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Posts posted by jamesbrock

  1. They just dont get it. Their "sufficiency economy" is the creator of poverty but what do they care, it provides an endless supply of cheap labour for the hiso's and military businesses and keeps the majority poor enough to never question authority.

    You hit the nail right on the head. Notice how it's never the ones with their snouts well and truly in the trough who this inane philosophy is promoted to?

  2. Why on earth is the Department of Disease Control (DDC) sticking its useless nose into road safety? I mean, haven't they got deadly diseases to be (pretending to be) dealing with?

    Around Songkran, we had various stories, such as:

    • The Ministry or Culture unveiling a road safety campaign, training 600 public transport drivers
    • The Ministry of Interior directing the education strategy among Thailand's schools
    • The Ministry of Science and Technology announcing a major tax initiative
    • The Ministry of Public Health giving instructions on how to reduce accidents at level crossings...

    No wonder nothing ever happens in the country!

    Edit: beat me to it NongKhaiKid!

  3. Horrific how little value is placed on life in this supposedly Buddhist alleged land of smiles.

    Just as well it wouldn't happen outside of Thailand?

    Well, of course heinous crimes occur in every country perpetrated by every gender, race, religion, and culture - but, no other country presents itself like Thailand does, portraying itself as a uniquely peace-loving Buddhist Land of Smiles.

    Do you not see a disconnect between the Buddhist way of life and the Thai way of life? The disconnect between the way Thailand portrays itself in the tourism ads and the reality of holidaying or living here?

    So you think the Thai tourist board should focus their marketing on murders? What on earth does religion have to do with murders like this? There is a "disconnect" between murder and all religions. Why should Thailand be any different?

    Oh my, what part of "no other country presents itself like Thailand does, portraying itself as a uniquely peace-loving Buddhist Land of Smiles" don't you understand?

    I mean, you even quoted it! Did you not comprehend it, or did you just ignore that part so your argument would look kinda valid?

    Of course there is a disconnect between murder and all religions, Thailand should be different because of the way Thailand, more than any other country on the planet, portrays itself. How can I make that clearer?

    Again, my comment was not about the religion itself, but rather about the religion being an enormous part of the way Thailand promotes itself, and the way the daily murders and bashings over the slightest disagreement flies in the face of that idealised portrayal.

  4. Horrific how little value is placed on life in this supposedly Buddhist alleged land of smiles.

    What has a religion go to do with a murder ? You must be so bitter inside ! When Catholics kill it's not about religion is it.. What a forum.. Get a life !

    Read my reply to dotpoom above. My comment was not about the religion per se, but about the way Thailand promotes itself, and the way the daily murders and bashings over the slightest disagreement flies in the face of that idealised portrayal.

  5. Horrific how little value is placed on life in this supposedly Buddhist alleged land of smiles.

    Just as well it wouldn't happen outside of Thailand?

    Well, of course heinous crimes occur in every country perpetrated by every gender, race, religion, and culture - but, no other country presents itself like Thailand does, portraying itself as a uniquely peace-loving Buddhist Land of Smiles.

    Do you not see a disconnect between the Buddhist way of life and the Thai way of life? The disconnect between the way Thailand portrays itself in the tourism ads and the reality of holidaying or living here?

  6. The Chakri Naruebet then launched a flight of Saab Gripen attack fighters to intercept.

    Wait, the Chakri Naruebet does not have a catapult, therefore can not launch the Gripen fighters.

    I had to double check that this wasn't a story for the National Propaganda Network!

    The sent a simple Line message "Scramble" followed by a cute dog smiley.

    They would've had to send it to Surat Thani air force base...

  7. Wait...

    Just two days ago he dismissed reports the anyone will be fined as "completely groundless":

    The Ministry of Energy has dismissed as untrue a report which has been circulating in the social media that anyone who uses mobile phone or who does not switch off the engine of his/her car while being refueled at gas stations will face a fine of 100,000 baht and/or one-year imprisonment.

    Mr Vitoon Kulcharoenvirat, director-general of Energy Business Department of the Ministry of Energy, said Tuesday that the report was completely groundless and might cause public panic. He pleaded with netizens to stop sharing the false report. [http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/content/165500]

    But now the same guys advises that someone, namely the operators themselves, will be fined:

    The Department of Energy Business will increase penalties for gas station operators who fill the gas tank of customers who do not switch off engines or use mobile phones in the gas station.

    Director-General of the Department of Energy Business Withoon Kulcharoenwat dismissed the rumors that there are penalties for the gas customers who keep their engines running or use a mobile phone. He said the Fuel Oils Control Act is only applicable to gas station operators. Penalties include a fine of up to 100,000 baht and/or up to one year in prison.

    So the reports weren't completely groundless, were they?

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