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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. 52 OUT OF 59 'UNDIAGNOSED' died before being assessed, or diagnosed.

    How many did they come into contact with, before diagnosis?

    Others, treated at a Wat? .... were moved to hospital,,,, and the others presumably have not so far been diagnosed also?

    This seems, based upon info, to be a new sub-group, or particularly bad new strain of the disease, does it not?

    Possibilities here of a serious epidemic of monstrous proportions..... a killer at bay, if you like.

    I sure hope not, but this could become a biggie here, as initial diagnosis in the lesser parts of townships, and hence passed to cities, is virtually unsighted.

    The quote actually said, "like or similar to those of known FHM disease" (like or similar being very 'operative' words!)

    Be careful, esp Kinder and Primary/Elementary teachers all over....... this might be a sweepstake! :(


  2. Yingluck will not discuss energy deal.

    That's the job for Thaksin.

    Yingluck will not discuss energy deal.

    Because she knows sweet FA about it, or about much else, and is starting to realise what a laughing stock she really is.

    Something important to discuss? Ooops..... sorry boys, my calendar says I will be out of the COUNTry that day!

    -mel. thumbsup.gif

  3. "...the defence argument for ignorance on royal protocals was unconvincing since the defendant was a Pheu Thai MP."

    Strangely phrased by the Nation, or bizarre legal reasoning?

    Should the dismissal not have been on the ground of his (in)competence of interpreting the protocol, or are only certain MPs convincing about certain protocols?

    Maybe it would have been better worded as:

    Fat boy, in light of the fact that you are, were, possibly once was a PTP MP, you should have known about Royal protocol therefore we shall sentence you to 6 months. However, we also appreciate that you appear to have all the etiquette of a second hand wellington boot therefore we shall suspend it for 2 years.

    To me, the way it is written, it seems that his 6 mos is susupended for two years, then he has to do the 2 years. ?????

    No, I think the six month imprisonment is commuted to two years on probation outside prison, with certain conditions and obligations, and is subject to “recall” to prison if something goes wrong.

    But he has a criminal record, right?


  4. "Surapong said US Secretary of State Clinton invited the Thai Prime Minister to deliver her speech at the business forum in Siem Reap. The invitation letter was issued since June 28 and arrived at the foreign ministry a day later, he said."

    So there is a clear invitation for Yingluck to give a speech, and it arrived a day later. It must have had enclosed, "And in English, please."

    Mrs. Clinton must have a wicked sense of humour! clap2.gif


  5. Most want a bigger nose.

    if i had a nickel for everytime i heard that from a bar girl i would be rich now why you so handsome can you give me your noise law law . biggrin.png other times were like can you give me your baby's i was like <deleted> only come in for a beer .. giggle.gif

    Yeah, they pick the bigger nose before the tits too.

    You can buy a padded bra and that works,

    but you can't pad a micro-snoze no matter how you shade it.

    6,000 baht and stay out of site for 2 weeks, and it's a new you.

    The tits gonna take months of work, or working on the boyfriend to spring for them.

    Whatever happened to that massage technique that came up some months ago? Where the fat was supposed to be squeezed into the mammary gland to enlarge it?

    Kind of reminded me of the old joke "how do you make 2 pounds of fat look good? Put a nipple on it!" Only in this case it was kind of sweeping the fat under areola.

    Is that the Northern Lights? Areola Borealis?

    There ain't there some dim lights in da North is dee? Wind-screen wipers? Left, right, left, right, you got one mai na?

    What's next? Liposuction into the penal area: Western cocks? I observe no answers from the Thai lads on this survey... white ones, with length - the golf course drive, hole in one??


  6. Most want a bigger nose.

    if i had a nickel for everytime i heard that from a bar girl i would be rich now why you so handsome can you give me your noise law law . biggrin.png other times were like can you give me your baby's i was like <deleted> only come in for a beer .. giggle.gif

    Yeah, they pick the bigger nose before the tits too.

    You can buy a padded bra and that works,

    but you can't pad a micro-snoze no matter how you shade it.

    6,000 baht and stay out of site for 2 weeks, and it's a new you.

    The tits gonna take months of work, or working on the boyfriend to spring for them.

