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  1. You're the norm, Ed. The majority of us stay out of trouble - for the most part. It's the slimebag minority that gives us all a bad name and spoils the scene.
  2. My younger daughter, working in the US, comes home every year and has all her dental work done here. Yesterday she went to the CMU Dental Clinic in Meechok Plaza for cleaning and X-rays. First time there and all went well she told me. Check it out... google: DentCMU@Meechok. It might be what you are looking for.
  3. I'm a graphic artist. I paint what I see... sometimes in my head, sometimes out of it.
  4. That's the best advice anybody could give or get on this subject.
  5. Thanks for the confirmation. Spineless idiocy like that makes it obvious just how much the country has changed for the worse. "You can't go home again"... the old chestnut has never been so true as it is now. Bending over backwards to avoid racial offence often descends into farce. Even the classic Hawley & Hazel toothpaste "Darkie" was renamed "Darlie" after Colgate-Palmolive acquired 50% of the Hong Kong based company in 1985. CEO Ruben Mark changed the name in 1989 insuring that no trsvellers in East Asia would be offended by a graphic depiction of a blackface minstrel and a name that was never used with hateful intent.
  6. It was the same in the USA when I was growing up in the 1950s and '60s. I haven't heard it used for a long time... maybe it was offending some racial or ethnic group.
  7. 8
  8. FM radio stations in Chiang Mai are an unreliable source for BBC - or any other English language news. Go direct to the online sites of the news you want.
  9. This corrupt clan are as slippery as eels.
  10. He's dumb as dirt and he knows it.
  11. Spot on. For years now Shinawatra apologists have been excusing the clan's blatant acts of criminality by saying "The Thai people overwhelmingly support them and vote them into office every chance they get". Not anymore. Now the big question is whether or not the people have the cojones to effectively put an end to this kleptocracy and install the winners of the last election. I wouldn't bet on it.
  12. Khamtieng market has several large shops selling garden statuary. Whether or not they buy or sell on consignment I don't know.
  13. If the OP - or anyone else - is still interested, try: Pattrara Prepress. 242/2 Manee Nopparat Rd. Sri Phum, A. Muang. Tel. 053 210 816 Located near Chang Puak Gate, it's the go-to place for graphic arts professionals in Chiang Mai. If you can't get what you want there, it's Bloom Pro Lab in Bangkok. They will accept and return work by mail or courier. Not cheap but numero uno for quality prints in Thailand.
  14. The cops will be playing Whack-A-Mole for years to come with Chinese gangs in condos all over the city.

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