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Posts posted by ivan96822

  1. My wishful plans are, BKK to LAX than to LAS by bus ( 5 Hours) or a flight if a good connection flight can be found,

    2 weeks in LAS and back to LAX and than to NYC for 2 weeks and back to BKK.

    There's a better way to get from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. Get to the Long Beach Airport and they have regular flights there for reasonable prices, probably $60 to $100 US. I haven't taken the flight in years, but the last time I did, I think we were in the air for less than an hour.

  2. Sorry Im replying so late to this but I just saw it now. I hope you are familiar with Hawaii especially downtown. My directions is from Aala park. So, from coming from Aala park going down Iwilei, you will see a ramp on the right side of the street. Go up the ramp and the first office on the right side is their office. They share the office space with a cleaning service company. When you go in the door just ask anyone there. Their office door is on the right with some forms at the door and information. If its locked, they will usually have a worker with the cleaning service there. Ask them or they will ask you and can assist you.

    Hope this helps.

    Good description....It looks like a blue factory, if you will, and it is located on the second floor. I went last week and for the life of me, as I was ON THE PROPERTY, I still couldn't find the dam_n place. No signs, at least I didn't see any. When I go back for my tourist visa, I'll know to keep an eye out for the cleaning company...

  3. "As for you implying I'm a loser, I am far from being one. I think a loser is a crusty has-been who puts an attractive woman in his avatar in order to "be cool." -----------------------Ivan

    "To be a has-been, i would need to be older than 31. My avatar pic person is probably older or very near my age. Are you gay and don't like to look at my avatar. There are plenty of people on here who like my pic. Are they crusty has-beens too?" ------------------------------------Dean

    Correction: to be a has-been, you must live by the rules and with caution, as you have implied. Also, obviously you can't read. I said that the woman in your avatar is "an attractive woman," so I'm obviously not gay. The fact that you need to put such a beautiful woman in your avatar is testament as to what a loser you indeed are. You obviously are insecure about yourself and need to put up some type of front in order to gain the approval of others.

    Encase you haven't noticed, this is an anonymous forum. Far as i know you could all be complete weirdos. Why would i need to put up a front for that.

    If i put a picture of a beautiful car, does that mean i want people to think i have money or something. I might just like the car. Or maybe a pic of a jet. Will people think i'm a pilot? jerk.gif

    I think you're an alcoholic and thats why your getting so angry. I also think you're wondering around Thailand from Soi to Soi looking for you're next cheap drink or mug to sponge off. I can see you know, sat there in the park with your hobbo look, swigging from your brown paper bag. Go back to the US of A and get clean and sobber.

    Is that the best you can do, getting so upset as to compare me to a degenerate in a park? First of all, the only one who is getting angry is you. I rather enjoy getting the public's opinion on social issues.

    Second of all, since you put up a picture of a beautiful girl, which you have done, I guess that means that you want people to think that you are involved somehow with that caliber of woman.

    When I saw your avatar, I pictured some 19 year old dude who has trouble getting girls....When I learned that you were 31 years old using an avatar that high school students must really go for, I realized that you must be some 31 year old dude who really has trouble getting women. Oh, well. I guess you can start saving up for your next trip to the brothel. Until then, go back to Belgium.

    • Like 1
  4. Be careful pal!

    You'll get the "All Farangs must wear full evening dress and only drink alcohol at the local Chamber of Commerce" set angry...

    The bottom line is that drinking on public is fine on the whole (bar the locales mentioned) however public intoxication is not big, nor is it clever, and will only besmirch your good name.

    Good mates...These are the blunt answers I was looking for. Thanks for the terse replies and the honest answers. See you mates on the soi and we'll flip a coin for who gets the next round?

  5. Regardless of their issues, the homeless shouldn't be ignored.

    Some choose it, some embrace it, some can't avoid it. Whatever the case, they are human beings and need some level of support.

    I saw a woman on Soi 4 sleeping face down in a gutter for hours....woke up, ate lunch, went to bed, she was still lying there in front of a 7-11.

