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Posts posted by marstons

  1. Going to be interesting in Pats about 10pm.... Anyone going to venture out so as to provide a report to the rest of us? Was there a curfew here in Pats the last time after they cleared the red shirt protestors in front of Central World Bkk? I was living in Bkk at that time and it was serious business... The police pretty much took over the streets at 10pm.... All the 7's closed... The first couple of days was kind of cool like being put on restriction like a teenager again... But after that it pretty much sucked! It went on for three weeks or more.. I can't imagine it lasting more then a day or so here in Pats..

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    I can't see them having one standard for pattaya and another for the rest of the country?blink.png

    It will remain in force until the army are convinced that they are not going to need to fight rebel redshirts

    well they did last time, 5 mile exempt area if I remember correctly. 9PM i was in town and police telling people from cars over loud speakers to go home. Mayor more or less said killing the town we are opening for business. So zone given after 3 days again from memory. Other places still had curfew.

  2. there are still sanctions on Thailand's military from the USA, all the army's toys come subsidised from USA. for sure there will be sanctions by democratic counties. 2 times a democratically elected government has been over thrown, its not acceptable in this day and age. Trade barriers will bite hard and Japanese companies said weeks ago they would relocate if things did not change. Think this and the kickback from it will see them depart to neighbours. They must have problems from 10pm curfew presumably effects their night shifts, car transporters etc.

    Its all still going to end with a red government with a Shin involved because that's what the vast majority want.

    Time for this General to build his retirement fund, good timing for him.


    Red dreams..

    Shall we make a bet that there wont be trade sanctions in the near future ?

    As you know betting is illegal and you covered the offer with "near future", define what you consider near future, days? weeks? but there will be some reaction, firstly to hit the military which the USA have said already. Personally i am neither red or yellow just support Democracy, probably just like they do in your home country and mine.

  3. there are still sanctions on Thailand's military from the USA, all the army's toys come subsidised from USA. for sure there will be sanctions by democratic counties. 2 times a democratically elected government has been over thrown, its not acceptable in this day and age. Trade barriers will bite hard and Japanese companies said weeks ago they would relocate if things did not change. Think this and the kickback from it will see them depart to neighbours. They must have problems from 10pm curfew presumably effects their night shifts, car transporters etc.

    Its all still going to end with a red government with a Shin involved because that's what the vast majority want.

    Time for this General to build his retirement fund, good timing for him.


  4. To be expected that some of them are good but also to many badge flashes who tarnish the others. The police do not give protection even if the conflict ends up in soi 9 police station where the FVP will not even open their mouths to victims to help, they are official told not to get involved in jet ski scams. Thai police do not get involved either, all to scared to involved. Witnessed it quite a few times. As I understood it volunteer police have no powers unless accompanied by a real member of the police.

    Give them the chance to harass other farangs with car checks in the middle of the night they que up to do it.

  5. Just got back from 10 days in Samui, i stayed at Samui Natural near Bohput booked through Agoda. Need you own transport but great value for 700 baht a night. They will get you a bike rental good quality 250 baht per day. Can get cheaper but these were nearly new bikes. Plenty of power cuts, government water rationed and very busy roads. Hotel no problem with water or electric just out and about.

    Went around Green Mango area 4 times, 4 times had my pockets dipped into by the she boys, disappointing for them as my hands were already in my pockets expecting it. Be careful of these petty criminals who should be rounded up and kicked off the Island.

  6. PTP are voted by the people. Suthep does not want to cooperate with the government himself to discuss about the reforms. He wanted his people council. He violated the laws and caused unrest to the society. The person who is backing him dragged Constitutional Court and EC into this mess. It sure make them look like a fool to the people in Thailand and other countries.

    Maybe to you. To most people it s clear that this Government is corrupt to the roots. Now what needs to be done: change electoral laws and have new elections. The way to do this is sit down and talk with the two largest political parties. Leave Suthep and the Shins out of it. Both have, in their odd ways, served their purpose.

    But what if the majority of the country want the Shins involved and want to Democratically vote so as to have a Shin involved. The past government was corrupt as was the one before as will be most of the future ones no matter what party.

  7. One very simple thing would save the Thai people a lot of money and that would be to take the student's

    individual names off the uniforms. Why can't they hand down uniforms to their siblings and also not have to

    deal with the extra cost of personalized shirts?

    Who is making the most money off of the uniform business and why?

    It's so unnecessary in my opinion.

    the last Dem government gave money to poor for school uniforms and Taksins lot scrapped it. Our maid at time complained it was not enough but even though Taksins lot look it away still worships ground he stands on - pathetic and IMO they all deserve what they get and got. Im not saying Dems are fab but they did have a try and sheep just went for promises promises

    NO sympathy anymore whatever and I've even given up paying them over odds since sadly they just think your stupid to pay more than rest. Well not true we still pay double what others pay but only if they work and strictly no red shirt radio at our house (were in a red village and area).

    Over years a few but very few have got message and worked well and when we have no work or they leave for personal reasons we give them a bonus but most just want to take take take and no give.

