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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. Absolutely shameless.

    That these people have the gall to continue in their positions when it is patently obvious that they have zero intention of bringing the lowlife to justice beggars belief.

    That the PM can stand by watching this farce unfold so publicly and so obviously corruptly, without even entertaining the possibility that this is what really tarnishes the image of Thailand, just proves the type of person he is.

    I've often wondered how many of these governmental scumbags would be left if seppuku wasn't confined to Japan, but it's all too apparent that they simply have no shame.

  2. They could always make another survey and post it right here on page one in the Thailand news section. I am not really sure why TV is taking this bizarre approach to things. It isn't like we are voting for brexit or the president. It has to be asked what does TV gain by what they are doing right now?

    Is it like somebody else said that they want the results to show shiny, happy, people holding hands? Any potential or current advertiser will already know what a bunch of cantankerous, destitute, crotchety, unhappy, pricks we are anyway. Go into pretty much any sponsors thread and the evidence speaks for itself.

    It is somewhat ironic how much discontent was brought about in the other thread when TV accused us of being happy.

    Regardless I have to question some of the decisions that are going on behind the scenes at TV these days and what objective are they trying to achieve? There was a Khmer forum awhile ago that pissed off it's users and had a virtual monopoly. The owner started doing outlandish crap including moderation and now they aren't the only game in town.

    Also does anybody else find it weird that TV is writing a piece about themselves as if they are a third party? I am no expert but I don't think CNN would report about itself like it is a third party.This in my opinion is about as unprofessional as you can get especially when you are reporting in this way to try to gain credibility.

    Yes, it appears TV has written a story about a story TV wrote about some statistically irrelevant survey that TV held...

    As far as sample sizes go, a survey that less than half of one percent of members (0.41%) responded should have been discarded rather than used a sycophantic fodder.

  3. There appears to be something missing in this story.

    How can the PM recommending that the BMTA "conduct study on the advantages of both electric bus and diesel-electric hybrid bus to see which option is more appropriate" prompt Mr Surachai to "focus on more diesel-electric hybrid buses"???

    Was there some unreported comment (or order) based on some, as yet, unreported connection between certain influential figures and the manufacturers of the diesel-electric hybrid buses?

  4. Besides, they know the nerds are already working under the radar in Starbucks, McDonalds and the local internet cafe. Crafty bastards, those nerds.

    Yes, they are. Try getting seed money to grow your idea and you'll hear the advise "incorporate in Singapore or Hong Kong and we might look into it". Take a looksee at AngelList and it's pretty apparent.

    If Thailand won't allow nerds to legitimately run their business here, I don't see nothing wrong at all with incorporating in Hong Kong - in fact I can only see benefits. thumbsup.gif


    Meanwhile back in Oz we just formed a Pty Ltd company with my wife as the sole director no questions asked at all.

  5. The three teens and the two officers were critically injured.

    The three teens were pronounced dead on arrival for serious wounds on the heads, faces and bodies.

    The two officers also suffered broken teeth, cuts on faces, broken bones on the shoulder.

    Seems to me that the teens were way more "critical" than the cops whose injuries are far from life-threatening.

    I'm sure that there must have been a way to catch the youngsters without resorting to this. Police brutality.

    I saw that too, and thought the teens most likely weren't wearing helmets, while the cops were most likely wearing open-faced helmets... Obviously I have no clue, but this supposition is based on many years of direct observation.

  6. there should be a water shed time like in the UK for young kids to go to bed, oh sorry if there not watching this gratuis violent sh.t on TV then there out trying to sell flowers etc to tourists who arn't coming hear anymore

    Well if anyone saw the Lakhorn last night they would see why there are so many attacks. I don't watch myself but was working on the computer and just saw the guy staking some girl to the ground and leaving her there. A few minutes later some guy had grabbed another girl by the throat. Well maybe this type of so called TV has a little to blame toward violence towards women. To me this whole TV drama should be looked at more closely by the power in charge.

    No this "rape culture" needs to be eliminated from Thai society. How many of these inane shows run with the "boy meets girl, boy rapes girl, boy gets girl" story lines? Often they'll throw in a "boy beats girl" either before, after, or even during the rape before she 'succumbs' to him...

