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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. And the reporters can't even ask the most basic of follow up questions to this a hole administrator? What problems for society is he going to cause if he gets expelled? He's been at your school causing trouble for a long time and you've taught him jack <deleted>. In fact, by not expelling him, you are causing more damage to society because he's just learned his actions have no consequences!

    Yep, it's obvious that keeping him in school on probation is failing miserably at teaching him "the right way to behave."

  2. The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) will now focus primarily on maintaining peace in the country, ensuring national security, and reconciling political differences.

    And why not? Not you've fixed the lottery, motor show pretties, mushroom pickers, while ensuring you stay in power for as long as the powers that be need you there... I mean, what else could possibly need doing?

    Bicycles, bicycles (lanes, rides [road deaths])you forgot the jewel in the crown.

    Shame on you.

    Mea culpa. wai.gif

    "To achieve the goal, legal measures and steps will be taken by the NCPO to restore unity"

    Like intimidation, kidnapping, false imprisonment, laying of false charges, forced disappearances and the liberal use of guns and tanks.

    Yep, couldn't be more correct. I can't like this enough.

    It is beyond pathetic how they need to resort to "legal measures" in an attempt to restore unity, rather than, oh you know, ensuring justice is served fairly and impartially, actually ending the overt corruption in every level of government, listening and taking notice of all opinions, and repealing archaic draconian laws used solely for political means, and having an honest discourse with the Thai people...

  3. The day they get this serious about the theft of peoples' hard-earned taxes by corrupt officials will be a day to celebrate.

    A long way off I fear. The Sheriff of Nottingham can't pretend to be Robin Hood.

    Not seriously anyway, though most people laugh at him anyway, so I suppose it's worth a try.


    Most people, yes, but, sadly, the people who don't laugh at him (publicly) matter more than the majority.

  4. The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) will now focus primarily on maintaining peace in the country, ensuring national security, and reconciling political differences.

    And why not? Not you've fixed the lottery, motor show pretties, mushroom pickers, while ensuring you stay in power for as long as the powers that be need you there... I mean, what else could possibly need doing?

  5. Why is he not in the cells?

    Why because the school director is trying to protect the good name of the school.

    Get the police arrest/ charge him. Too many times institutions protecting their good name.

    The sad thing is they actually think harbouring a thug who bashed a respected teacher and trying to keep things hush hush is protecting the good name of the school...

  6. And what about the 300 brand new firetrucks and boats which are parked on a terrain for 8 years now? I thought the plan was to get them running but are they buying mini trucks now?

    The commision has been paid on those a long time ago,time to buy some

    more,they are not trucks but ATV's, how much water do they carry ?

    regards Worgeordie P.S. 8 million THB a pop,seems expensive

    Considering the Polaris Ranger 6x6 starts at US$12,599 (442,000 baht), I'd concur that 8,000,000 baht a piece does deem slightly excessive...

    I can't see how anyone, not even Teflon-Sukhumbhand, could seriously argue that a pump, small water tank and two fire extinguishers could cost 7,558,000 baht! (Indeed the other website says that the extinguishers cost 8,000 baht each, and even this is three times market price!)

    So lets say it cost them—at a wildest max guess—2 million a piece; that is 120 million baht in public funds that has been illegally funnelled into some influential individuals' personal slush funds.

    Again, the utter shamelessness of this level of corruption astounds me.

    Similar to the mark-ups applied to the bogus explosive detectors a few years ago. Impossible to explain where the money went, so the detailed costings were never explained in public. But that's OK. Here in Thailand. Because corruption is the system, without it nothing can happen. All Thai people know that, and accept it more or less.

    Or the 19 x 4TB hard drives they bought for their CCTV system for 800,000 baht a piece... 5000 baht retail...

    Or the 7 x 15TB RAID arrays for 2,777,000 baht each... 55,000 baht retail...

    Or the 3 x 20TB RAID arrays for 3,450,000 each... 71,000 baht retail...

    So they actually spent 658,000 baht of their (alleged) 44,989,000 baht budget on the hard drives, while 44,331,000 (98.5%!!!!) was pilfered by untouchable influential individuals.

  7. Is the former Minister out on bail or is he being detained... there never was a follow up to this story http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/928100-former-deputy-commerce-minister-banyin-tangphakorn-arrested-for-murder/

    Given his wealth, I'm sure he will be out on bail...TIT.. If you've got bags of money, the laws of the land doesn't apply..whistling.gif

    so the trick is to make sure hes out of money. the second anyone gets a wiff of poverty hes a walking dead man.

    maybe the victims family will have some closure and the money that was stolen returned to them with a handsome reward going to the key investigators in this very obviouis case


    I agree that the case seems obvious, and closure for the family would be welcomed, as would any return of any remaining (non-pilfered) money; however, I don't agree that the investigators should be rewarded for actually, finally, doing their job.