    I asked the tuk-tuk drivers if she needed help and they looked at her disdainfully as though she were a piece of garbage....

    Regardless of their scenarios, they have families, mothers, sons, ...... treat them decently.

    • Like 2
  6. "As for you implying I'm a loser, I am far from being one. I think a loser is a crusty has-been who puts an attractive woman in his avatar in order to "be cool." -----------------------Ivan

    "To be a has-been, i would need to be older than 31. My avatar pic person is probably older or very near my age. Are you gay and don't like to look at my avatar. There are plenty of people on here who like my pic. Are they crusty has-beens too?" ------------------------------------Dean

    Correction: to be a has-been, you must live by the rules and with caution, as you have implied. Also, obviously you can't read. I said that the woman in your avatar is "an attractive woman," so I'm obviously not gay. The fact that you need to put such a beautiful woman in your avatar is testament as to what a loser you indeed are. You obviously are insecure about yourself and need to put up some type of front in order to gain the approval of others.

  7. As far as I know no repercussions... I don't do it because not my think normally, but I;ve seen farang strolling with a bottle in each hand around Khaosan and I have Thai friends who sit outside the 7-11 having a couple of Chang... I think they would think the paper bag was strange... Thailand is much freer than most countries (my view)....

    The brown paper bag is the farang/American in me....;p In UKKKA, you have to be on guard.

    Don't you mean.....the bum in you. I can understand if you wanted to have a bar-b-que in the park with alcohol but to just wonder around like a loser. rolleyes.gif

    As for you implying I'm a loser, I am far from being one. I think a loser is a crusty has-been who puts an attractive woman in his avatar in order to "be cool."

  8. I bought 2 beers on Sukhumvit Soi 11 from the 7/eleven, it was about midnight and I was walking back to my hotel I saw many cops and they didn't bat an eyelid. Not sure about parks though.

    Jambco, thanks for an honest response. I did the same thing from Sukhumvit and Soi 11 to Soi 3, then right on down to the Bamboo Bar. Hung out and saw no major repercussions....And I was with a woman, had been at the Bar Cart (behind Club Climax), and the sun was rising. Ten cars nearly hit me, but that's not the point.

    You sound like a real danger to yourself and others. I think you need to go home to mummy and daddys where you will be safe.

    Yeah, Dean, a real danger. Never a criminal conviction in my life, haven't been in a physical altercation since my early 20s, and have spent time in shady corners of third world nations with zero problems. I guess I should have expected such a response from somebody who must wait for the light to turn green before he steps off the curb, turns on the turning signal one-hundred yards exactly before the turn, and probably goes to bed when the street lights come on.

  9. As far as I know no repercussions... I don't do it because not my think normally, but I;ve seen farang strolling with a bottle in each hand around Khaosan and I have Thai friends who sit outside the 7-11 having a couple of Chang... I think they would think the paper bag was strange... Thailand is much freer than most countries (my view)....

    The brown paper bag is the farang/American in me....;p In UKKKA, you have to be on guard.

  10. I bought 2 beers on Sukhumvit Soi 11 from the 7/eleven, it was about midnight and I was walking back to my hotel I saw many cops and they didn't bat an eyelid. Not sure about parks though.

    Jambco, thanks for an honest response. I did the same thing from Sukhumvit and Soi 11 to Soi 3, then right on down to the Bamboo Bar. Hung out and saw no major repercussions....And I was with a woman, had been at the Bar Cart (behind Club Climax), and the sun was rising. Ten cars nearly hit me, but that's not the point.

  11. I was wondering what are the risks of drinking in public in Bangkok?

    I'm not talking about plopping a keg down on the corner of a busy soi and getting piss drunk, but what about discreetly concealing

    a bottle of Chang in a brown bag and hanging around say, a park, or outside of a 7-11, or ________________?

    I am curious to know your thoughts and opinions. As a young man, I lived off getting away with this type of activity in California, Mexico, and Hawaii.

    Any advice/warnings on this topic? What are the penalties if caught?

    Thanks in advance.