    I actually prefer the fried eggs, khai song fong. They certainly don't break my nose when she goes wild and ............. too much info.. whistling.gif

    But, in all seriousness, all this investment in being white, with super expensive whitening creams that do sod all and a bit of bone up the nose; does one look at the mantle-piece when stoking the fire? If the lasses invested what they spend on trying to appear Western, after a year or three they'd have 2 rai of land, or a half paid condo. It's no wonder personal debt is becoming a big issue here - slap it on the cred card, aint no problem. Shame really, cos most of us came to get away from the Western way and the Western looks. I can only hope they don't start taking up Argentinians' appearances. Ooops, too late! cheesy.gif


  7. "In addition, Thai teenagers are facing stress.

    One million secondary school to university students experienced depression and irritability without specifically identified causes while nearly half suffered from major stress leading to stomachaches and vomiting."

    Oh! Dear. They have to do homework, preferably uncopied. Such a dilemma! Stress inducing, leading to obesity.

    Pull the other one. Greed and wanton wanting is a major contributor.

    Skipping breakfast is not a major health concern, in fact recent scientific studies suggest that even eating for one day and missing the next, and repetition of this, is actually quite healthy and good for maintaining a healthy weight, and is a resilience of humans from ages ago, when hunting was unsuccessful one day causing frugal eating, then.successful another rebuilding the system.

    Thais eat all day long, virtually every hour. That is not a habit change, but the foods they now consume have changed dramatically.

    Sod the skipping breakfast as a concern, advise on what to eat in relation to calories used and calories consumed.

    Thais are getting fatter - no two ways about it!


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  8. Surapong demanded the opposition take responsibility for false charges against him and the foreign ministry.

    "Shame on the opposition, they should confess before priests for this sinful act if they were Christians, or make merit to release the sin if they were Buddhists," he said." cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    If that's the case, then the whole House should become a Wat!

    Henous crime, to make an accusation in Parliament. blink.png


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  9. Define moderate quantities.

    My wife sews handbags, has a fair brand new BROTHER machine.


    Hi, thanks for your reply. What kind of BROTHER does she have? I have a BROTHER too but it does not suit sewing leather.

    It's an INNIS IS 50 or something... She says it is fine for leather.

  10. This does sound very morbid, but I do think there is another side of matters that need considering, those being from the Thai perspective.

    Young girl, even maybe abused, gets pregnant and has nowhere to go. Faces being ostricised by family, village etc. Where does she go?

    Going to the Wat is by far probably the best choice, as she is likely to have little money to go to a hospital to pay for 'riddance'.

    I sure many monks, perhaps, or coworkers have recommended a trip to this illegal nurse. Foetus ramp up and become obvious.

    From that perspective, and in this culture, for a young lady to save face and continue a fair life, can we really knock the practice?

    We can from the legal and goverment status point of view, but what does the government actually do? Very little!!

    I'd prefer for the girl to have this kind of outlet, rather than become street-lifed, and become the inevitably used woman.


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  11. Man's a fool and every time he opens his mouth he talks absolute boll* cks.

    So would I if I HAD Thaksins thumb stuck my ass so far!

    You know why they rejected NASA?

    Yingluck created a new committee, about US penetration control.

    They made a report: 'Ma'm NASA can get a man on the moon, but they can't get one on K D Lang!' cheesy.gif


  12. No idea of what she is talking about. Cannot believe that her advisers allow her to make speeches like this. It is embarrassing to read and does nothing to boost confidence in this government. They are living in cloud cuckoo land if they believe this utter nonsense.

    Lol...... Don't you get it? She has no idea of what she's talking about, and her advisors know less. They're not embarrassed because they are loved by si dang. Cuckoo land? That is called the Houses of Parliament. It's only nonsense if you view it from a western point of view.

    If you view it from a Thai point of view it's better than reading 2 fat slags in VIZ. ;)


  13. Depends how much money you've got!

    There are ways around everything.

    If you've got 1m baht, the likelihood to the answer is yes, it's possible.

    If you are married to a Thai better, as you can employ her family to teach, as names on the books to make up 5 Thais, but yiu have to salary them something. If you can buy a friendy in the labour dept for 100k, more the better.

    You need to extrapolate more on intent. Do you have a Master's degree? If you don't - forget it - you're dreaming!


  14. "Lastly, the PM said that a working committee has been set up to monitor any possible fallout from the problems in Europe."

    You know what? I'll give her credit where credit is due. She should be in the Guiness Book of Records for being the PM who set up the most committees to do her job, in the shortest possible time.

    I know now why she never goes to the Houses of Parliament. She's at home goolging.

    She spends every spare moment googling this site: http://suite101.com/article/how-to-set-up-an-event-committee-a163600

    And she does, of course, do it in a hotel suite, namely room 101 ! cheesy.gif

    -mel. rolleyes.gif

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