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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. Here is a link to a US government web site that shows that the symptoms of methanol poisoning match up to the symptoms evidenced by these two young women. A real tradgedy

    The link you supplied does not list bleeding of the gums and bruising as symptoms of methanol poisoning, which these two women had.

    Rat poison is the likely culprit here.

    And also anti-freeze is very difficult and expensive to obtain in LOS. Nobody puts anti-freeze in a car in a country that never drops below 9C. -

    Ink jet thinners and the rest? This stuff is expensive. The substances to get methanol from are too too expensive for a Thai to adopt to - assuming he isn't/they aren't rich. However, I wonder if the photocopier works at the police station..... giggle.gif

    Maybe the killer is an old farang! 555+ 555+


  2. some two years ago there was a methanol poisoning of german tourists in turkey, not sure, two or so died, other remained nerves damages (blindness...)...

    The methanol was in bottled drinks, which they bought at the hotel bar...

    not all bottles were poisoned but the supplier would deliberately mix it in randomly...

    Not sure about methanol theory, but still a crime andcahoukd be treated as such, especially if that tainted drink was intentionally and only given to these two young girls.

    As stated before, Thai officials simply need to do complete pathology/toxicology to Ryle out or find out. Rather than Thai cop just saying food poisoning, they could easily state test results confirm or reveal X.

    Can nobody see that the Thai cops were the first there, and reported food posioning? Normally medics are first on scene!

    The This cops said there was no evidence of a struggle...... why would they say that - don't you see rehtorical inhibitions there?

    There is no mention yet of sexual assault - but if the bodies are not dealt with correctly, nobody will ever know what happened there.

    Cops have guns....... wouldn't you, well I wouldn't, but young ladies I mean, drink what is forced down your neck with no force but a gun against your head?

    If this is a decent hotel, where is the camera footage of room door, entry and exit?

    I never stay in a hotel, resort, room of any kind that doesn't have cameras. Then again, I believe I know where I go and speak in a Thai way that I would never be threatened...... and that's an unfortunate circumstance that meets with tourists - they just don't know.

    I'm being rather antagonistic, I know. But this is far from food poisoning, and nor is it close to accidental death!


  3. some two years ago there was a methanol poisoning of german tourists in turkey, not sure, two or so died, other remained nerves damages (blindness...)...

    The methanol was in bottled drinks, which they bought at the hotel bar...

    not all bottles were poisoned but the supplier would deliberately mix it in randomly...

    Not sure about methanol theory, but still a crime andcahoukd be treated as such, especially if that tainted drink was intentionally and only given to these two young girls.

    As stated before, Thai officials simply need to do complete pathology/toxicology to Ryle out or find out. Rather than Thai cop just saying food poisoning, they could easily state test results confirm or reveal X.

    Do you really believe Thai authorities are going to pay the expense of an autopsy?

    Do you really believe nothing has been interfered with, re the bodies ot the room? The maid will have already been ordered to bleach the place ready for the next visitors/victims of future.

    There won't be a pathos/toxy report made, and I doubt there is anybody qualified locally, within 200Km in either direction to perform one!!!


  4. Maybe everybody should bring crutches too, in case they break a leg?


    Breaking a leg is not a common occurance. Food poisoning is very, very common. Be prepared for the common, not the uncommon.

    By the way, feeling 'malaise' and 'unwell'--without vomiting and diarrhea--are the hallmark signs of food poisoning. Most people poisoned with food do not even have vomiting and diarrha.

    Hence: take some activated charcoal at FIRST sign of feeling unwell.

    How long have you been here, really?

    Breaking a leg on an island is a lot more common than food poisoning, so I request a little more maturity please.

    Forget the charcoal and the crutches for a moment, and look at the facts.

    Phi Phi is a small island, but has a huge amount of daily and weekly turn over in farang customers.

    Very very few, if any reported, get food poisoning.

    As for two young ladies, in the same room, passing away at exactly the same time, without one of them being able to walk to a door or call for help, or pick up the phone, or raise some attention if the other was so so ill...... think about that please. It is nigh unreal.

    It's happened in the past, and it's happened currently, and will happen again.

    The police were the first there of course, and ratified food poisoning exactly as they did in previous times - at the same ruddy venue.

    Was it the same police officer....?? Did you check that out>??

