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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. Are there any ATM machines that you can slide your bank card through, as opposed to the machine sucking it in and "holding it" while you conduct your transaction? If so, where? (I will be based mostly in the Sukhumvit area).

    Also, what is the best thing to do if an ATM machine sucks in my American bank card? What are my options?

    This is DIRECTLY RELATED to "Farang Pub - Fun," because obviously, as I will be staying in the Sukhumvit area to have fun, I will not want to be walking around with tons of Thai baht on me, but I will be needing regular access to Thai baht from a local ATM machine.

    Please let me know. If you have horror stories, solutions, or anything of relevance to this topic, it would be mostly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Ooooh!!!! Oh, wait, Marky Mark! Oh, so sorry to ruffle your panties....I should have tried to avoid stepping on your sensitive toes by pre-loading information and describing myself, my religious beliefs, my politcal beliefs, my zodiac sign, my mother's birthday, the number of siblings I have, etc.

    Dumb is paying $50/US per night in Thailand. Period. What "folks" you are referring to, keep them in la-la-land.

    I am not exactly holding my breath for "more suitable responses." Money (especially Thai baht) is not the issue. As I mentioned in an earlier posting, I appreciate friendly, helpful advice from farangs in the know, not whiny, condescending, pedantic "local farangs" that seem to feel the need to "cry/whine/moan/bitch" about my simple, innocent inquiry.

    Have a nice day.

    First you ask for help ... and then you insult half the members. What an a__.

    The only person I was being sarcastic with was Mark. In what ways did I insult "half the members"? Some have provided some good input, but at the end of the day, it still seems that I am better off at my hotel of approximately $30/US a day. If any one has any suggestions on a short-term, decent apartment (preferably one-bedroom) in the Sukhumvit area, I would appreciate it. My budget is open, but obviously I would like to spend less than the approximately $900/US for the month I will be at the hotel.

    Anyone know of anything that fits my criteria between, say, $500/US to $700/US for a month's rent?

    Please respond. Thanks, helpful forum members.

  3. 30-35 k Bht a month. and you better get here soon , because school terms are starting late in Bangkok and surrounding areas.

    You must be joking. I was on 45,000 even before I had a PGCE. I intend on finishing my PGCE, then return to Los.

    Aridion, 45,000 Thai baht a month? A week? Every two weeks? Please clarify.

    Good man for pursuing your education and having the vision to make it back to LOS. Your input would be appreciated.


    Of course a month. I was replying to your post that said I could get 30,000 - 35,000 baht a month with my PGCE. Misleading.

    It was another forum member who said you could earn that amount. Not me.

  4. 30-35 k Bht a month. and you better get here soon , because school terms are starting late in Bangkok and surrounding areas.

    You must be joking. I was on 45,000 even before I had a PGCE. I intend on finishing my PGCE, then return to Los.

    Aridion, 45,000 Thai baht a month? A week? Every two weeks? Please clarify.

    Good man for pursuing your education and having the vision to make it back to LOS. Your input would be appreciated.


  5. Thanks for all the pointers. However I was more thinking that with a PGCE i could earn around the 70,000 mark at a second tier international. Not so sure if this is true or not.

    Anyone have done anything like this?

    Yes that's possible. Good english programs in Thai schools will pay 50-70K, so 70K in a mid tier is possible (but they often pay lower too). Just check the teaching load though - I'm on 22 periods x 50 mins but get paid for extra periods. What's a typical British school? 30 periods a week? For the better jobs, pick them up in the UK at a Job fair and get hired on an expat package (includes flights, accomodation, etc). Don't come here and look for a job, as you will lose benefits.

    Very interesting forum, and as I have expressed an interest in teaching in Thailand, I need to get a bit of feedback of my own.

    I have a teaching credential from the state of Hawaii, and a Master's Degree in Education. I also teach British literature to seniors at an American high school. Could I expect 50-70K Baht per month with these qualifications?

