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Posts posted by marstons

  1. BBC World TV is doing a heavy piece on the NCPO's crackdown on dissent and showing people in Bkk being arrested for very innocuous acts.

    I can see the station being blocked once more and Jonathon ' Dick ' Head having to get out of the country fast, again.

    yeap he should be thrown for reporting what's going on. Deportation of 100, thousands of Cambodians, people protesting by ripping up free cinema tickets then having their pictures taken by the police for later use real gutter reporting.

    Anyway's so apart from the West USA EU Britain and the UN all is well, think Cambodia would also be on that list. Going to be some snags when Thailand needs at attend some major summits who's going to represent them.

    Just wonder where this survey was done, doubt many rural area's in the North East were covered

  2. Most sex(y) activity in Pattaya tourist areas - like Walking Street - is legal.

    Why would the Junta close legitimate businesses?

    Maybe for dancing topless or nude, which isn't legal

    The Royal Thai Police enforce the law that says topless and nude dancing is illegal.

    The club owners then pay the local Royal Thai Police to make topless and nude dancing legal.

    Do try and keep up.

    Currently the army is living at the Pattaya police station and are cleaning up corruption, not only Pattaya but actually the whole of Thailand


    Do try and keep up.smile.png

    So why are they still collecting large amounts of tea money from go go bars, is that not corruption. Its going into the pockets of the BIB in soi 9 and i cannot believe the boss aint getting a cut. Get real

  3. In my view close to Sukhimvit road, would be your best option. Plenty of schools, and the internet should be pretty good. Would think near Pattaya Tai and Theprassit area. Many schools to choose from nearby.

    Other issues are water supply reliability and transport. Out around Maprachan is very nice, but not very practical, in terms of shopping, schooling etc. There are few footpaths for a 9 year old to walk on. Regent's school is quite a long hike for many people.

    Good luck with your proposed move ---- hope it works out well for you.

    Not sure on this one, regents is about 10 minutes away and onto the number 7 motorway Tesco and new Makro 15 minutes from Marbprachan (Pong)

  4. OK Here is some new info:

    For the guy worried about what to fill in under nationality or whatever, it is Thai.

    I brought her Tabien Ban and ID card (copies/orig), they did not take them at MFA. This is simply about YOUR freedom to marry.

    US Affidavit I guess unlike GBR does not have any place for her name nor do you need her ID at the US embassy.

    While you are there - get proper, quality copies THEY ARE B2!!! Do not let the young woman there rip you off!

    NOTE: I can recommend the guy up at the MFA who did my translation for B400 (first price, no haggling) one hour. The paper was accepted. He is located in the magazine shop, next to 7. I have a difficult last name, my father has an odd first and middle name as well (for Thai). So he took the time and made it right. DO IT HERE! He will fix it free if it is bounced back. If you do it anywhere else you are SOL and given many reports the translations OFTEN are not competent.

    By the way, a couple of added details.

    1. I brought along my passport book expecting someone would demand to see/use it. But I went through the entire process of translation and certification and no one asked for my actual passport. The only thing required was a single photocopy of my passport facebook page, which I had brought along myself.

    2. Nowhere in the translation and certification process at MFA was any info or documents required about my beloved -- not her name, ID card, tabien ban, etc etc. That all comes later when you to go the Amphur office to actually register the marriage. But, I did bring her along, and she was a great help in speaking with the Thai staff there and relieving me of the need to do so, for the most part. PS-As Bangkok Burning mentions, the U.S. affidavits at least also have no place to fill-in the name of one's betrothed, just her nationality only.

    3. I'd never been to MFA before today, so I don't know how it was layed out before. But as I mentioned above, on today's visit, I found no 7/11 shop there and no magazine stand/shop on the ground floor handling translations. There is now a Family Mart on the ground floor just inside the front entry doors, but nothing about translations going on there that I could see. As I mentioned above, however, there clearly is a translations counter now located on the 2nd floor just as you step off the upward escalator.

    what did you have for diner

    • Like 1
  5. The long and the short of it is the "crackdown" will achieve nothing at all.

    All "lip-service" to the powers that be.

    Totally agree the super clean cop that we have in town still sending his boys out for tea money from the bars, where does that fit in in the clean up anit corruption campaign. Friend still had to hand over his 50,000 baht the other day just to have a pole dancing place.

    Same same but differnt corruption at the top which of course gets fed upwards.