    This trivialisation of rape—all the while pixelating cigarettes and guns—along with the PM's simian victim-blaming comments demonstrates a truly barbaric side to Thai 'culture.'

  7. I predict another National Propaganda Network 'story' about how someone somewhere praised Thailand's Human Rights record... coffee1.gif

    Lets hope for the best here folks. At least its exposed and no mincing of the perpetrators, high class government workers. The Governor has taken a brave step in the right direction. Don't see that very much here. Give him credit where credits due.

    The governor's threats of action is not a brave step. As Winnie, and others, wrote it's pretty much SSDD. Unfortunately his words will prove to be nothing but lip service.

    Oh, some low hanging fruit might be paraded in front of a fawning media, but this issue will not stop.

    Get on with it and catch these low life's. Publicly flog them then give them 20 years minimum in jail not separated from the rest of the inmates but with them. Let's see how many actually leave the jail walking.

    Sadly, the attitude of this issue amongst Thai men will not result in the perps being beaten in jail, like in many western countries...

  8. The PM was supporting a tearful appeal by the victim's mother to stop the circulation of graphic crime scene photos on social media.

    It seems some people are missing the PM's point. It is what Gecko123 above said, it is about uncensored photograph(s) of the

    women, in which she is lying dead on the bed, face up on her back, legs spread, with only a shirt on that is rolled up to above her chest and

    her slashed throat is visible, thus her naked body.

    How do I know? Someone (Thai) described the above to me and would get me the photograph. And commented on what nice

    breasts she has/had.

    I did not get (to see) the photograph. And don't need to.

    I haven't seen the photo either, nor would I ever want to, and while I fully agree that it is disrespectful and these sort of images should not be in the public domain - it is not the only issue in this story.

    The fact that the PM, and the media, refer to her as a "rape victim" when she is in fact a "murder victim" I find grossly disrespectful. Because of the way Thais view rape (as some sort of quasi-romantic semi-humerous plot line in virtually every soap and movie) constantly referring to her as a rape victim completely diminishes the fact that her life was brutally taken. We wouldn't refer to Alton Sterling as 'the guy who was tasered by cops,' so why refer to this poor girl as a rape victim?

    Of course the second issue is the completely neanderthal, yet fully understandable, victim-blaming in the PM's appeal to females...

  9. I do ask that someone here correct me. I understood that this woman asked her female employees if they wanted a job in Hong Kong and got nasty when they refused. Hence her false complaints about stolen gold. However, that aside, are the police referring to former employees who consented to go to HK. Even though these people may have not got what they expected in HK could the police really say it was human trafficking? Or have I missed a point where she has been found to participate in h.t. proper? Any poster here got info on the h.t. law etc?

    If these female employees consented to go to HK under coercion or deception for the purpose of exploitation, then it is still human trafficking.

    The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime defines human trafficking as:

    the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs

    Right, well thanks for that. I hope this really blows the whole thing wide open to expose any high ranking person(s) who may also be involved. But I have my doubts as too many very high ranking people here either turn ' blind eye' or put up a brick wall.

    Putting up a brick wall as in rejecting an arrest warrant? whistling.gif

  10. Is Thailand expecting a war soon or going to attack someone? With submarines and tanks they appear to be preparing. Although, with Chinese equipment, I really don't think they will have much affect. Thailand is never aw t war with anyone so why the BIG waste of money. It is not as if there are no poor in the country, and some very, very high ups (at the top) have so much money, it is obscene, considering the poverty.

    "Is Thailand expecting a war soon?"

    Some people are warning of the possibility, yes.

  11. I do ask that someone here correct me. I understood that this woman asked her female employees if they wanted a job in Hong Kong and got nasty when they refused. Hence her false complaints about stolen gold. However, that aside, are the police referring to former employees who consented to go to HK. Even though these people may have not got what they expected in HK could the police really say it was human trafficking? Or have I missed a point where she has been found to participate in h.t. proper? Any poster here got info on the h.t. law etc?

    If these female employees consented to go to HK under coercion or deception for the purpose of exploitation, then it is still human trafficking.

    The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime defines human trafficking as:

    the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation. Exploitation shall include, at a minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs

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