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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. Thai authorities need to get themselves into the modern world and provide full disclosure.

    I'm afraid that's going to take an incredibly long time, if ever.

    Thailand plods away at improvement arithmetically, whilst most of the world around improves geometrically and at a greater pace.

    I'm sad to say that the gap appears to be expanding, and not the reducing.


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  2. I couldn't watch more than 2 mins.

    How low are these uneducated smart <deleted> able to go?

    As for thanks for the parents' apologies, the children should be put up on TV, along with the old dear, and made to publicly snivel and apologise.

    Parents, you should take off your belts and give these kids a scar to remember for this outrage.

    Poor dear kept her cool, for what I saw, and was neither degrading or detrimental to the little feckers.

    So much for the USA educational and correctional facilities. :( :(


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  3. Remember the singing policewomen? Now we have singing thugs.

    I know what's next. When Ayuthayya sinks again, and the industrial estates are submerged, this is a precursor to asking the MD of Honda Thailand to sing so as not to be upset.

    When thugs want to open the next round of 'big bag' they'll be ordered to sing and be happy in their new 2.5m of house cleaning fluid. ;)


  4. We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

    Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

    Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

    South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

    So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

    Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


    So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

    Don't be so immature, and read into what I said. sad.png


    Oh but I did!

    May I add that your political views are always from 'the psyche of the first world'. I rarely have ever disagreed with you, so I will just put this down to a bum post, but perhaps you ought to look at what you wrote. It is a little condescending and we don't need it. If we want to bitch and moan on here till our eyes are red then cool, you have a bee in your bonnet about many subjects, all from a first world perspective. Think about it.

    Correct! Not the best time to be posting after an all day party, involving a beer or 276. ;)

    My apologies.


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  5. We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

    Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

    Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

    South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

    So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

    Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


    So lets just lock all the Thailand news forums and not permit comments of any kind, because it's just the way it is, TiT and what's the other?..........oh yes, if you don't like it go home rolleyes.gif What's the point of discussion mel? You have enough to say about many things including the political situation and there is nothing we can do about that. It's bad enough not being able to have a discussion about life and the universe with the family yet due to some language issues without people on here telling us that one means for discussing issues in our own language, using our thoughts and language to the full extent is now off limits because 'whats the point of discussion, this is the way it is and there is nothing we can do'. Last one out turn off the lights eh!

    Don't be so immature, and read into what I said. :(


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  6. We live in a third world country, without Western style laws and rules. There are rules, yes of course, but the implementation of them is 3rd world, simple as. I can't believe that the majority of posters still believe things should be done here on the basis of their own experiences of 1st world standards - we don't live to that standard here.

    Most comments, bar a few, are from the psyche of first world vision. Get real lads, as this is nothing like where you came from.

    Money talks, and it does in any 3rd world country...... just take the governments of such countries, for example.

    South America, Africa and so on are all the same when it comes to money talking, because they don't live to exemplary standards of first world countries.

    So an offer was made to buy their daughter out of trouble. It's not only in Thailand this occurs, but in ALL third world countries. When you realise that this is the way of these cultural differences, and standards of living, then you'll be able to accept it and take it for the norm - because that is what it is in these countries - IT'S THE NORM.

    Accept it and stop complaining, or go home if you can't accept it. I don't want you to go home, of course, but I do want you to understand that you are not living by the rules you are used to. Forget them, and adapt and adopt to the ways you need to to live a normal 3rd world life here, but very quietly keeping to your own standards.


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  7. I have attended numerous vehicle collisions, cars, motor bikes, pedestrians, bicycles and no two were ever the same. I do not know why people are comparing and speculating as to what injuries a person would sustain because you can't. i have seen motor bike riders that have displayed no visible trauma at all but the out come was tragic.

    Because we are trying to establish if this was indeed a bike accident, or as purported a 'savage attack' by a gang of Thai's out to deliberately end this young man's fighting career.'

    It is possible to establish if this was a bike accident or a severe beating with many comparisons of each, isn't it??


    I have not read anywhere that says it was a savage attack by a gang of Thais, another unfounded presumption and this forum again will never establish the ethnic background of other who may or may not have been involved.

    Coast man savagely bashed in Phuket

    Mackenzie Ravn

    PHUKET: -- A CHAMPION Gold Coast kickboxer has suffered life-threatening injuries on the Thai tourist island of Phuket, the victim of what his family believe was a savage bashing.

    Page 1 - opening headline. Another unfounded presumption of mine? Get real!

    So you didn't read that it was said it was a savage attack by a gang of Thais in the first headline?

    OK for you to knock me - when you haven't read the facts? Hum?

