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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. The average monthly income for employed persons in Benin is less than US$50, according to 2007 World Bank data (OLD data I know, but lets assume it's 50 USD)

    SO 6,670USD is like 11 years worth of salary. . . . . I can understand her risk a little better when you can pull in 10+ years of salary on one trip.

    I hate that drug, never tried it and never will. Ruins many people's lives and many families. I wouldn't wish that addiction on my worst enemy.

    AND THERE are 9 Million people in Benin, living an honest life style.

    Does she expect sympathy for the salary you quote, or do the 9 million others?

    She knew what her risks were, and she knew what drugs were.

    Sorry, but little empathy and understanding is needed here.

    She took on the task, and she failed.

    Good Riddance!

    -mel. (and good riddance to the drugs found, that would have continued to support drug problems wherever they were destined for) smile.png

    And what revelvance is the monthly salary in Benin or the number of people living there ?.....The woman concerned is South African....Although South African and Benin may both be on the same continent...they are not the same place....of course you boys knew that ...didnt you ?.....whistling.gif ....so we either have a problem with geography or English comprehension skills...not sure which...rolleyes.gif

    "SO 6,670USD is like 11 years worth of salary".....Not in South Africa it aint...giggle.gif

    IF - Kipling....

    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

    ' Or walk with Kings - nor lose the common touch,

    if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

    If all men count with you, but none too much;

    If you can fill the unforgiving minute

    With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,

    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

    And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!

    -mel. ;)

  2. Heck don't bother keeping them. Just give them a death sentence.ermm.gif

    Ah......such is the compassion and understanding of human frailty.

    You have no idea what drove her to this and her life is now destroyed.

    Perhaps deeper thought of the overall problem is deserved.

    Oh go with yer Phil.

    She knew what she was doing, and she was doing it for money. Simple as.

    Do the time.....


    @Mel Your using the words of a Scouser there mate..Are you a liverpool fella like me??

    No way laar.... I never went to Blackler's grotto wid me mam.... or Druid's cross, an Rotheram's was ne'r in me 'eart. giggle.gif

    Never lost me ollies down da grid, or read the Echo with a pan o' scouse.

    Giv me a butty, near Ford Cemetary, an' we'll talk about Smithie Rd. biggrin.png

    Scouser? Meeee? 555

    Went to da Eddie's me, wid that stupd purple blazer, on Queen's Drive. thumbsup.gif

    -mel. ;)

  3. The average monthly income for employed persons in Benin is less than US$50, according to 2007 World Bank data (OLD data I know, but lets assume it's 50 USD)

    SO 6,670USD is like 11 years worth of salary. . . . . I can understand her risk a little better when you can pull in 10+ years of salary on one trip.

    I hate that drug, never tried it and never will. Ruins many people's lives and many families. I wouldn't wish that addiction on my worst enemy.

    AND THERE are 9 Million people in Benin, living an honest life style.

    Does she expect sympathy for the salary you quote, or do the 9 million others?

    She knew what her risks were, and she knew what drugs were.

    Sorry, but little empathy and understanding is needed here.

    She took on the task, and she failed.

    Good Riddance!

    -mel. (and good riddance to the drugs found, that would have continued to support drug problems wherever they were destined for) :)

    • Like 1
  4. So lets get this right, if an MP is sent to trial for allegedly defaming another MP he can be stopped from performing his duties as an MP until the court reaches a decision.

    On the other hand an MP who has been charged with premeditated murder gets to waltz around Parliament until the "leader" of that party gets around to making a decision on whether to let him continue coming into parliament as an MP?

    Am I missing something here?

    You appear to be missing half your brain. The country is run by a criminal fugitive (or his sister, depending on your point of view). Deputy PM Chalerm has an interesting legal history and Deputy PM Yongyuth is currently up on malfeasance, yet PTP are happy to keep them in these posts. PTP has several party list candidates that were charged with terrorism, one that was convicted of bribing court officials with a snack box full of cash (coincidentally he was a lawyer working for the aforementioned criminal fugitive). Chalerm's son, current advisor to the transport minister, has also faced charges related to the shooting of a police officer (happily he was acquitted, although his Glock was found at the scene).


    ...you want I should continue, or has the point been sufficiently made?

    One thing is certainly true in Thai politics..... the scum always seems to rise to the top.

    Erm.. may I add a few adjecives please?

    "bent, corrupt and, therefore, becoming 'richer' scum rise to the top!"


  5. Qualified for what is the question?

    Problem is no one going into "public service" is worthy of the term, only reason to do so in an environment like this is to line your pockets. If your going to have evil leaders better they be bumbling idiots. . .

    If they were more competent the country would probably be worse off!

    So where does one start with competent people, to make the country better off, contrary to you last words?


