote!

    IMO, while the "Respect my vote" is a clever slogan to use, I feel it is aimed at the international community for political reasons. Why aren't the slogans in Thai, because PTP are desperately trying to prove they are democratic to the international community.

    The only change to the constitution that PTP tried to make was to make the entire Senate elected. Hardly fascist to me. All this vitriol thrown at Thaksin is just so much hogwash. He may be a crook, but then he would only have been following the traditions of decades of PMs of ALL parties, but he has never advocated a one-party state, the abolition of the monarchy, the scrapping of elections or denying the vote to southerners or anyone else. But, as they say, tell a lie often enough and the gullible will believe it to be true.

    Indeed, well lets not forget the amnesty bill! though it sounds like you don't have a problem with corrupt governments, which might be equally important. But I think you also forgot or maybe just didn't know, that Thaksin is on record as saying "Democracy is not the aim" Or is that more vitriol thrown at Thaksin?

    Its all very well taking sides or preferring one colour to the other, but at least be prepared to admit when you are wrong, and try to recognise that maybe the party you support is not as clean as you might like to think!

    ...which would be every government before him and whatever it is, that Suthep is planing...

  6. I don't know how many of the posters on here have actually read the OP or even taken the time to look up Sutheps past, by the look of the posts, not very many.

    There is one thing that to me stands out and makes perfect sense :

    "The people's assembly will exclude politicians. Otherwise, you won't be able to change laws on elections, political parties and corruption," Suthep said, noting that people who take part in the assembly must be banned from politics for five years.

    Keep politicians out of the reform process, that would include him .

    I think I asked you before on another matter, but...do you actually and seriously believe this?

    The peoples assembly will exclude politicians?

    a) so...who will be in it? (not that he ever answered THAT, rather important question)...dentists, lawyers and -god forbid- farmers?

    b ) he resigned his post as MP to join his own protest as a normal citizen! Care to think that through?

    • Like 1
  7. Clearly these people are the red-shirts (temporary dress in white) and support Thaksin,and quick like receive 500 Baht from Thaksin to vote for his sister (but I have no prove).

    Is that all Thaksin have left? 200 people at best?

    Their voice would not be heard when Suthep's "the people" come with their pee pee whistle.

    Go out an get a hobby!

    Buy a dog and take for a walk!

    Try Origami!

    Or solve crossword- puzzles.

    Your trolling is neither funny nor exciting!

    It is very, very boring for eveybody...except you!

    Perhaps if it wasn't continually being fed with replies, the bridge dweller would leave from hunger.


    Of course you are right- that is why I really, really try hard to ignore his stupid comments under 5 different names!

    It's just...sometimes...aaaaarrrggghhhh....!

  8. Clearly these people are the red-shirts (temporary dress in white) and support Thaksin,and quick like receive 500 Baht from Thaksin to vote for his sister (but I have no prove).

    Is that all Thaksin have left? 200 people at best?

    Their voice would not be heard when Suthep's "the people" come with their pee pee whistle.

    Go out an get a hobby!

    Buy a dog and take for a walk!

    Try Origami!

    Or solve crossword- puzzles.

    Your trolling is neither funny nor exciting!

    It is very, very boring for eveybody...except you!

    • Like 2
  9. "At their height, the protests have drawn more than 150,000 people accusing Yingluck's government of corruption and urging her to step down."

    But Suthep said there were millions of "the people".

    How about saying the protests have drawn about 150 people. PTP lies have no limit.

    "How about saying the protests have drawn about 150 people. PTP lies have no limit."

    But this is not a report from PTP, it is the objective view of AFP

    ....wait for it.....waaaaaaiiiiiiiit for it.....

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