    Does he have a vested interest in the hotel??

    Do his colleagues have a vested interest in young foreign girls....??

    Are they able to cover up with a food poisoning?? Poisoning occuring first, of course.

    Have a think about your 'rat poison' theory, as the BIB in Phi Phi are lower than rats!!!



    you both have good ideas, don't start beating each other up. The important thing is to brain storm as many potential scenario's as possible and then test them to destruction. I am so bothered by the deaths of these girls, I would gladly take a week off and go to Phi Phi and try and find the answers, but of course would have absolutely zero right to any information or co-operation. I think 48 hours of dedicated questioning and foot slogging around would get answers, a toxicology report would seal it. I am not confident however that anyone engaged in such research would make it back to the mainland!

    I am totally disdained, and moved too, by the death of these young ladies. It stinks.

    I would also take week off, and I would have no job to come back to in BKK. However, I would, like you, probably come back with nothing new to report, if I also made it out alive.

    That in itself is an indication to people who don't live here of the depths of cover up.

    I leave it at that, sadly.


  5. Maybe everybody should bring crutches too, in case they break a leg?


    Breaking a leg is not a common occurance. Food poisoning is very, very common. Be prepared for the common, not the uncommon.

    By the way, feeling 'malaise' and 'unwell'--without vomiting and diarrhea--are the hallmark signs of food poisoning. Most people poisoned with food do not even have vomiting and diarrha.

    Hence: take some activated charcoal at FIRST sign of feeling unwell.

    How long have you been here, really?

    Breaking a leg on an island is a lot more common than food poisoning, so I request a little more maturity please.

    Forget the charcoal and the crutches for a moment, and look at the facts.

    Phi Phi is a small island, but has a huge amount of daily and weekly turn over in farang customers.

    Very very few, if any reported, get food poisoning.

    As for two young ladies, in the same room, passing away at exactly the same time, without one of them being able to walk to a door or call for help, or pick up the phone, or raise some attention if the other was so so ill...... think about that please. It is nigh unreal.

    It's happened in the past, and it's happened currently, and will happen again.

    The police were the first there of course, and ratified food poisoning exactly as they did in previous times - at the same ruddy venue.

    Was it the same police officer....?? Did you check that out>??

    Does he have a vested interest in the hotel??

    Do his colleagues have a vested interest in young foreign girls....??

    Are they able to cover up with a food poisoning?? Poisoning occuring first, of course.

    Have a think about your 'rat poison' theory, as the BIB in Phi Phi are lower than rats!!!


    • Like 2
  6. “There was a lot of vomit in the room, and both bodies showed similar signs [of trauma]. They had skin lesions and it seemed that they had bled from the gums. Also, their fingernails and toenails were blue."

    Sounds like rat poison--warfarin, coumadin, etc--which causes bleeding, vomiting, bruising. Doesn't take much to kill.

    (Activated charcoal is first line of defense against most food, etc poisonings. Every traveler should have a packet of activated charcoal capsules in their kit and take them at first sign of feeling unwell--don't wait till vomiting etc starts).

    As was pointed out by other posters on other threads of Phi Phi victims and Chiang Mai victims, isn't it strange these victims are, like most of the others, young Western women.

    Looks like this serial killer has struck again.

    Every traveler should have a packet of activated charcoal capsules in their kit and take them at first sign of feeling unwell--don't wait till vomiting etc starts).

    Looks like this serial killer has struck again.

    What? ohmy.png

    Oh! I'm going to Thailand, so I must buy a packet of activated charcoal capsules, what say ye chaps?


    Activated charcoal is THE number one protocol for most poisonings in EVERY emergency room worldwide.

    Activated charcoal could have saved their lives if they had taken it at FIRST sign of feeling unwell.

    Yes, easy to say now. I'm not disagreeing with the medicals, I am saying how naieve of you to think anybody planning a holiday is going to discuss bringing charcoal with them. If that was the case, everybody would be overloaded with pharmacy bags that they wouldn't even get a pair of pants in thier luggage! Maybe everybody should bring crutches too, in case they break a leg?


    • Like 1
  7. Isn't it quite simple to ask, "What is your plan if the rainfall isn't normal?

    What is each projected strategy? For example, if rainfall is above the expected, and so rises above 1-15mm what is the plan of action?