  6. You can only get a 30 day extension on a tourist visa. Without one the most you would get is 7 days and might be required to show a ticket out of the country within these 7 days.

    If I don't get the tourist visa, what does getting the seven day extension entail / involve? Where do I need to go? What is the process like?

    I am already flying in on a two-way ticket, so showing a ticket out of the country would not be an issue. How long is the wait at the immigration office for this process?

    Also, I thought that all visitors have a seven day "window" where they are not penalized if they leave seven days later than they already suggested?

    Please respond. Thanks.

  7. As stated by Mario, best easiest solution for you is 60 day tourist visa, obtained in the US. No hassles, no immigration no border runs. all sorted for the 6- 8weeks you mention and upto 90 days in total with the extension.

    Thanks for the speedy responses...I will check with the Thai embassy here.

    Very curious, however: Could I get a 30 day extension at an immigration office (if I do not get a tourist visa)? How long does this process take? Is the price $60/US?

  8. I am a 33-year-old American who is returning to Thailand in June of 2012. I will be staying for one month, but I am looking for ways to stay longer, maybe six to eight weeks.

    I have a few questions that I hope will be answered from some friendly persons in the know. I have read over scores of pages in this forum, but must ask succinctly to you members these questions:

    1. How would you recommend I stay longer than thirty days?

    2. Should I get a tourist visa?

    3. Can I get an extension at an immigration office in Bangkok (I thought I read somewhere that they cost $60/US for an extention?)? If so, where is the closest immigration office to Soi 4 / Sukhumvit? How long does the process take? What documents do they require? How long is the visit to the office (typically)?

    4. Do you suggest a visa run to a neighboring country? If so, what is the quickest and easiest (by land, not by air)?

    Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing responses to these inquiries.

  9. Ooooh!!!! Oh, wait, Marky Mark! Oh, so sorry to ruffle your panties....I should have tried to avoid stepping on your sensitive toes by pre-loading information and describing myself, my religious beliefs, my politcal beliefs, my zodiac sign, my mother's birthday, the number of siblings I have, etc.

    Dumb is paying $50/US per night in Thailand. Period. What "folks" you are referring to, keep them in la-la-land.

    I am not exactly holding my breath for "more suitable responses." Money (especially Thai baht) is not the issue. As I mentioned in an earlier posting, I appreciate friendly, helpful advice from farangs in the know, not whiny, condescending, pedantic "local farangs" that seem to feel the need to "cry/whine/moan/bitch" about my simple, innocent inquiry.

    Have a nice day.

  10. You should experience no problem in renting a 'serviced apartment' during that time for that period. However, it's unlikely you could rent a privately owned condo unit or apartment for such a short period. By Lower Sukhumvit I guess you mean Nana to Asoke. You should Google "Citadines" and "Grand President" who both have reasonable serviced apartments in Sukhumvit 11, which might suit your purpose.

    Very convenient, friend. Soi 11, home to Club Climax and a conveniently located bar-kart that serves ice-cream-bucket-sized vodka drinks for cheap until the sun rises. Thanks for this information. I will make further inquiry tomorrow.

    Okay, location, location, location--however, I am not up to paying $50/USD per night. I can do that in Waikiki, Hawaii.

    I have a decent hotel in a lower soi area in the Sukhumvit area that offers a free continental breakfast, daily maid services, a pool and a spa (whether they are in working order, I know not), for less than $30/USD a day.

    With all due respect to your references, I will either take the taxi to Soi 11 and save some cash and stay in my "trusted hotel" until someone with more insight and frugality can supply me with more input.

    Thanks again for the reference, but being a cheap-skate, I'd rather take the tuk-tuk under the BTS than pay $50/USD per nite/day. If, in any way, I am out of line or need to be corrected, feel free to make those suggestions.

    We love cheapskates, we have condos for rent, we had a guy stay wiuth us cheap as anything so cheap he had no health insurance, so cheap he didnt call us for help and lay on his condo foor for 5 days until we found him almost dead with food poisoning, leaving him with heart problems brain damage, poor eyesight.12 months in hospital.................but it did teach him a valubale lesson........................................ he saved all that money. and now refuses to pay for the drugs to help him with his problems.

