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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. 2 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

    Our local authority (whatever you call them) have just spent billions of Baht laying new storm drains, resurfacing the road with about a foot of concrete - really yes a foot, and installing pretty new street lights over more than 2 kms. The work took well over a year and was a pain in the butt, what did they do with the Black Spaghetti ? nothing, just restrung it from the very pretty new street lights, a wasted opportunity to say the least.


    Pic 1 is the completed section outside the village, pic 2 is the bit that they are underway with at the moment.




    Is there a camber on that new road at all?

  2. "The clean up of Thailand's hanging wires - more of a headache than first thought."


    Well, no, not to anyone who's IQ is higher than the temperature. A gargantuan task that involves countless companies to be carried out by people who have never had to do anything properly in their lives, without any assistance or advice by, god forbid, foreign professionals who may have done this type of project before - of course it was going to be a massive headache! Anyone who thought this an easy task obviously didn't think about it at all.

  3. 6 hours ago, gdgbb said:

    There is no extradition treaty between Singapore and Thailand.  Is that enough detail?


    No. Generally, the absence of an extradition treaty between any two nations does not preclude any extradition between those two nations.


    Specifically, according to Thailand's extradition act (Extradition Act, B.E. 2551), if the two countries have not signed a treaty, the requesting country must indicate a commitment of reciprocity. 



    Section 9 The Thai government may consider surrendering a person for prosecution or serving punishment according to the Court’s judgment in a criminal case under the Requesting State’s jurisdiction to such State pursuant to the request as follows:

    (1) Where it is an extraditable offence and not prohibited by the Thai law or not the offence of political character or military offence;

    (2) Where there is no extradition treaty between them, when the Requesting State expresses definitely that the extradition will be granted in the same manner upon requested. 


    One can only speculate whether it is the absence of any reciprocal deal being requested or accepted, whether—as many posters have quite understandably suggested—it has something to do with the large sum of money that was brought into Thailand, or, indeed, whether the AG himself is familiar with his own countries laws...

  4. 1 hour ago, chainarong said:

    If you  ref to Mr " T " it is USD not Baht.


    Nah, I was referring to Chakthip - a career cop who's declared assets are northwards of 968 million baht, and who seems to have no clue about what's going on. Granted with all the disinformation, and false reports that are being promulgated by people who should know better concerning last week's bombings, I don't really blame him!

  5. 41 minutes ago, Reigntax said:

    Another day, a different amount. I suppose when Prayut stated yesterday that the amount of the losses would increase from less than 300 billion, his plebs have just followed his orders.


    They are either incompetent and have no idea or they are really convincing actors.


    ...or they are getting their share with the full knowledge they they will get away with it before.

  6. I'm curious to see how one performs a "sailing ship" sign...

    Make a fist, that is the hull. Now raise the longest finger, that is the mast.

    Makes sense; I've just never heard it referred to as that before. You live and you learn.

    Ummm, that's my version. May not be the one the Thais use.

    Lol, well it made more sense than what i was trying to come up with using a torch in a darkened room!

    That being said - this poor dead fool can at least be used as an example to not react to inane provocation...

  7. Confirmation came through an email that the money had been paid but too much had been remitted. The doctor fell into the trap and returned 19,000 baht or 500US dollars thinking he had really received the money.

    A further request for 800US dollars was also paid in connection with insuring the item that was for sale.

    When another request came the penny dropped and the doctor saw that he had been tricked into parting with money and that none had actually been paid in the first place.

    Fool me once, fool me twice, but I'm too smart to be fooled three times.

    There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, 'fool me once... shame on... ... shame on you... ... ... fool me, you can't get fooled again.'

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