    If 15-30mm above expected, what is the next plan of action?

    If 30mm to 50mm or 5 metres to 20 milliion cubic metres per metre cubed? - believe me, the last one would have somebody at the top perplexed... cheesy.gif

    -mel. clap2.gif

  8. “There was a lot of vomit in the room, and both bodies showed similar signs [of trauma]. They had skin lesions and it seemed that they had bled from the gums. Also, their fingernails and toenails were blue."

    Sounds like rat poison--warfarin, coumadin, etc--which causes bleeding, vomiting, bruising. Doesn't take much to kill.

    (Activated charcoal is first line of defense against most food, etc poisonings. Every traveler should have a packet of activated charcoal capsules in their kit and take them at first sign of feeling unwell--don't wait till vomiting etc starts).

    As was pointed out by other posters on other threads of Phi Phi victims and Chiang Mai victims, isn't it strange these victims are, like most of the others, young Western women.

    Looks like this serial killer has struck again.

    Every traveler should have a packet of activated charcoal capsules in their kit and take them at first sign of feeling unwell--don't wait till vomiting etc starts).

    Looks like this serial killer has struck again.

    What? :o

    Oh! I'm going to Thailand, so I must buy a packet of activated charcoal capsules, what say ye chaps?


    They came to a place which has western food available in every soi. They were in a hotel with western standards, alledgly.

    They were able to make wise choices, same as every other farang that visits here, and doesn't die. You just don't get it, do you, the way things are done here!

    As for your words of 'a' serial killer, did it never cross your mind that just maybe this is organised death, in a controlled manner by more than one?


  9. This is absolute BS that the Thai Police are already telling everyone that this is food poisoning without the benefit of an autopsy . What the hell is the rush, an autopsy can clarify things, it only takes an extra couple of days instead "Barny Fife" has already muddy the waters. What is it about Thai Police and Politicians that always want to spout out unrealistic BS.

    Cos usually they are the perpretrators....... smack bang in the middle of it! Or even responsible for it! Q.E.D.


  10. The conspiracy theorists should spare a thought for the families that are likely to read this!

    And maybe they ought to know what those of us who have lived here for a while really know too!

    Forget the conspiracies! Enough cover-ups have gone on for more than long enough!

    So sparing a few thoughts, the parents should get the bodies out a.s.a.p. for traces of anything, including police residue from mis-used truncheons! This isn't a normal death of 2 girls by any means, and if you think we should not express our experiences of this country's ways, when untoward 3rd world events occur, then I think you should keep schtum....... until it's too late, and then offer apologies to the family for us all being quiet and not offering pieces of what we have experienced.

    -mel. ermm.gif

  11. Seems like police may have a serial killer on their hands why don't they check the staff from the other murder scenes perhaps he or she is moving around. The land of smiles my ass seems like the land of dome and gloom now. What is happening to these people between conning old men and young out of their hard earned money now they have resorted to killing them for it. Wake up Thai police start doing your job, stop sticking your heads in the sand thinking it will go away we are not stupid we know what's going on its time to restore the integrity of your country and police force tell the truth for once because you are fooling no one only yourselves

    And you don't suspect the Thai police in all of this?

    The guys who arrive at the scene and gratis with 'food poisoning, but we aren't sure yet, but we'll investigate'....................

    These officers are always on the scene first, disturbing the evidence....... and a little ghost tells me why they do.

    So before accusing anybody but the BIB themselves......... they need to be investigated first 1st premier tee neung initially and so forth, cos I reckon they are the same self culprits.


    So easy to overlook details, isn't it lads?..... I'm speaking to the Thai police now!!!!!!! Not literally, I mean in words , here. whistling.gif

  12. A while back one of my Thai neighbours was beating his son with a cable & I stepped in verbally and he stopped. Thai wife said don't interfere. So I walked up the road to a GP/Doctor and she said she will report to the Thai Police. Maybe that's a path to take that will get you personally out of the revenge loop; give it a try as their will be evidence. How are you going to feel if in the coming hours/days this man actually permanently injures or kllls his wife . With killing the dog the Thai police will take action if your neighbour reports him. But only max fine of 1,000 baht and maybe one month in prison.

    I am not responsible for this man's actions. Of course I would feel incredibly painful if he hurts her beyond how he normally does.

    However, I have taken action in reporting him to certain foundations who say they will respond.