  6. Dr Pornthep Siriwanarangsan, head of the Disease Control Department, said the initial investigation in the room found a large quantity of vomit and faeces. There was evidence of bleeding

    The fact that it appears they didn't seek help for their illness and there are no other reports of food poisoning, leads me to suspect they willfully ingested what they believed was an illegal drug.

    "The FACT that it APPEARS they didn't seek help"???? That's paradoxical in its own right....

    Do you think they could seek help if they had local BIBs guns pointed at them in the room, or similar?


  7. Judging by their educational backgrounds reported, I can neither see them having been inebriated too!

    So you are suggesting only poorly educated people that get inebriated ?.....this thread is getting more bizzare..

    Judging by their educational backgrounds reported, I can neither see them having been inebriated too!

    So you are suggesting only poorly educated people that get inebriated ?.....this thread is getting more bizzare..

    Your conclusion to suggest the above is the bizarre here.

    We are talking about two young ladies, one of whom was due to start a dental career.

    How many dentists do you know get pissed up, and at that young female ones?

    Don't try to distort meanings and interpretations please.


  8. Well, sorry, but I just can't see two well educated girls, one about to start a career in Dentistry and both of whom returned to their room 'early', having participated in drug taking. Judging by their educational backgrounds reported, I can neither see them having been inebriated too!

    That would lead to either a case of unfortunate severe poisoning, yet it is latterly reported that the bin was pretty much aimed at well with vomit, and it wasn't a projectile filled room, thus they were able to walk; or that they were forced to remain in the room whilst being ill, and their deaths over-seen to the end, to cover up what went on prior.

    Only my opinion, based upon my experiences here, but I am entitled to it. ;)


    • Like 1
  9. Although the corruption is no laughing matter, I find it hilarious that people paid to sit the exams, on behalf of others, fail to pass the exams. Whether or not they know the content prior is irrelevant. These are so-called 'qualified' people. They should be able to pass.

    However, it leads to them having been through the same process too, and that's why they can't pass any exam. It makes one wonder if the further so-called people at the top could also pass a simpler exam, unrelating to their standing?

    The domino effect of non-intelligence seems to be becoming evident.

    Is anybody in this country really qualified? ermm.gif


    Oh sorry, I forgot one. The DJ who is the primeminister's public speaker. cheesy.gif


  10. I said it once, and I'll re-iterate.

    It is near to obvious it is foul play because 2 people, one aged 20 and the other aged 26, do not succumb to the same state at the same time. Even as sisters, their immune systems are/were :( different. One of them was prevented to go for help upon seeing the other deteriorate, or they were both simultaneously prevented from doing anything. The latter cries out to me.

    However, I do hope I am far from right.


  11. What they should do is change the stupid law which says a child can't be expelled from a school.

    Bad eggs would soon run out of schools, and either end up being unablel to graduate, or having to resort to getting down to some serious disciplined learning at their last choice.

    It's too easy for the parent to walk to the school and say, "What did you do about my child's problem?", when the problem clearly arises from home!

    The schools should have an equal right to send reports to the parents from the very beginning, to warn of issues, and ask the parents what they are doing to curb bad behaviour outside of school hours.

    Currently, it is all ar*e over t*t!


  12. As for the continued 'assertion' by one member who is becoming a thread killer and cynical user of this site, a spammer almost, about 'rat poisoning'....... do us a favour please? Bog off.


    I had to edit your long-winded quote above and whittle it down because in the entirety of it you said...absolutely nothing.

    And I believe 'rat poison' is one possibility. Poisonous mushrooms are another, and perhaps more likely, cause (see above post).

    Who mentioned you?

    You're not that important!


    Edit: But yeah! You encouraged me to hit the report button too.

    More fool your own rhetoric.

    See, you're doing it again. Making a worthless post because you don't 'like' that I reveal the inconsistencies in your arguments.

    Report yourself.

    I'm not arguing. You are. That's the difference. wink.png


    oOOOps - I posted same time as ADMIN. Apologies.

  13. As for the continued 'assertion' by one member who is becoming a thread killer and cynical user of this site, a spammer almost, about 'rat poisoning'....... do us a favour please? Bog off.


    I had to edit your long-winded quote above and whittle it down because in the entirety of it you said...absolutely nothing.

    And I believe 'rat poison' is one possibility. Poisonous mushrooms are another, and perhaps more likely, cause (see above post).

    Who mentioned you?

    You're not that important!


    Edit: But yeah! You encouraged me to hit the report button too. cheesy.gif

    More fool your own rhetoric. giggle.gif

    -m. coffee1.gifcoffee1.gif

  14. Arsenic is a major compound in many many brands of rat poison and is also manufactured in a liquid or powdered form that is absorbed through the skin rapidly and is 60 times more toxic than ordinary elemental 'Arsenic'.

    aresenic doesn't cause bleeding gums.