    The ones I like best are the ones who ring up and say ive got 20k a month to spend on a room , then as soon as the wife shows em a 20k room they start asking for it at 12k then they want everything in the room perfect.l

    Sounds like a real moron of a roommate. By considering myself a cheap-skate, I consider myself frugal with money. Frugal, mind you, not dumb. Dumb is paying $50/US per night when there are cheaper places (under $30/US per night) right around the corner. I could even consider Khao San Road, but I don't really feel the need to associate with the itinerant backpackers.

  11. Maile Skycourt on Olohana and Kuhio in Waikiki. Two blocks from the beach...Not the best place in the world, but you can find cheap rooms there.

    Cheap (for Waikiki) shoebox sized rooms on the landward side with no room service. With a good set of binoculars you can see Waikiki beach from the oceanside of the hotel.

    "Landward" side? "Oceanside" of the hotel? You obviously don't know what you are talking about.

  12. Learn about Thai culture if you haven't already. 'leb loi' attracts 'leb loi' girls in my experience. Have any reliable friends in bkk to set you up?

    I think it's pretty much impossible to live here for an extended period of time and not have a thai gf. A friend of mine came here on a honeymoon with a farang girl and left with a Thai gf.

    What do you mean, "leb loi' attracts 'leb loi' girls in my experience"?

    Also, what are some of the common dating rituals when pursuing local Thai women? Mind you, I am in my early 30s, not early 20s. I know some of the dating rituals in the States very well (i.e., not being over-eager, waiting a few days to call, showing up on time, etc). I am sure there are similar customs in Thailand, but seems like if you are a decent looking farang there, it is like swatting away at mosquitoes. So, what is an effective way to get a Thai girlfriend (in your humble opinion)? Also, I am not there to play sugar daddy: Again, I am only interested in honest young women who are not "ladies of the night."

    Also, where are some of the good local clubs (off the beaten track) that would most likely feature normal, local girls looking to have a good time, as opposed to the Red Light Districts?

    Any information/insight to this subject would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, too, to those who responded with helpful/useful/friendly commentary.

  13. Me: White American male with travel history in Asia, with particular interest in BKK (Sukhumvit).

    Have had an interest in this geographical location since Street Fighter II emerged in 1992.

    Traveled to Thailand last year, spent a month there, and enjoyed it immensely.

    Call me ignorant, silly, call me what you want: BUT, I must beg the question: they can not be all working girls, can they?

    I have traveled in some corners of the world, and have appreciated female affection. Do they come across in BKK, yes. Are they the ones sitting with other farangs, ordering beers, and leering down the sois, yes?

    Thus, my thesis: If I am going back to BKK (which I am), I am only interested in honest-living local Thai girls. No time for desperate Isaans, hardened pros, or Russian ne'er do wells.

    And as I make my point: No Club Climax (Soi 11), Bamboo Bar (Soi 3), Soi Cowboy (etc)....I would rather meet a nice gal at a Starbucks, mall, or _____________.

    Any recommendations, friends? Please respond with honest answer. No time for negativity, discouragement, or denouncements on human life/lifestyles. Just hit back with the facts.

  14. Okay, location, location, location--however, I am not up to paying $50/USD per night. I can do that in Waikiki, Hawaii.

    Waikiki beachfront hotel for $50 USD per night. :lol::whistling:

    Maile Skycourt on Olohana and Kuhio in Waikiki. Two blocks from the beach...Not the best place in the world, but you can find cheap rooms there.

    Now back to the point...How much is that condo for rent behind Club Climax (per night in Thai baht or $US)? Also, why avoid the "odd" soi numbers?

    As for avoiding the odd soi numbers, going by one of your previous replies,

    "Very convenient, friend. Soi 11, home to Club Climax and a conveniently located bar-kart that serves ice-cream-bucket-sized vodka drinks for cheap until the sun rises".

