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Posts posted by marstons

  1. attachicon.gifmobi's logo.png

    Mobi’s has vacancies for two female bar staff, aged 18 or over.

    · Salary 5K per month plus room and full board. (food). Salary paid on 1st of new month, (unlike other bars), and staff can advance salary earned if necessary.

    · Ladies drinks 50 Baht per drink. Paid daily.

    · Share of tips equally amongst working staff for each day (excluding cashier). Paid daily.

    · Share of bar fines. Paid daily.

    We are all one happy ‘family’ and Mobi’s looks after its ladies. We will pay for local medical problems and will advance money for emergency home trips home etc.

    No lady is compelled to go out with a customer, and customers who try to mistreat the girls at the bar are ‘shown the door’.

    If you know of any lady looking to work and live on the Darkside, please send me a PM


    After a post like this think you may well get more visits from BIB or even immigration. Drawing the wrong kind of attention to your business IMHO. But its your post.

  2. Think you will find local grown produce covered in pesticides, organic is a definition which allows tolerances of what is actually Organic, example organic eggs come form hens that roam free on a by square footage basis.

    Presently gm crops banned in Thailand, use of glyphospate and paraquat unrestricted. In UK paraquat is a registered poison and can only be sold to professional bodies, each sale recorded in poison register and regularly inspected by police. here its available in home Pro!

    Thailand is heading towards GM crops especially papaya as its developed a GM seed resistant to disease that requires pesticides. So basically if its home grown GM free but full of poison.

    • Like 2
  3. went from there a few weeks ago, i drove based on that never again. All old signs still up terminal 1 terminal 2 Domestic etc. Eventually found a car park in T 2 walked to old T1 to check in then back to gate 75 T2. On return same in reverse accept it pay in terminal not on exit, as ticket was in car so back to T1. Should have checked price on parking but on here some time ago free, I paid 1520 baht for just over a week. Cheap airlines but as usual soon a cock up and expensive place.

    Ignore all airport signs around DM as they are for swamppy.

    I also thought they had to relocate due to congestion at main airport which has about 250 runway closures a year due to cracks, hence cannot handle the traffic.

    By taxi fine.

    • Like 1
  4. So in a nutshell, I could have a pension of £19,000 before tax, nowhere to live in the UK so I would need to rent somewhere at maybe £9,000 per year, leaving me with about £690 a month, after paying tax and rent, to live on, and my wife would get a settlement visa.

    Mr Bloggs has a pension of £18,000 before tax, but has a mortgage free home in the UK, so he has about £1,375 a month after tax to live on, roughly double mine, and his wife wouldn't get a settlement visa.

    Yep, seems very sensible to me

    Sorry I just do not understand the above as it just proves some of the flawed logic of Ms May's lets lock the doors policy, was the last line sarcasm?

    In all fairness the current policy takes no account of the applicants or their returning spouses employment prospects and probable earnings.

    Sorry for the sarcasm in this serious topic Basil B, I was indeed attempting to point out the stupidity of the flawed logic of Ms May's thinking in my own clumsy way.

    As for the apparent drive for her to be the next Tory leader, well no wonder they are trying to persuade Boris to throw his hat in the ring.

    would you sooner have her as PM or in her present role?

  5. According to new laws coming in before the end of the month more than 90 day over stay 1 year ban more tan a year 3 year ban, so probably but may not be back for a year or more.

    After Thaivisa.com broke the story on Monday that individuals who overtay for more than 90 days will be blacklisted, Lt Gen Thatchai Pitaneelaboot, commander of Immigration Bureau’s Region 6 division, has confirmed the proposal to start blacklisting some overstayers has been submitted to the Ministry of Interior for approval.

    The Phuket Gazette goes on to report that Lt Gen Thatchai confirmed the time has come for foreigners who continue to ignore and show disregard for the rules and regulations in order to stay in Thailand legally.

    “It is time to stop. If you live in a country, you respect its rules.”

    Gen Thatchai also warned that foreigners caught on overstay can expect no right of appeal to be granted.

  6. I thought it was illegal to take away passport even in Thailand, after all the law requires its carried at all times. Sure they should pay the bill bu in my experience the immigration log passport details and block leaving if requested by the hospital pending a civil action that could see them being here for a year until it gets to court as they are not allowed to leave if involved in a civil law case.Yes immigration should cover visa down in Nathon.

  7. Im not sure why someone would bother trying to overstay anyway. In ANY country in the world it's illegal and courting disaster. I actually hope that all these recent shakedowns will help rid the country of some of the scurvy bilge that is found clinging to the vestiges of their sorry lives in this beautiful land.

    its illegal bla bla bla,,, perhaps if countries around the world stopped being so anal about foreign visitors of independent means , there might be less friction and a greater spread of culture, understanding of social and work ethics. Why should anyone be shackled to any one country just because they were born there...

    stop bleating on about the law and stand up against it for the good of change.

