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Posts posted by UKJASE

  1. Again there is a Nigerian connection. These guys are upto no good and should be watched carefully and questioned when entering as tourists.

    I would take it a step further, tar everyone with the same brush and bar that nationality from entering the country full stop.

    my mate is married to a lovely nigerian lady. he is a big lad. would you suggest this to him if you were to meet him?

    i think it better you shut up

  2. was there not a similar thread to this a few weeks ago in this forum discussing poor service from a hua hin based furniture seller, and the OP had been warned not to name the company as it is against forum rules

    yet this thread is allowed to stand, and people are allowed to discuss negative experiences they have had with this particular retailer

    why is this thread allowed, whereas the furniture one was only allowed to stand as long as he did not name the retailer?

    What is your point, exactly? That you want someone to close this thread? If not, why not simply keep silent?

    Interesting thread. I had the impression, wrong or right, that Powerbuy was part of Central, which in my very limited experience (one product) do know the stuff they are selling impressively well. Seems it was good luck that when I last month purchased some very expensive home appliances and went to Powerbuy first, they did not sell what I wanted to buy. Even though it was listed on their website. After reading this thread, I'll make sure to stay clear of Powerbuy.

    Lots of people recommend HomePro, so going with them when I can for now.

    No. Of course i dont want the thread closing. I think the sharing of this type information is great. My point is simply what i stated in my post. Why are we allowed to talk about Powerbuy here and talk about them in a negative way, whereas the furniture thread the OP was warned not to name the retailer. Is it because Powerbuy is a large national retailer that can easily handle a bit of flak...... or what is it?

  3. was there not a similar thread to this a few weeks ago in this forum discussing poor service from a hua hin based furniture seller, and the OP had been warned not to name the company as it is against forum rules

    yet this thread is allowed to stand, and people are allowed to discuss negative experiences they have had with this particular retailer

    why is this thread allowed, whereas the furniture one was only allowed to stand as long as he did not name the retailer?


    the wife bought a laptop from tesco lotus in pranburi, and it had a 7 day, no questions asked returns policy.

    it had windows 8 on it, but neither of us liked it, so we took it back after a few days and they refunded all the cash no problem

    and try doing that in the Boro


    You would of course have to provide proof of purchase first, if you were to try this in the boro :)

  5. Hey guys - hope you are well

    i remember reading on here a few months back that there was a long thread in this forum where members were showing pictures of their houses, and sharing the costs of the builds etc. i have used google and the website search facility, plus i have been to page 10 of this sub forum, but i cant find it

    would anyone be so kind as to point me in the right direction please. the wife and i have bought some land and are looking for some information on likely build costs

  6. the wife and i are wanting to build a 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom villa in hua hin, but so far the quotes have been more than we can afford.

    we have the plans already, and building permit is on the way, so we are ready to go soon, as long as the quote is affordable

    can anyone recommend a builder? ability to speak english would be great, but not essential

  7. OP - i was pawed and came into contact with those monkeys on monkey mountain as they tried to get to the contents of my bag a year or two ago, and was fine

    i will carry one of those catapults with me next time i go there i think.

    they also ran off with a bag of my crab claws once, but i gave chase and got them back (if they had only have asked i would have shared a few with them)

  8. thanks Steath mate. he has gian gourami already and he said all the weeds and lillies he had put in previously had been eaten, so that must be why

    i will pass this information on

    BTW does anyone know if Giant Gourami die easily after being caught? the reason i ask is that i have caught two at the lake, and one died a few days later and the guy reckons that the fish died because i had caught it

    do you think that this could be true? if so, is there anything a fisherman can do to help the fish survival chances? apart from not fishing of course (as the wife keeps nagging on at me)

  9. i went to market village yesterday and the first mini van runs at 5am, then 6.15, 7.15, 8.15 etc, and every hour till evening. coming back has the same frequency. price 220B

    not 100% sure how to get from Kanchanaburi to the border though. price for lovely border officials is now up to 900B i heard

  10. i have just downloaded this, and it looks great

    the only thing is - my pc is very stuttery during the playback. the video buffer can get right up to 21 minutes, but the video and audio stutters a lot during playback. it seems to pause maybe 5 times a second for a very short time, but it makes it unwatchable. it seems to stutter most when there is a lot of movement on the screen, so i guess my machine is having problems processing all the imagery

    it is a few year old desktop PC, but i have upgraded the RAM to 4 gig. any ideas how to remedy this pls guys?

  11. if i get a mini van from market village to kanchanaburi in the morning, is it simple to get to the border from the drop off point from the mini van?

    could the run be done in one day? has anyone done this run yet from hua hin or cha am using public transport yet?

  12. the land office said they weren't happy about doing usufructs, but many farangs wanted them, so if they insisted they will do it, but for 10k

    i spoke to my accountant who said the fee at our land office is 10k, plus i have been contacted by one member on here who said his fee a few years back was 10 k, so it seems that is the necessary money

    not sure what would have happened if i insisted that they had to do it, and it was their job etc etc..... but as i wanted this so badly i unwillingly put the 10 k into the brown envelop they kindly provided

    the most i could do to offer any sort of objection was make sure a good few people in the busy land office saw me counting out the 10 grand, twice, and putting it in the envelope

    when all is said and done though, 10 k for a piece of land worth a good deal more than that, has got to be money well spent

  13. Hey guys - as the OP i just wanted to share with you what happened to us in the end regarding my worries in the opening post

    today we just got back from the hua hin land office and now have my name on the back of the chanoot, in the form of a usufruct

    this entitles me to access the land for the rest of my days, regardless of the wife's mood

    this of course makes it near impossible for my wife to sell, or borrow money from the bank using the chanoot as collateral

    this has given me the security i wanted so that we can start to build the house

    cost at the land office was 75B for official paperwork, plus grease money of 10k to get the ball rolling

    tea money to official payment ratio was very high in this instance, but i have got my peace of mind so i am happy

    thanks again to all those who offered advice and shared their experiences. smile.png

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  14. we have a lake at the bottom of some land we have bought, and the english guy who owns the lake allows us to fish it, and he has stocked it with koi, gourami, barb, pla ninn, mekong catfish, walking catfish etc

    i asked him if we could put some baby cahors in, and he said that some type of carp eat all the vegetation that is in the lake and chomp away at the bank etc

    do you know if this is true with cahor?

    are there any other fish that we could stock that are not predators, and that can grow big and provide good fishing for us?

    the lake is 4 rai big and about 1.5 metres deep

    PS how much would it cost us to buy say 100 baby cahor and is there anywhere near hua hin selling them?

    PPS i would love to put redtails in, but he asked if they were predators and i told him they were, so i guess his koi's would not be looking as relaxed as they do at the minute if we introduced redtails

  15. by getting a taxi from the departures level you are not "jumping the queue" as so many seem to insist. you are simply joining a different queue. one that is shorter, and 50b cheaper, but for some reason discouraged by the swampy authorities

    those guys would be traveling out the airport empty, so you are doing your bit for the environment by using this queue also (and helping to reduce the queue downstairs)

    last time we used this queue tho, the driver agreed 1500b to hua hin, but once wife and luggage were loaded in, and we had set off a few hundred yards, told us the fare was 1800b. he had us over a barrel by now, as the options for jumping out are limited, plus who could we have complained to. wanger sad.png

    maybe a few more cowboy drivers use this taxi rank

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