    As for Southpeel liking your post, you too Southpeel are on a bender to wish wash anything I currently comment upon, so why don't you give it a rest too, as you suggested I do. You seem to be missing a few posts too. I don't dislike much of what you like, and rec a lot of them, as you know. You did however ask for the thread to be closed, and it was offered that you don't need to read further. So why are you still doing, negatively, I will add!

    -mel. whistling.gif

  8. I have attended numerous vehicle collisions, cars, motor bikes, pedestrians, bicycles and no two were ever the same. I do not know why people are comparing and speculating as to what injuries a person would sustain because you can't. i have seen motor bike riders that have displayed no visible trauma at all but the out come was tragic.

    Because we are trying to establish if this was indeed a bike accident, or as purported a 'savage attack' by a gang of Thai's out to deliberately end this young man's fighting career.'

    It is possible to establish if this was a bike accident or a severe beating with many comparisons of each, isn't it??


  9. Well the list has Beijing and Shanghai in the wrong order for a start, as I have lived in both for over 2 years each. Shanghai is at least 1.5 times more expensive than Beijing, and that's living in a basic domestic situ. Yes, I had the luxury of a high paid job, and agree with much of the above, but I didn't live as a so called tourist - I lived with my wife as fitting into the society level we fitted into. Regardless of the society level, Shanghai is a heck of a lot more expensive per level than Beijing.

    That makes me feel that the whole report is wrong....


  10. I endured a low impact hit on a pole, on a bicycle, first point of contact right side of the head, deep 4cm gash, bruising and swelling, received through two folds of thick cloth on my hat; second point of contact as head bounced back was right side neck and shoulder, severe bruising to both. Final impact was my right hand my bicycle jammed it against the pole. There was no further damage as the impact threw me off, turned me around and I landed on my back. I was carrying a small rucksack which cushioned the fall.

    Similarly I was hit by a car, went over the bonnet smashed my cycling hemet in the fall as my head hit the ground first, again landed on my back cushioned by my back pack, no further damage

    Before I get flamed I realise that a motorcycle moves a little faster than a bicycle

    I add my comments to give you some idea of how injuries can appear confusing, no grazing for example, when you hit a post your body takes the impact then you are effectively stopped, I really cannot make any decision as to the cause of the injuries based on what I have read because I am no expert in injuries and type of impact

    I hope this young man recovers and gets to lead a quality life

    Best wishes


    So you are indicating that the injuries you have seen are corresponding to a very similar experience of a motorcycle accident you had.

    That also corresponds with an earlier indication I made regarding a single area of impact which is usually zonal, when making initial impact with a barrier of sorts, such as a post. Once the head has absorbed the initial impact load, and it can cope with many Kn of impact, so much that many would disbelieve, a limb is usually the second and final stopper of full decceleration and halting of impact. That would be in a confined space, but on a bike fall and leave the vehicle would be the final halt.

    I designed steering wheels and steering columns in my earlier past, and we did what was called 'body block testing'. These tests were usually at very low speeds, beginning at 15mph. The load impact on the chest and head, and the noise of impact at this small speed, is frightening. It is unbelievable. That's why it is, in most NCAP and Federal Testing requirements, a law that the column must absorb impact and breakway and slide car forward, in simple terms, a minimum of 100mm..... that absorbs a huge amount of head or chest load.

    The damage done to 'Oscar' - the mannequin - at speeds of 45mph - is unbelieveable also, and I am amazed at what the human body can survive,, when people walk away from impacts of 100mph, often. That is a combination of air-bags, belt pretensioners - that fire at micro-seconds when the vehicle impact sensors detect serious impacts and set of the firing sequences - all highly tuned.

    On a motorbike, there are none of these, yet the human body can absorb more than we know.

    Slightly off-topic Admin - but of some relevance: This is fascinating


    I still also disagree with the headline of 'savagely bashed' - he isn't that badly off! Much exaggeration here. ermm.gif

  11. People don't need to read it,including relatives, it was posted on a forum, it is public and public means getting different opinions and so on, even though some go overboard,but the moderators are there to control the real crap....


    If you don't wish to pursue matters then there are plenty of other threads to visit.

    To ask for closure, when there is no abuse or assassination of characters, but pure questioning..... isn't necessary.

    All have the option not to read, and leave those interested to discuss and interrogate kindly.


  12. i think this thread needs to be closed


    +2. Its becoming very gross and personal!

    That's what happens when people search for the truth.

    Can't you face that?

    I'd like to see the truth to the end of this case. It was opened not by me, and I simply gave my opinions.

    Be those opinions liked or disliked, don't you want to get to the real truth?

    Thread closed and you lose along with everybody else, including the family.

    That is weak and frail.


  13. So why give it a rest Southy?

    Why am I getting under your skin on this one?

    If your going to direct a comment to me...at least spell correctly Mel...