    So are you going to stand up against this law if you live here and over stay , or going to comply with it.

  8. ... I was not impressed when one of your young ladies asked me if I wanted her to go home with me for money, so nobody's perfect.

    As they say, "Different strokes..."

    btw, I bet she didn't ask for money right there and then, they never do (unless you are colossally ugly). So, at this juncture, it is solely your assumption that she would seek monetary recompense for whatever she was proposing... or you are challenged in the looks department.

    Nope she did mention only 1000 and 300 for bar, But been here into teens of years and its not the first time and doubt it will be the last. Regularly told handsome man so dont know on the challenged bit. So your assumption that a fee was not mentioned by a girl in Mobi's bar is incorrect

    Anyway s it all points to a good nite out in mobi's if your that way inclined and worth a visit.

    Interested to know if Mobi does in deed fine his girls if they leave the bar for a while, seems the natural thing to do if they leave their place of work.

  9. OMG,

    You have never been to Mobi’s yet you continue to try and pick ‘holes’ in my thread musings and distort what I say to somehow prove to the readers that the bar is not worth visiting.

    My I respectfully request that you desist and find some other target to try and put out of business.

    For the record:

    The incident at last week’s party occurred after all the customers had left, save the girl’s friend who was waiting to take her home. As previously stated, we had closed and were cashing up at the time.

    The incident with the lady and the car was a ‘one off’, happened some 6 weeks ago and did not involve any staff from my bar. The damage to the car was so slight that it couldn’t even be seen in dark – so it could hardly qualify as having his car ‘smashed up’. (He even refused any compensation payment that the cops were trying to extract from the girl).

    The lady in question was arrested and the bar she worked at was closed for the night and all the staff were taken to the police station.

    I very much doubt whether such an incident will re-occur and neither do any of the customers – including the gentleman whose car was kicked - who continue to park their cars outside the bars daily.

    I am quite sure that you could talk to any bar owner in Pattaya and he will tell you of similar – if not worse – tales, but mine simply get told on this thread and thus become public knowledge.

    Then you read my reports, in which I tell it the way it happened – good and bad - and then throw them back in my face and try to show that these incidents make my bar a bad place to visit, instead of coming to see for yourself what a happy, peaceful place it is with cold beer and the cheapest food in Pattaya.

    I think its fair to say you give the bar next door a lot of bad publicity, as a result of your posts i did visit Mobi's and ended up next door and now as a few others do go in there after visiting Mobi's. Can you not give a very nice guy starting out in the bar business as you are a few breaks like you are requesting. All you are doing in generating him business but continue to post about bad things about it. I was not impressed when one of your young ladies asked me if I wanted her to go home with me for money, so nobody's perfect.

  10. I am not defending the UKVI, immigration rules nor any individual ECO; my record shows that I am highly critical of all of them when such criticism is warranted.

    But the above post shows a total ignorance of the whole process; a process which is conducted by an agency of the British government, the UKVI, not by any private companies.

    A process which in Thailand has a success rate consistently around 95%.

    Your arrogance, thaimite, prevents you from learning anything from your initial cock up, instead you simply blame others for your mistakes; which is your problem.

    Hopefully, though, others reading this will have learned something from your experience; the 7 P principle.

    You are right, though, when you say "check everything." Shame you didn't do so with her first application!

    Why waste your time, better off spending it with those who take on board your advice. I went from tourist to ILR over time, if people get things right, provide what's required and should be no hassle.

    • Like 2
  11. They've dealt w/ far too many farang idiots and time-wasters already and rightly assume the worst. Get used to it. Of course, the management of the establishment can make a critical difference.

    Now, it's a fun challenge to speak some Thai, joke around a bit, and turn around the whole perception--ending w/ a nice experience and favorable impression for both parties.

    Pattaya is just a small part of Thailand.

    Odd attitude that a customer has to get used to bad service from sales staff. I was always told rule 1 customer is always right, rule 2 see rule 1

  12. Ban personnel mobile phones in the work place would be the best thing every business here could do. More interested in playing games then serving staff. One commented to me she got no more money for doing a good job than a bad job. Sums up most of serving staff in tourist area's now.

  13. I would like to read about them trying to intervene in the jet ski scam ( in favor of the tourists that is)

    Part of the training its made clear no involvement, no comments in any jet ski scams,absolutely no helping a victim. Its just basically filling out forms for insurance purposes.

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