    Good God man! Do you ever stop? I really feel sorry for your Thai gf - if you happen to haven't having killed her with warfarin yet!


    • Like 2
  15. One thing that bothers me is two intelligent kids not at keast on them getting help. Perhaps if the took something and they were ashamed or embarrassed to come clean would be an explanation. Either that of the symptoms started out as food poising and then they got overwhelmed quickly while trying to wait it out.

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away (the 1970s) I got food poisoning. My first thought was to ask myself why did I feel so sick as I had not had all that much alcohol to drink. Shortly thereafter I thought, no, not too much drink rather someone had spiked something with some LSD (don't ask me how I might make such an assumption, but this was still the 1970s) as I was hallucinating. It took me hours to get out of bed, and only because the diarrehea was about to erupt so I literally crawled on the floor on all fours and luckily made it to the porcelain goddess in the nick of time. So yes, with poisoning, by the time that you realize just how bad the situation has become it may very well be too late to seek help yourself.

    The last word you quoted was 'yourself' - is it not?

    There were 2 sisters in the room, one aged 20 and the other 26.

    I believe it highly, very highly to a point of 95%, that they did not have the same immune system failures at the same time, and at the same rate!

    One of them would have realised the severity of what was happening, seeing their educational reports as truth of course, and would have tried to do anything to raise help.

    This systemic approach indicates the something stopped that, as they passed away or prior to those moments. I will say it again, "It stinks".

    As for the continued 'assertion' by one member who is becoming a thread killer and cynical user of this site, a spammer almost, about 'rat poisoning'....... do us a favour please? Bog off.


  16. "We have successfully overthrown three prime ministers, which proves our track record is excellent," says Chamlong, co-leader of the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD), whose yellow-clad members shut down Bangkok's international airport in 2008.

    "We have the ability to overthrow another government again if need be."

    Their agenda is clear. Forget democracy, welcome mob power !

    The reds are like nuclear weapons, we don't really like their excess but the alternative of having our enemies alone with a nuclear arsenal is even more uncomfortable. And knowing the apathy of the army and the police in front of the PAD excesses, the "reds" remain our best defense against mob power.

    JurgenG. The reds and the yellows are BOTH mobs. They both have supporters and detractors, they both use the same tactics of blockage and intimidation (under the guise of demonstration) to achieve their goals, they both have big hitting political and financial backers, they both claim to represent large sections of society, neither will rest until their opponents are eliminated, they both seek either directly or indirectly a non pluralist political system with their leaders at the top. They have a lot in common, most startling of all is that both of them care little about the damage they inflict on their country or the livelihoods of people they claim to represent.

    So your final statement 'Forget democracy, welcome to mob power.' is a very apt and correct slogan for both the reds and yellows. Self serving moronic buffoons the lot of em!!

    Only when both mobs are politically and socially sidelined will the country move forward. Until then Thailand will be stuck in the 20th Century.

    Which century again? :o

    -mel ;)

    • Like 1
  17. (I've seen the effect of Warfarin on Pest Control operatives .... it takes a huge dose to cause acute any symptoms in something as large as a human, and so it could not be accidental)

    "The toxic dose of warfarin is highly variable.....Superwarfarins are extremely potent and can produce prolonged effects even after a small ingestion; as little as 1 mg in an adult can cause coagulopathy. ...Bleeding is the primary adverse effect of warfarin and superwarfarin toxicity and is related to the intensity of anticoagulation, length of therapy, the patient's underlying clinical state, and use of other drugs that may affect hemostasis or interfere with warfarin metabolism.http://emedicine.med...821038-overview

    One milligram

    . . you are on track ! This is exactly what it is pointing too. And you are right, it could have been murder, if the room-pesticide suspicion CAN be ruled out . And btw, superwarfarines contain in parts arsenics, so your first reply to my post don't hold to the facts.

    Was there a window in their room ..?? Ground level...?? So the murderer got out through a window...? since the chain was on the door according to the Fox News report ???

    Is this woman's intuition?

    'Cos I still suspect foul play from the island Police. And you could change murderer to plural? wink.png


  18. Pufferfish poison can quickly lead to paralysis, and I'm sure there are more poisons found in food that can have the same effect. So food poisoning can be a very reasonable explanation.

    Correct. However, in the absence of a chemical analysis it is irresponsible to speculate or offer an explanation. It can takes months for the work that will provide a definitive answer. Initial body fluid, culture growth and examination can provide an indication, but a proper analysis takes time. I know everyone wants a quick answer but, it will be at least a month before the medical examiner releases a report. Sorry, but if people knew the backlog in the labs and how long each test takes, they would be more understanding.

    Yeah, the backlog.... such a shame.

    Where's the red-shirt leader holding the Welsh girl's evidence again????


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