    Your not getting under my skin all..just very sad that you seem to be getting off on a families misfortune thats all, the guys mother has taken the time to comment on TV and all you are doing is having a go...

    I'm not getting off on anything. I simply asked logical questions.

    It is sensitive, yes.

    But if the correct questions are not asked.... where does it go?

    I'm not riling.

    Is it going to be left as a bike accident? More than likely.

    If wounds are left to close..... so be it.

    If wounds are not kept in the open, then no eventual truth will abound.

    If that's what everybody wants then, again, so be it.


  14. Not a comedy genius i hope he makes a swift and full recovery. But being what you might say a man of the world i would say there are missing pieces to the story. Looks like a hiding and not just a random one by the injuries.

    a HIDING?

    I was baseball batted 7 years ago, left with my nose by my ear, jaw by the other, all for a Nokia N95 in Liverpool.

    That was a hiding.

    I went to China to learn to fight Shaolin. Stayed there for 3 years. They deliberately broke every knuckle and wrist of mine, to make them fuse.

    Yes, it was callous. But in a hard fight they cannot possibly break now, but it knackered up my guitar playing, and I was garde 8 classical at aged 14.

    At age 22, no matter what training for 5 years, as mum says, was this guy able to defend a group.

    But at this moment there is no mention of a group fight, and no witnesses. He wakes and says he didn't crash the bike. So he must have had a memory of the moment before he didn't crash the bike, surely?

    Now if this guy is a 3rd Champion of Oz in kickboxing, in my experience we would have been easily able to handle 2 or 3 even if 1 came from behind.

    My baseball knockout came from behind in Liverpool, but it didn't split my skull, and I am unscarred.

    They kicked me to hell when I was out, but simply my jaw and nose were moved.

    The scar I SAW on the photographic links clearly showed a large headline forhead split..... corresponding to frontal head impact, and I am no doctor, but I am an expert in car design and passenger crash.

    A baseball bat, of fist, or foot would not cause such a lengthy scar, as the pictures reveal to me a head impact at speed with a large object.

    If he was downed, then continually attacked then the zones of head impact would not be as extensive in length as the hospital pictures showed.

    My extensive experience in automotive and cycle impacts, without restraints, indicate that he hit a large barrier of a kind.

    No disrespect, Deborah, but I am also viewing from a secondary opinion.

    I believe he did crash his bike, and was not assaulted and left to die by Thais.


    feel free to PM me on my expertise in crash analysis. I can re-construct with CAE the environment, given relevant details.

  15. In the US many kids die each year over spring break. Not sure why so many people find so many conspiracy theories and shock in the number of younger people dying on an island which in a less developed nation which is basically like an all year round spring break and where there are lots of bacteria outsiders may not have built any immunity too as well as it being a place they are unfamiliar with and it being a place where drugs are readily available and where there are drugs there are bad people. As for the deaths two years ago, people dying without being able to confirm the initial cause of particular organ failures is not at all uncommon. One body of the bodies was cremated (assuming with the consent of next of kin as is law) and one body was autopsied in Norway where the cause of death was also unable to be determined.

    Wake up people, in less devloped nations people die of things at higher rates and die of things they may not have in a more developed nation or in a city with lots of medical staff and not on an island with very limited medical facilities.

    But I guess if bashing helps to inflate an obviously low self-esteem then go right on.

    yes, everywhere people die, but

    - a hospital full of "food poisonings" is NOT normal

    - and 4 unexplained deaths on this island in a few years...?


    if there is a bacteria that makes so many people sick and kills some - then "ok" - but it has to be identified and a travel warning raised...

    people could perhaps prepare with proper medication, avoid some foods or been tested before they travel - or stay away...

    there seems a particular problem on phi phi.. too many deaths, too young people and too little explanation...

    the virus/bacteria/source has to be identified...

    2 unexplained deaths. Not 4. It is incredibly normal to not know a cause of death for a month after while autopsy and toxicology information is examined. A nurse at the hospital was quoted as saying they see cases of food poisoning each day. The hospital is not even a real hospital and is more a triage center with one doctor on duty. It is to treat minor ailments or stabilize people to be transported to a real hospital. They say the number of food poisoning cases they see is not unusual with most being treated right there. Up to 10,000 visitors visit the island each day with a good deal of them there to party and get a bit wild as well as not having built up local tolerances to everything from bacteria in food to the mosquito breed there.

    Instead of being drama queens, why not wait until the facts are in and instead of putting on blinders, compare the island to any other party haven beach town and then consider the stage of development of that particular country. Sure, it is human nature to speculate and be curious but lets not pretend things have or have not happened based on personal emotions.