    It seems the odd numbered sois offer everything you seek.

    If you wish to spend your time surrounded by, pimps, drug dealers, prostitues, scammers, hawkers, peddlars and other such low life, everything you need is located on soi 13.

    Suggest you take up a previous posters kind offer and check into the Trendy, it offers all you need and more, in fact you wont need to leave the premises, all the fun of the fair right on your doorstep.

    By the way when you are in the clubs and the girls tell you, 200,300 or 400, they aint talking baht but $.

    I am not interested in working girls of any nature. Yes, I have been to Club Climax. Am I there to have some drinks and have a good time and meet a nice lady? Yes. Will that happen? Hopefully...

    I would be more interested in spending my time at any place with non-working girls. I did meet an honest local girl the last time I was there, had fun, paid $0. Any suggestions on where to look for other women of this friendly nature?

    Please respond. Thanks.

  15. Okay, location, location, location--however, I am not up to paying $50/USD per night. I can do that in Waikiki, Hawaii.

    Waikiki beachfront hotel for $50 USD per night. :lol::whistling:

    Maile Skycourt on Olohana and Kuhio in Waikiki. Two blocks from the beach...Not the best place in the world, but you can find cheap rooms there.

    Now back to the point...How much is that condo for rent behind Club Climax (per night in Thai baht or $US)? Also, why avoid the "odd" soi numbers?

  16. Trendy condominium is a 4 year old building behind the ambassador hotel next door to club climax :ph34r:

    owners rent out monthly. Pm if you need a number

    Zorro, how much do they charge per month at your suggested apartment?

    To the other person who posted, why would you stay away from the "odd" soi numbers? Please let me know. I'd be curious as to your insight.

    Thanks, looking forward to replies from both of you.

  17. You should experience no problem in renting a 'serviced apartment' during that time for that period. However, it's unlikely you could rent a privately owned condo unit or apartment for such a short period. By Lower Sukhumvit I guess you mean Nana to Asoke. You should Google "Citadines" and "Grand President" who both have reasonable serviced apartments in Sukhumvit 11, which might suit your purpose.

    Very convenient, friend. Soi 11, home to Club Climax and a conveniently located bar-kart that serves ice-cream-bucket-sized vodka drinks for cheap until the sun rises. Thanks for this information. I will make further inquiry tomorrow.

    Okay, location, location, location--however, I am not up to paying $50/USD per night. I can do that in Waikiki, Hawaii.

    I have a decent hotel in a lower soi area in the Sukhumvit area that offers a free continental breakfast, daily maid services, a pool and a spa (whether they are in working order, I know not), for less than $30/USD a day.

    With all due respect to your references, I will either take the taxi to Soi 11 and save some cash and stay in my "trusted hotel" until someone with more insight and frugality can supply me with more input.

    Thanks again for the reference, but being a cheap-skate, I'd rather take the tuk-tuk under the BTS than pay $50/USD per nite/day. If, in any way, I am out of line or need to be corrected, feel free to make those suggestions.

  18. You should experience no problem in renting a 'serviced apartment' during that time for that period. However, it's unlikely you could rent a privately owned condo unit or apartment for such a short period. By Lower Sukhumvit I guess you mean Nana to Asoke. You should Google "Citadines" and "Grand President" who both have reasonable serviced apartments in Sukhumvit 11, which might suit your purpose.

    Very convenient, friend. Soi 11, home to Club Climax and a conveniently located bar-kart that serves ice-cream-bucket-sized vodka drinks for cheap until the sun rises. Thanks for this information. I will make further inquiry tomorrow.

  19. I will be in Bangkok in mid-June to mid-July of 2012. I was wondering if it would be possible to rent a clean, decent apartment in the Sukhumvit area (preferably in the lower sois) during this time?

    I have been to Bangkok before, but I am not looking forward to staying in a hotel for that length of time. Is there anybody in this forum that can provide some information to this inquiry?


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