    ACtually Burmese work much much better but we do know some very decent poor Thais who are honest, work hard and understand that Taksin and his regime could not give a toss for them

    So if they listen to a political radio channel of their choice you cut there wages because you don't like it, is that what you are saying surly not. If so must make you very proud of yourself.

  8. Mobi. About the possible overcharging .. maybe leave the beer bottles at the table AND do a chit each time someone orders.. can't go wrong then .. hopefully!

    Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Thanks for the suggestion. It's a good idea and is the system use by many Thai restaurants/drinking places but rarely - if ever used in western style bars.

    The punters expect their empties to be removed, and if they weren't, they would run out of space on the table to drink and it would look very cluttered.

    The man who claimed we had overcharged was in a party of four on sitting on one of our smaller tables so it would have been chaos if we hadn't cleared away the empties.

    Nevertheless I will keep your idea in mind - maybe a box near each table to keep the empties until the bill is paid.

    So far this has remained a single incident.

    Anyone else have any views/experience on this?

    Cant see it being a good idea having bottles of beer anywhere. works at the mini mart bars as penty of space, bottles best cleared away i would think. As a potential regular if the bill is in front of me and electronic till that's good enough for me enough. Presently in Samui and you never get to see the bill until it check bin time. Bills kept out of site of customers hate it. Electronic bill in front of me perfect.

  9. Mobi’s – Stop Press!!!

    Like most of you, I have been sweltering of late in the hot afternoon sun.

    In order to make your stay at Mobi’s a little more comfortable - should you decide to visit us before sunset - we have introduced 2 innovations that will make life more pleasant:

    · Cold face flannels on a regular basis.

    · A new sprinkler system which will spray water down over the entrance and side area, thus reducing the ambient temperature of the bar, and which will also provide customers with a pleasant way to cool off should they wish to stroll underneath the sprinkling water….

    Bar hours are noon to midnight

    If you go into Layla's bar they have this water sprinkler and is very effective, I was in there the other week and thought what a good idea it was...just a shame the owner there is a complete misery who thinks he is doing you a favour getting you a beer. Mind you, he is Welsh!

    Wil be rocking up to see ya soon.

    I just tried mine out in the middle of the afternoon and the water was boiling hot - straight out of the ground. I left it for 5 mins and it was still hot, but I had to go to Pattaya so don't know if it cooled down after a while. I'll test it again tomorrow.

    My guess is that the one at Layla's is more sophisticated, but can't say for sure as I haven't seen it.

    From what I can see Layla's is a well run and well patronised establishment and kudos to the owner for having the nous to do it properly, unlike so many around.

    Unfortunately, I had a bit of a run-in with him a couple of years ago and I won't set foot in the place, much as I admire what he seems to have done.

    I was still recovering from open heart surgery and taking a slow walk past his place with my dog in the days before he started building his little resort. In fact the land that now contains his resort was open scrub land, with no sign to say it belonged to anyone or any fence to advise anything was being constructed there.

    I walked across the open land with my dog to have a look a a hole in the ground which eventually became the swimming pool and the guy threatened to 'do me over' for trespassing on his property, which I didn't even know he owned!!

    We exchanged a few choice words and that was that. Not a nice person.

    If it takes that kind of person to run a successful establishment in Pattaya then maybe I'm kidding myself.... but I hope I'm not......

    Good luck with the venture be nice to see the job done well. Seems most of the population of the lake had run in with him, RIP 9999 Good for the 1010 crew and maybe Mobi's.

  10. Sin Sod in my case was the sod bit as in sod off. Thai culture but I am western and its not western culture. its to show of and mouth off to everybody how much they got. No worries if she is madly in love with you.

    I offered to match what the Thai father of my wifes child gave and I did, soone baht,

    Best advice is on first page buy a 5 million house and 30 year lease, then you cant be kicked out for 30 years by the other 11 circling predators.

  11. nothing you could have done, many phone calls would have been made, the ambulance thats gets there first usually leads to a cut of the bill to the caller.

    If it were a neck or spinal injury you could have made things worse with out the correct training. If there are broken bones and you put in your car doing so could cause the fractured bones to puncture vital organs. Just google move accident victim to what harm it can do. Make a call and leave it at that. Do you really want "well if you had not moved the victim she would be able to walk now not paralysed". You would get taken to the cleaners. Which hospital can you take them to, do they have insurance, do you try and find a government hospital.

    one of many examples why you don't put somebody in your car after an accident.


  12. And if you turn the sound up of the Top Gear Video you can hear the Asian muttering to himself "Gweilo" meaning foreign devils.

    I didn't realise they spoke Cantonese in Thailand

    Get you facts correct, this video was shot in Myanmar not Thailand. In Burmah they speak over 100 languages including Sino-Tibetan and Chinese, in any case this is meant as an illustration.

    What would you think the Asian was thinking to himself when he is trying to walk across a defective bridge built by white men that has an obvious slope to it?

    Get your facts correct. The bridge that they built was over the River Kwai.

    River Kware if one is talking about getting facts right, There is no river Kwai, Please be diligent and ask any Thai.biggrin.png

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