    Yes and keep on abstracting and distracting and you know what the whole thing didn't happen at all, and black is white, and we really don't need to consider these terrible deaths, because they become a small stat, correlated with trends, and regressed out of existence to show that in fact there isn't a problem at all!

    Wake up smell the poison!

    Well one of us from the very outset laid the foundations for interference.... and not a simple night.

    I rest my case. wink.png


    Edit: rat poison? my ass.

  16. thai autopsy report possibly out on tuesday

    i thought they would wait until the canadians had published and then spin, but when its on tuesday already...

    Please tell me. If the bodies are now in Canada, which would have taken 24 hours to arrange, and they were alledgly doing the autopsy in BKK yesterday, which autopsy report is coming out of BKK on Tuesday, after the bodies were not permitted to be interferred with?

    -mel.. ermm.gif

  17. The damage is consistent with what you'd do to end a fighters career,

    and get him out of a weight catagory for good.

    The damage is also consistent with a young lad's developing abilities leading him to think he can win any street fight.

    Showing off Muay Thai, and any other martial art is not within the spiritual essence of the art itself.

    Who's to say he wasn't intending to 'show off' to girlies, as his bike was pumped up with adrenalin, and he happened to meet a/some street fighting styled Muay Thai boxers?

    Pure speculation, but possible.

    Medically, if fractures to a skull, brain impression - that's possible head impact from a bike crash - but unlikely same impact spot that would lead to serious eye damage or loss of teeth unless he was flying on the bike, and nobody flies into a gas station!


    Edit: I take my words back, after looking at the pics in above second link. They are consistent with a bike crash!

    I think he needs to tell daddy he did crash the bike, and change his headline from Thai's nearly left me for dead.... asshol_e! :(

  18. Did you all miss something in the first post on Page 1?

    I haven't read pages 4 or 5 yet, but everybody is still knocking the investigators and hoping for no foul play.

    Page 1 clearly states, "Relatives of the sisters arrived in Thailand earlier this week. The women's bodies are reportedly back in Canada, according to CBC News."

    The women's bodies are alledgly in Canada already.

    Give over on the insinuations of Thai autopsy negligence, as the real truth will be found very darned quickly now!


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  19. "The 10 delegates were on a familiarization trip, so that they could accurately assess how to recommend Phuket as a travel destination to potential tourists looking to book a holiday."

    I'm sure the recommendations will come highly, as even for a Thai experienced expat of nearly 7 years I wouldn't bother with Phuket, nor Pattaya, after my knowledge and experiences of travelling there.

    Let's hope the bastards are found before they jump on a raft!


  20. What a terrible, senseless murder, all for a handbag and probably a few thousand baht.

    Condolences to her family and friends.


    What a terrible, senseless murder, all for a handbag and probably a few thousand baht.

    A typical ignorant farang remark.

    No disrespect intended to the poster, but that remark shows the lack of understanding that some people show for the reality of life for many poor people in the "Land Of Smiles".

    There are some people for who a "few thousand Baht" is a fortune, it can litterly mean life instead of death.

    I have no idea why they actually wanted that money....but I do know that in all the tourist bull---t that Phuket loves to display for foriegners with money to spend freely, there is a seedy and desperate reality beneath the phoney tourist glitter.

    Drugs and the use of drugs to escape the hopeless of life for those people is one prime cause that prompts those people to commit crimes like this one.

    That's the reality of "tourisim" in Thailand....and Phuket and Pattaya are prime examples of that reality. No matter what the 'tourism business" spokesmen claim.

    Although I'm truely sorry for the victims of this crime, maybe the lessons the friends of the victim should takr back to Oz is that this crime shows the true nature of Thailand and it's tourisim business.


    I've been simply reading through, with a need to comment, as this is purely evil and awful as an event.

    But your words above? Jeez man, you can't be serious?

    You wrote, "No disrespect intended to the poster, but that remark shows the lack of understanding that some people show for the reality of life for many poor people in the "Land Of Smiles".

    There are some people for who a "few thousand Baht" is a fortune, it can litterly mean life instead of death."

    Sorry, well not, but your remark shows your lack of understanding that you show for the reality of the life of this victim, who arrived only the day before, coming for a simply relaxed holiday, in a place she thought she could trust, and she was murdered!

    So a few thousand baht is a fortune to them, so what? Does that give them the right to take the opportunity to steal, and kill, for a quick get rich scheme?

    It can mean life and death to a Thai? What, a few thousand baht? Are you writing from Timbuktu?

    It meant for the poor visitor's life, THAT'S A FACT; So don't dare say a few thousand baht can literally mean life or death to a Thai - that is BS!

    As for using a knife against a defenceless old lady.... was that the Thai's life or death policy for living too? All for their lives themselves?

    Baahumbug - think again about your words please. Dispicable.

    -mel. :(

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