  8. And what about the 300 brand new firetrucks and boats which are parked on a terrain for 8 years now? I thought the plan was to get them running but are they buying mini trucks now?

    The commision has been paid on those a long time ago,time to buy some

    more,they are not trucks but ATV's, how much water do they carry ?

    regards Worgeordie P.S. 8 million THB a pop,seems expensive

    Considering the Polaris Ranger 6x6 starts at US$12,599 (442,000 baht), I'd concur that 8,000,000 baht a piece does deem slightly excessive...

    I can't see how anyone, not even Teflon-Sukhumbhand, could seriously argue that a pump, small water tank and two fire extinguishers could cost 7,558,000 baht! (Indeed the other website says that the extinguishers cost 8,000 baht each, and even this is three times market price!)

    So lets say it cost them—at a wildest max guess—2 million a piece; that is 120 million baht in public funds that has been illegally funnelled into some influential individuals' personal slush funds.

    Again, the utter shamelessness of this level of corruption astounds me.

  9. It's like copying things is an obsession out here. I came, I saw, I made a forgery.

    Yes, they even do it with Governments too!!

    The whole country is akin to a poor forgery.

    From their "democracy" to their "justice system," from their "police force" to their "defence forces," from their electricity and telecommunications infrastructure to their roads and public transport, their water and stormwater drainage systems to their building practices - it's like they took a (very brief) look at a developed country and thought, 'hey, that looks easy, we can do that too! It looks so easy we don't even need to ask for help!'

  10. I'm no eggspert but don't eggs leads to constipation? is this a secret plot by 7/11 to sell more eggcellent toilet paper?

    Oh, what an eggcruciating pun. I think omelette that one slide...

    On another note: this is yet another case of same shit, different day - but in this case it's same shit, different year...

    Thai public urged to consume more eggs in the 'EGG E EGG EGG 2015' Event

    2015-07-13 THAILAND

    Public urged to consume more eggs in the EGG E EGG EGG 2015 Event

    BANGKOK, 13 July 2015, (NNT) – Residents have flocked to buy discounted eggs, in the campaign promoting egg consumption among the public, EGG E EGG EGG 2015, held at Central Plaza Rattanathibet on Sunday.

    The 2nd annual event, organized by the Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, offered fresh eggs, salty eggs, fermented eggs, egg tofu, and chili paste made from eggs, supplied by egg farms nationwide.

    One of the vendors said the event was well-received by the public. He dismissed the myth that consuming too many eggs would induce high cholesterol, saying the egg contains many nutrients suitable for people of all ages.

    Currently the average price of an egg is 2.70 baht; the price is likely to increase by 10 satang this week. EGG E EGG EGG 2015 aims to increase the average number of eggs consumed, from 200 eggs per person per year in 2012 to 300 eggs per person per year in 2018.

  11. I could be wrong but if the domestic egg consumption increased an average of four percent a year in the past ten years, and egg prices fluctuate "all the times (sic) depending on production," then eating more eggs—which is already happening each and every year—isn't going to solve the issue of poor production techniques...

    As with all industries, people see money being made and everyone jumps on board creating a massive oversupply (eggs, rubber, cassava, palm oil, laundries, optometrists, shop-houses for rent) and then expects the government to come up with ways to make their crowded business model sustainable.

    So it appears there are too many egg producers which causes frequent oversupply and huge price fluctuations, causing some less savvy producers to hit the wall. Love it or loathe it, this is how the free market is supposed to work.

  12. is this the kind of JUSTICE the PM spoke about ?

    money speaks, only poor sods & farangs go to jail

    what about a farang with money? There are some, you know!

    Yes, just ask the Aussie who murdered the bouncer in Phuket, and police dropped charges the because he agreed to pay the next of kin 1.2 million baht ($A48,000) in compensation a review of the exceedingly low resolution security camera footage of the incident exonerated him...

  13. If this is, in fact, true, then my respect for this country has complete and utterly been erroded.

    Red Bull heirs guilty of reckless driving resulting in fatal accidents getting off scott free; little hiso lasses driving under the influence and fatally injuring 9(?) minibus passangers getting a few hours community service; some poor, innocent Burmese labourers taking the rap for two tourists' deaths on Koh Tao just to deflect attention from a certain influential island businessman's son; coppers' children savegly slaughtering a helpless, crippled man (fair enough, their fate has yet to be decided, but, call me cynical if you will, but I doubt they'll receive any punishment worth mentioning).

    This simply cannot be happening...

    It's too much abuse of power...

    When will it stop?

    It is so ingrained into the Thai culture that there needs to be a complete reset of the country for it to stop.

    This reset is imminent. The whole stack of cards is about to come crashing down, and, hopefully, when the dust settles, Thailand will be able to begin rebuilding its tattered and tarnished image and fully realise its incredible potential.

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