  12. theblether reflects on the fact that the level of onomatopoeic expression on this topic are at roughly the same mental age as theblether current finds himself ( that being 9 months old )

    The Crime..................falling asleep during English classes when onomatopoeia was taught

    The Punishment........you are hereby sentenced to reading Mobi's blog

    That will teach you for trying to be wide thumbsup.gif

    Oh bottle up your blue bleating. Have you had a buffonery bypass?

    I'm away for a bevvy and a blether with the boys in the boozer.

    Mebbe a brace of beers, a bit of banter with the birds, if I can be bothered, then beat it back home by the bells.


    By the way, actually.

    I'll end up giving myself a stammer at this rate, and then we'll see who;s laughing...


    Good to see an improvement from your SC, I was starting to fear for the Scottish education system. coffee1.gif

    What are you talking about? The repeated use of consonant sounds at the beginning of a word is called alliteration, not onomatopoeia.

    Onomatpoeia is when words sound the same way they are spelled, such as "pow," "sizzle," "bang," "pop".........

  13. I flew Vietnam Airlines from Bangkok (Suvarnabhumi) to Ho Chi Minh City last June. No complaints.

    One of the coolest things happened when we got to HCM...I usually dread the slow opening of the front cabin door so we could all file out...Seems to take forever. With Vietnam Airlines, they opened multiple doors and we deplaned within about two minutes after landing. That works for me.

  14. You have the basic credentials. The problem is that many of these positions are quite selective and don't come up as often. You will typically find them at International teaching fairs. You should also do a search for the schools and look at their web pages. Most of them have a jobs available section.

    I personally haven't been hired at the Top Schools. When I work in Thailand, which isn't often, it has been with low-mid tier places that pay around 50K or at Unis that pay a lot less. I do a lot of editing though and that makes up for the lower wages at the Uni.

    Teaching forums in Thailand don't cater to International schools though. They are more geared for EFL teaching. You might find some mid tier job adds but rarely anything above 50-60K a month. Which isn't awful but not as much as one friend I have. She was hired abroad (older woman in her late 40's with 15+ years at US schools) she is pulling in 100K+ a month. She gets free housing, airfare each year and bonuses for different things. Some of the guys I know that work at the same school but were hired locally only get 55K a month and no benefits.

    Not that my experiences are totally reflective of the field. It is more of a rough measure.

    If you have the qualifications, getting hired from abroad at top schools is for the best. Especially if you value your time. I work abroad though. I often save 3 times what I earn here and do hate dealing with Thai run businesses. I am a little jaded though and have been in the game too long to put up with even minor administrative problems.

    I think the general rule though is a good administration is better than a high paying job for the long haul. There is nothing worse than being told on Friday that you have to work all weekend and will be fined and terminated if you don't show up. Not alwyas a big deal for single people but for those with a family and obligations it does make things stressful.

    "There is nothing worse than being told on Friday that you have to work all weekend and will be fined and terminated if you don't show up."

    How often does this happen in BKK? Are you talking about teaching jobs where this happens? If so, are these the "good schools" or are they the lower-tiered ones?

    Please clarify. I had to read that paragraph twice.

  15. Without home country experience only the lower tiered Inter schools would consider you. You also want to remember that your teacher's license from your home country will usually require additional coursework to extend it. I have had friends teach abroad for 5+ years and now have lost their certification. Keep it up to date.

    With your background Artemis, you should find positions for around 40-50K. You might find more if you have contacts but without home country experience, most schools that follow a national curriculum don't want teachers that have taught in Thai schools. Too many cowboys without any standard usually run the show and many pick up bad habbits.

    I am still weighing the pros and cons of leaving Hawaii to teach in Bangkok.

    Tolstoy, you seem to know a bit. What would be my chances at getting in at one of the better schools?

    I have a Bachelor's Degree in English, a State of Hawaii Teaching Certificate, a Master's Degree in Education, and 3.5 years of teaching English to 7th graders, 9th - 12th graders. I am currently teaching American Literature to juniors, and British Literature to seniors, as well as teaching expository writing.

    Let me know what you think. Thanks.

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