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Posts posted by marstons

  1. I have a flight booked to Bangkok in July, and if this petty nonsense is still going on then, it will be to connect to pastures new I think.

    you're going to leave the country over a 4 hour curfew??? why not just stock your fridge? want a drink after midnight? problem solved.

    No, I'm just not going to stop in it. I prefer to go to a place where I might have a better chance of being treated as both a paying guest and a responsible adult.

    Go for it, even where the curfew is lifted, its truly an under controlled circumstances. Stopped searched all the time, If its for a holiday i would advice anybody flip to the next page in the travel brochure, Clearly people who see having a beer out of a fridge at home as the same as being out and about in bar atmosphere never go out into the bars. Tourist don't want to sit having a beer out of a fridge have worked hard for a holiday, and the comparison is ludicrous.

  2. All this information is coming out from a military controlled media, proof will be in the pudding but would have more credibility if it were coming from a free press with proof. Right now the Junta can post what it like. I doubt very much jet ski scams have been stopped and would take a guess the taxi mafia in Phuket are as bad today as they were last week.

    More chance of king Canute turning back the tide

    • Like 1
  3. Plenty of house for rent signs about, should i return Plai Lam would be my choice. Did some house hunting recently and seemed best bet for me personally. Still relatively quite not far to Ban Rak and brand new furnished one bed house with plenty of space out front was 9k per month. free internet and water. Government electric bill.

    Came back to mainland though as every thing else is nearly half the price, food drink etc, then theres the price of flights. But houses in that area were good value and i lived in Samui for 9 years and know its a good area. But each to their own.


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  4. consider renting you can up and move when ever you want or when you may need to. 51% always beats 49%, if you do buy lease from your wife for 30 years via a solicitor and if you want to have your lease pass to another but a succession clause in at the land registry.

    As stated many many guys kicked out of their own houses even after years of happy marriage. Giving a wife control is handing her an awful lot of money which would go along way back in the ville. Also strong possibility of peer pressure to do it.

    I presently live in housed leased off a guy from his ex wife, he had a succession clause for his new partner but no clause to sub let which again is/ can be a nightmare. Moved into to my new house after 10 days landlord died. learnt alot last 2 weeks and paid old landlord and new landlord for the same month and deposit.

    Mine field renting easey peasey.

    Added extra make a company as many do, but immigration officer told me if you work on that house in a company name in theory need a work permit.

  5. Mr Kostas what a load of crap, I would imagine that 99.0% of countries would be checking their radars especially military and ask who the f*#** is this in our air space! it is not surprised to be here! scramble the jets check it out. Do you not think. If Burma, Malaysia, Thailand military picked up some bleeps on radar that were no supposed to be there they would or should scramble and check it out.

    at any given time there are hundreds of commercial aircrafts in the airspace of most countries. the military would be busy 25 hours a day to check each of them.


    yes but they have approved flight plans and are communicating with ATC and would be sqawarking their given number. Here is an example as to what happens when a plane does not do that.


  6. One things for sure if you pay it he will be back on his unfit motor bike riding around with his kids unprotected and damage somebody else's property and be unable to pay for it again. If i were the Merc owner I would do the same, why should they stand the loss.

    • Like 1
  7. Maybe the news internationally about the Thailand crisis is totally different to the news in Thailand and that is why countries are warning their citizens to stay away.

    Yes the former PM and its minions have a good PR machine.

    But we down here know that now loads more criminals are getting caught, there is no bloodshed no grenades no slaughter of anti government protesters by the reds. Its a lot safer as before.

    The only bad thing is that there is a curfew.

    How do you know can you provide a source to back up the facts of more criminals being caught and the fact its safer.

  8. And of course all this good news that is coming out is 100% true. Can this really be the same army that's has tried and failed to bring peace to the South. 2 weeks in to a 15 month stint long way to go and a lot of preparation over the years yet to show its self. Still plenty of press censorship and arrests so only good news coming out.

    p.s the Amy just announced the tooth fairy does exist better belief it, must be true.

  9. worth remembering the poison is not selective and will call more than dogs. Not sure you choose the right country to live Big C because many of your post are wishing to harm whats goes on around you. posting you wanted to torture to within inches of his life until he was begging you to end one example. Dont like noise but chose what has been a noisy destination for over 30 years.

