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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. Wait...



    'Smashed' is an alcohol education and awareness programme supported by Diageo in the UK. which was delivered in 71 schools and reached14,059 students aged 12-14 in 2014.


    Schools receive a package including a live theatre performance, interactive workshop, teaching materials, and evaluation, and the programme educates students on the facts about alcohol, explores the causes and consequences of alcohol misuse, and helps students tackle peer pressure and make informed choices. Since Diageo started supporting the programme, over 225,000 young people have seen Smashed in over 1,150 schools across the country. After viewing one of the performances, UK Member of Parliament, Mark Hunter, said: “‘Smashed’ is a creative and innovative way of engaging teenage audiences on the potentially dangerous result of alcohol abuse.  I thought Collingwood Learning’s production was both well considered and hard-hitting, making a really profound impact on the pupils during the production and in the workshops afterwards.”


    An evaluation of the impact of Smashed produced in April 2014 by Collingwood Learning (an organization dedicated to providing creative education, training, and communications projects) can be found here: www.collingwoodlearning.com/smashed.


    The report found that 90.1% of the students who attended said they learnt more about the risks of alcohol misuse, 88% said they know who to talk to about alcohol, and 81% said they will avoid alcohol misuse now or in the future. As one student said: "I learned that avoiding alcohol misuse is always the right choice."


    And these people are protesting against it?!?



  2. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    He said the authorities would then examine how to make such individuals choose one nationality rather than holding onto both. 


    Yeah, because forcing a foreign identity onto these people wasn't the catalyst for the whole issue in the first place, so forcing them to choose one or another is really going to be popular.


    What happens if they "choose" Malaysian, are they going to be forcibly deported?

  3. 1 hour ago, webfact said:

    In adopting foreign election practices, it was important to consider the Thai political context, he said


    ...which is that rarely does one enter politics out of duty to their country, but rather for the potential of gross personal enrichment; and the richer one is, the more votes they can buy, the greater the return on that investment.

  4. 1 hour ago, Lampang2 said:

    I guess a few people regretted bying fake deeds.

    Possibly was not interested in the seller to come clean before the judge.

    Many possibilities.
    Way to many.
    1000 deeds.
    Sums up.


    And we're not just talking about patches of coconut groves...





    There are some big, most likely senior-ranking, players in this story that would presumably like to remain anonymous.

  5. 5 minutes ago, kannot said:

    id say virtually guaranteed


    Considering it is accepted by all non-rose-colored-glasses-wearing scholars that the RTP and the RTA are the two largest mafia-like organisations on the country it is hardly surprising that his silencing occurred while in police custody...



    4 minutes ago, jaltsc said:

    "One wonders if this "mastermind" ordered the silencing of Thawatchai.. "


    One way to prevent getting caught in less than honest activities is to remember the time honored saying:


    "Dead men tell no tales".


    Yep, think of the testimony that this guy could have provided, said mastermind could've gone down for a very long time (in a country where the judiciary is fair and impartial).

  6. 8 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

    10 Billion Baht in deeds?


    Who would have been the final recipient of thst money? This dead guy? 


    The worst part about this headline is all the guys who cry every suicide is a hidden murder are going to use this incident for the next 20 years.


    It is alleged that Thawatchai received money from certain influential people to issue bogus land deeds. 


    A bit of digging has found this story - http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/encroached-properties-in-sirinart-national-park-in-phuket-to-face-legal-execution-to-evict‏/ - and this story - http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/court-hands-heavy-jailterms-phuket-illegal-land-grabbers/ -  a good story today in the unmentionable that say these were some of the land deeds he illegally issued.


    Note the last line of the second story, "Sirinart park chief Mr Kittipat Tharapibaan said that the two defendants were merely representatives of the real mastermind who engineered and financed the land grabbing for profiteering."


    One wonders if this "mastermind" ordered the silencing of Thawatchai...

  7. 8 hours ago, webfact said:

    The Russian aircraft were purchased at US$ 34 million each.


    Funny, this Russian newspaper in February said the aircraft were only $ 27-28 million each... :whistling:



  8. 13 hours ago, Deepinthailand said:

    So the world health organisation are wrong are they or are you suggesting that they are useless as well.


    I'm not sure how you gleaned that from what I wrote.


    While I did accuse this imbecile of lying to protect the tourism industry, the fact of the matter is much more embarrassing for him. The ECDC (European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) report that this imbecile held a press conference to discredit, and the WHO report that he bases this erroneous assertion on measure different metrics.


    The WHO Global Zika situation report, dated 25 August 2016, does not discuss whether any outbreak is widespread or not, and certainly doesn't include the word "scattered", simply when any outbreaks occurred and how long they've been occurring for.


    This report places Thailand in Category 2: Countries with possible endemic transmission or evidence of local mosquito-borne Zika infections in 2016. It expands on this categorisation:



    Countries or territories that have reported an outbreak with consistent presence of laboratory confirmed, autochthonous, mosquito-borne cases of Zika virus infection 12 months after the outbreak OR

    Countries or territories where Zika virus has been circulating for several years with consistent presence of laboratory confirmed, autochthonous, mosquito-borne cases of Zika virus infection or evidence of local mosquito-borne Zika infections in 2016. Reports can be from the country or territory where infection occurred, or from a third party where the case is first recorded according to the International Health Regulations (IHR 2005). 


    (As zika cases were first detected in Thailand in 2012, it falls into the second category.)


    The ECDC Current Zika transmission report, dated 31 August 2016, discusses how many cases there has been and how recently they have occurred.


    This report classifies Thailand as "Increasing or widespread transmission." It explains this category as: 



    More than 10 locally transmitted cases of Zika virus are reported in a single area, OR at least two separate areas report locally transmitted cases of Zika virus, OR Zika virus transmission is ongoing in an area for more than 3 months.


    Thailand meets at least two of these categories.


    Nowhere in this report do the authors identify Thailand "as a country with widespread Zika infection in the last three months." Countries and territories are categorised as "currently experiencing active local Zika virus transmission if local Zika infections have been reported by health authorities within the last three months" - which they have.


    By failing to understand what each report was discussing, by misrepresenting what the authors of each report and actually claimed, by claiming that media reports were "not accurate" even when they reported his own words, he exposes himself as either an imbecile, a liar, or both.

  9. 8 minutes ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

    I remember Thaksin's chicken cooking show on TV and when he lied to EU that there was no Chicken flu in Thailand, hope this is not a similar cover up.


    "No heatwave in Thailand" (for the ludicrous reason that there are no deserts) during a heatwave; "No floods in Bangkok, just a water drainage delay" - they are the masters of (completely transparent and utterly stupid) cover-ups.


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