  6. The dentist i use i have forgotten his name but he is just up from Fairtex hotel near Dolphin round about just before the lights. He was the best Pattaya inter had but now has a brand new surgery. I had some work done there few months ago and he knocked a thousand off the crown compared to Pattaya Inter as he said he did not have to pay them commission.

    How highly did i rate him, i used to fly up from Phuket to get work done. Sure somebody remembers his name always got a mention when he was at PIH. Boonsapan i think, he changed so i forgot. But between fairtex hotel and traffic lights going up Pattaya North away from the island. Brand new surgery and best dentist i had in 14 years here in Thailand.

  7. Here we go. All the "all Americans this, all Americans that" statements. As a Brit is winds me up when a Brit is hauled up and we all get tarred with the same brush. I KNOW it will wind up the Americans on here as they all get grouped in together. I know it winds up the Australians on here when the same happens to them, etc, etc

    How about we discuss the issue and not the nationality this time round? That kind of conversation is only the domain of the knee-jerkers with nothing to add on the subject.

    Nobody should judge individuals by what is the statistical behaviour of most people of a certain Nationality .

    Even Thai people are different one from the other ! I am tired reading about " Thainess " etc ...

    There are good and bad people in every country . What you'll get of an individual person depends a lot of your behaviour . Smile and you'll get a smile in return .

    Respect the culture and do not offend people here in Asia will help you a lot already .

    Stay polite or you will lose face , ( dishonour yourself ) , you can still say what you want , but do so politely but firm .

    No , not ALL Thais are ...

    Not All Americans are ...

    Germans , French , Jewish , English and so on ...

    If you generalize you act stupidly .

    thanks for the info and will take in board with 20 years actual experience. What the heck as your how to live in Asia guide got to do with OP,!!!!

  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    This one sounds strange. Firstly the man is a Canadian. Secondly he is married and lives with his Thai wife - so I will wait out the result on this one.

    LOL! And why, if the article states he is an American, would you surmise that he is Canadian? Please tell me your logic is not based on the shirt he's wearing.


    Maybe its based on crap reporting history

  9. Very surprised the 2 Israeli's took a beating.

    Israeli's will normally give a lot more than they get.

    they did not have their M16s this time so no superior advantage. Dont know why they don't accept its a free to enter club that requires you buy a drink .Being asked to leave then going back in is asking for trouble not just in Thailand.

    • Like 1
  10. how old is she? why not go back to Australia?

    She is 14, wife cant leave due to her position in her company and to be honest I dont really want to live back in oz full time. Have looked at having her live with friends /family there but she doesnt want to go by herself which is understandable. We have family in Bangkok if she wants to go there but were hoping to find a school locally, probably a long shot but we were hopeful. Until you really start looking you dont realize how bad it is. There is a new international school being built just around the corner from us but until it is up and running we wont know what it is like.

    Doubt you are going to find a good School in Surat area. Unless you have loads of cash getting through to a doctors standard is going to cost a fortune and would only be worth something with in Thailand. If your not in BKK prity much zero chance of a decent education and a degree worth anything anywhere.

  11. Mean while Thai army officer gets free car, free chauffeur, free house boy, free hospital, free education for his kids through to university and a big fat pay off and pension.

    When he cuts out the hundreds that get that free package he is maybe reforming in a real way, but that he will never do. Just the headline Grabbing cuts. Thai suffering to the point of going out of business thanks to the pre Coup and more now during the coup. So he saved a few bob but lost Thai millions.

    What he should do to save the airline is bring in a foreign expert like British Airways and Emirates did, but off course Thai folks know best. The bunch in charge now all friends and chums of last regime. Thai is approx same size as Cathy Pacific and Malaysian Airlines but with 10,000 more jobs, drop 10,000 do nothing know thing employees, but again wont happen as that's a bad head line maker.

    • Like 1
  12. Quite ironic Junta says they have done it to save money for Thai Airways yet the Juntas actions have all but put Thai airways out of business.

    Girlfriends father is a Nai Porn in the army, he still has a free house, free car, free chauffeur, free person to take care his house, free hospital care, all the kids got free education upto and through university. Pot calling the kettle black or what.

  13. Basically there is not a solution, if they bite and you can prove who the owner is yes you have recourse but then it will still go on.

    Whist you have this there will always be a problem of 1 kind or another.

    "Our problem stems from one of our neighbours, a Thai family that live diagonally opposite"

  14. Pattaya Inter doctors have done mine, they will try and talk you into having the whole nail off. May grow back perfect may not but with anaesthetic they can can take it out, just show them where to start cutting, as in how far towards the centre of your toe.

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