    So lay the poison around the little empire around which you wish to create, no fences lets hope no kids wonder on on eat it or the wrong persons dog, are that gun you posted you wanted so much will maybe what you wished for.

    Personally reading your post i think you have issues as many discuss violence or killing ie this one..

  10. Apple or pear cider try this,

    Pint or two pint glass jug, get a bottle or two of that white wine from 7/11( most Thai drunks drink it as it its damned cheap) top it up with fizzy water or soda water ,empty apple or pear juice (thats cheap too ) into it all ,finish off with few ice chunks ,hot afternoon it goes down a treat

    Short time rooms would be an added bonus

    Thanks for the recipe.

    Sorry, short time rooms around the lake are a no-no, without having to pay very large sums of money, and even then you are not guaranteed freedom from raids. A few have tried and have given up.

    However there are plenty of cheap rooms within a few minutes drive of Mobi's.

    So what you're saying is the local police captain, with his picture on the new posters sprouting around various Pattaya jurisdictions, owns the local short-time hotels scattered about.

    I'm not saying that at all.

    The area of Lake Mabprachan and most of the Dark Side is under the jurisdiction of amphur Banglamung and the local districts of Nong Prue and Pong and does not come within the remit of the Pattaya City police force.

    This is why short time bars are not allowed as it is mainly residential and as such, is not a designated 'entertainment area' where such establishments may exist.

    That is not to say there aren't some around, but they have to pay a lot of money to stay in business.

    But there are plenty around the lake open 24 hours advertising long and short time rates.

  11. Ten or so days on from the coup, and sanctions against Thailand have been largely inconsequential.

    It seems international alarm is not as great as some would have us believe.

    We will never know what's going on behind closed doors, Thailand's exports are down significantly and inflation is rising.

    Ironically the wanted criminal as he is called has more travel rights around the world now than the Coup leaders.

    On a plus side the baht is falling and for the first time in years its over 55 to the £.

    Many analysts predict Thailand falling into recession whilst all around boom.


  12. trivial offences. lets see, they appointed the reds that were the ones calling for the killings, bombings, fires etc in Bangkok in 2010 into official govt positions even though they were facing criminal offences, issued a passport and hand delivered it to a wanted criminal then refused to issue an international arrest warrant plus they then let the same man organize and run the govt. Used mass corruption to drain Thailands finances and ran the country into the ground, never paid the rice farmers, then when they were cornered they got the reds to try top declare a northern independant state, got them to attack and kill civillian women and kids, attack any one that said anything bad about the ptp or judges that found them guilty, intimidated everyone and had the police ignore all the deaths etc caused by the reds. Yes, very trivial in deed but only to a red appologist.

    Given all that bad stuff who do you think would win a Democratic election if one were to be held now.Based in this the Reds would not even figure in it.

    • Like 1
  13. The tests should be carried out on the open road,not in an office

    or car park,under real driving conditions,lets see how many should

    really be on the roads.

    regards Worgeordie

    This takes place in Western countries when D.L applicants are being tested on open traffic roads.

    In Thailand this does not take place on open traffic roads because D.L. officials do not want to be in general traffic within the car of an inexperience D.L. applicant because they are afraid of accidents.

    But driving schools go out on the open road with applicants so why not D.L Officials

  14. The Prime Minister is the de facto chair of the Cabinet of Thailand. The appointment and removal of Ministers can only be made with their advice. As the leader of the government the Prime Minister is therefore ultimately responsible for the failings and performance of their Ministers and the government as a whole. So they don't need to be high level. Khun Yingluck, the buck stops with you.

    You suggest that Khun Yingluck was all powerful yet when she decided to move a senior official from his post, she was judged to have acted ultra vires and removed from her post. Are you sure the buck stops with Yingluck or are you just guilty of wishful thinking?

    The buck should stop with Yingluck.. however she has a boss but he can't be held accountable as he is already on the run from the law.

    who is he running from, Certainly no countries outside Thailand, he has more freedom than the leaders of the Coup who are already banned from entering Australia.

  15. Not surprising as this investigation is more focusing on the "nuts and bolts" of the scam. The thing is not to prove that they were involved, but more that they were aware of it.

    I wonder what Supa has to say about this though?

    Oh that's right she won't dribble information out as the investigation by the NACC is progressing. The NACC will wait until it has fully completed its investigation and present its findings.