    I cannot take responsibility if events occur before their correspndence however, unless you are saying I physically interact?

    One month in prison, and he comes out even more angry with a revenge and further kill attitude?

    I am not Thai..... but I am trying to find solutions.

    Immediate solution I have enacted and contacted the personnel who I thought/think from previous posts that are a best bet.

    I can't also hold responsibility for neighbours contacting the police or not, surely?

    Are you allaying that if this neighbour is mutilated in anyway that it will be my responsibilty for it having occured?


    Edit: I am upset enough for the dog, that I fed only 2 days ago.

    Pls don't tell me I am not doing enough .... :(

  13. Well I am so sorry to update with this bad news, but he killed the dog. :(

    I was informed by neighbours 1 hour ago, as they came to talk to me saying they have also been watching.

    He took the dog out early this morning in his car, and they were all witness.

    Their concern too now is for his wife. They also agree he takes something, and have all said if they hear a peep they will be calling the police, and not to take it all onboard myself as they hear the abuse also and know we must hear worse thru the walls.

    It is not isolated to me and my wife now, and the neighbourhood is disgusted with the puppy's death.

    Hopefully now, with neighbourly words to the team I called, they can come to bear witness and get this sod arrested and jailed once and for all.


  14. So, did anybody really try the OP recipe?

    I'm interested to know - cos it certainly is scrumptous.

    I also found that Cod isn't necessary. Tesco L does a frozen pack of 3 large white-fish, which is white creamed 'pangasius' fillets from Vietnam, and 85 Baht currently for 3 large breasts. It is thinner than Cod, but much longer and when deep fried in batter is much more fluffy.

    Worth a very good try, my friends..... esp for the cost.


  15. "Just when Thailand will have a government that can concentrate better on external issues is anyone's guess."


    Well that's not a difficult one to answer, or even need a guess at. The answer is never.



    Because Thai attitude is so far up its own back passage when it comes to believing external issues are irrelevant to this land.


    Thai ministers are only interested in what's to be had with hands in the internal bag, regarding internal tea-money.

    External ventures are not so easy to bend or exploit, and so the externals are of no key financial importance!


  16. "However, he conceded that the NBTC could not have complete authority over the case because both these companies had been set up before the television watchdog was created."

    What a load of old tat!

    What he's indicating is that both companies don't come under the jurisdiction of the watchdog because they were set up before it came into existence. Incredible statement!

    Watchdogs are set up precisely to ensure that existing conglomerates do not flout the laws, and act accordingly in the best interests of their customers - be they new or previously existing companies.

    Good lecturing matey, NOT!


  17. Why can't this crackdown be extended to Samui and Phuket?

    Why can't this crackdown be extended to the qualifications beyond taxi licences?

    For example: Police badge numbers and licences, a step up to local authority tea-baggers, then MPs, and finally Supreme 'members'.. (members being hyphenated for correct colloquial usage, as in you 'member' you!! = anagram of "complete toss pot" - a few misaligned letters, sorry).


  18. This is a very tricky situation. 30-40 yrs ago or more, most people in many western countries would have taken a similar view that one should not get involved. It is too easy and cowardly to turn a blind eye when the risk of death is real, however it is also easy to exacerbate the situation potentially causing more liability and risk for the victim though intentions are obviously good.

    The issue has to be how to get some urgent official intervention in this situation whilst also distancing yourself from the violent coward lest you blame you in the future - which he will.

    Thailand has very good domestic violence laws. As usual with domestic violence the problem is enforcement. Forget the local police who will usually be hopeless, there is a Womens and Childrens Protection Division within the police force, there are in many provinces. You don't state where you live but the impression I have is a major city so you should be right.

    There are numerous womens rights advocates and NGOs in the country. I'd suggest you contact one of these closest to you - either through your wife or another Thai woman that you know well - and brief them on the situation. Better your wife can if she is willing. They will know the best course of action in the circumstances and they may well contact the Womens and Childrens Protection Division as a matter of urgency.

    I'd suggest you record a log of incidents for your your purposes especially anything that involved interaction between yourself and the husband - if he threatens you I'd be making a statement for future ref. with a lawyer who can then advise you whether or not, and the pros and cons of both options, to make a criminal complaint at some point.

    Good luck.

    Thank you.

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