    That is the one I am looking forward to.

    He said afterwards that based on current information, there were 10 cases that were under investigation by officials, and that all of the cases involved counterfeiting of rice mortgage documents – primarily the warehouse receipts.

    Actually say were involved in it not aware of it, involved in my book mean it says they were involved in doing the scamming. seems clear enough.

  16. true slippery, unfortunately some of flotsam from Bangkok and Pattaya wash ashore up here. Nong Khai bars were rocking and rolling at 0100 Mon. night. Udon was going strong when I went home last night about 2230. And for all those that have never been up here, we have no roads, no tv, no restaurants, no bars, no ladies, no booze...lol. My story and I'm stickin' to it.

    Soi Sampan, Day NIght, Nutty Park, Fai Dang Exellent roads in the city cheap flights to Bangkok and Phuket and Chiang Mai, nice people hardly any traffic, give it ago from Pattaya.

    555 your covers blown.tongue.png

  17. My vacation is saved! (Because it's all about me you know...) w00t.gif

    Seriously, though. I'm happy that they are slowly loosening the reins. For better or worse, Pattaya depends HEAVILY on the tourism dollars.

    That would be sex tourism dollars

    Minority of visitors to Pattaya are sex tourists. the millions of Asians and Russians that visit now far out way Sex tourist. not a very well informed comment.

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  18. Come on you RAMS Arry put the worlds richest dog in the kennels the rams are coming to town. Burton Albion in the play offs as well, could not be better for a life long Rams fan with the Albion my second team.

    Just got to figure out where it can be legally watched. Could do with some real army back up.


  19. Great to see Sombat exposes the military coup as what it is - against the constitution and illegal!

    The military has no legal authority to order anybody to do anything.

    Next step should be now to establish a government in exile and challenge the authority of the military leadership with the backing of the international community have Prayuth and all involved in the coup arrested and charged with treason.

    You sound like Mr. Amsterdam,

    Just one thing. There wasn't a government. The caretaker PM and several of her cabinet had been removed for breaking the law, acting illegally. The legitimacy of the replacement acting acting caretaker PM, supposedly elected by the remaining caretaker cabinet but in reality appointed by the wannabee dictator and criminal fugitive Thaksin, has never been established. Nor has his Royal approval.

    The armed forces commanders and their military forces have acted patriotically in the interests of restoring law, order and some peace whilst tying to find a positive way out that benefits the Thai people. They should be applauded and supported.

    Establish a government in exile - and who would head that? A common criminal fugitive with 15 serious outstanding charges waiting his return? His cousin who still refuses to answer for illegally issuing a new passport to him?

    Once the investigation into money theft, trails and laundering is underway, some of those detained might become suddenly very co-operative.

    Well they have the support of the worlds major powers, patriotically, doubt it they just had there strings pulled and acted accordingly. 27 deaths in last 7 months as justification for the coup, lets see how many there are in the next 7 months after the soldier boys have come in. Wonder how the Generals retirement is going to be when the next red government is voted in and what his bank balance is now and what it will be come the day of his retirement.

  20. If he's tweeting from his phone, it may not be too long before he's caught, especially if he's up-country.


    Can log in from any phone or computer, if he is the North East which he probably is lets see if the Army mostly Isaan conscripts go in and get him. Its a start of a resistance to a Coup taking over the for the second time a Democratic government. If it escalates then they army could be battling a Southern problem in 3-4 area's, not exactly doing a god job down South.

    Who's the Dork do you know how twitter works?

  21. Yes, this is an excellent move by General Prayuth Chan-ocha.

    Humanity and smiles are returning to Thailand at the same time as the Red Shirt Terrorists are being arrested.

    Keep up the good work General Prayuth Chan-ocha.

    they aint got the money yet, good way of keeping them quite for a few weeks. The terrorists were voted in in 1 person 1 vote, and these same rice farmers will vote for them again given the chance, so several rice farmers tell me anyway.

    Love to see the General stabilise the price of rice , Thai rice is no longer competitive and the world don't need it. Time stood still in the Thai paddy fields as that was how it was meant to be by the power that be, mean while other rice growing countries passed them by.

    Get out your ten rai Paddy field and into another industry Khun Halamjiak because technology and competitiveness needs 500+ rai paddy fields.

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