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Posts posted by MEL1

  1. BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra Monday urged all sides in the political conflict to brush aside the conflicts for now and cooperate so that the country could survive all crises.

    Yingluck said the country was not only facing a political crisis but also an economic crisis stemming from the global economic slump.

    She said the government had to make preparations to cope with problems caused by the global economic crisis.

    She said if all sides cooperate to create confidence, the country would be able to move on.


    survive the crises this shower have been creating for the last year?

    I don't see much of a global economic slump.... there might be a few probs in Europe same as economic crisis, but say slump to the Chinese!

    If all sides cooperate to create confidence? The majority would gain a bit of confidence if madam would bother to turn up for work for a start, and then listen to some confidence being proposed by the opposition, which does actually have some decent ideas.


  2. 1997 Tom Yum King crisis was allegedly a result of Thaksin siphoning too much Baht out of Thailand, allegedly causing Bank of Thailand to run low on Baht to pay Farang's bank.

    Everybody knows that Thaksin bad, bad, bad. That's why his party won a sweeping victory in the 2001 election. Thai Rak Thai won 248 parliamentary seats (more than any other party previously). Thaksin bad bad bad. 1997 he wrecked the country and 4 years later everyone in love with him. Academics called the election the most open and corruption free in Thai history. Thaksin bad man, bad bad bad.

    Academics called the election the most open and corruption free in Thai history. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Which academics were these? Can you give me a URL pls...


    Would you believe it? Right out of Wiki. Dumb that so many millions of people believe that. We know better on Thai Visa eh?

    URL please.
  3. 1997 Tom Yum King crisis was allegedly a result of Thaksin siphoning too much Baht out of Thailand, allegedly causing Bank of Thailand to run low on Baht to pay Farang's bank.

    Everybody knows that Thaksin bad, bad, bad. That's why his party won a sweeping victory in the 2001 election. Thai Rak Thai won 248 parliamentary seats (more than any other party previously). Thaksin bad bad bad. 1997 he wrecked the country and 4 years later everyone in love with him. Academics called the election the most open and corruption free in Thai history. Thaksin bad man, bad bad bad.

    Academics called the election the most open and corruption free in Thai history. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Which academics were these? Can you give me a URL pls...


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  4. Blood tests are not necessary to test for HIV. A swab of the mouth is all that is necessary and that is what insurance companies do before issuing a policy. Take you to the hospital and the doctor swabs the mouth.

    Which is why I indicated that a HIV test of students is not normal practice, but an annual health and blood check is. ;)


  5. The concern should be Hepatitis.

    I won't bore anyone with the stats, but Hepatitis is endemic in Thailand.

    Thanks, GK. Would annual checkups be the norm for hepatitis? I haven't heard of it happening at Thai schools before. Parental/guardian consent would be required, would it not?

    I think he means that hepatitis could be passed on through using the same needles.

    Oh yes, silly me. ;-) I was hoping for the reason behind the annual blood testing regime, testing for what?

    Schools do test anually - for sight, hearing, general health, and bloods to check for Hepatitis, Bird Flu and the norms of Asian sub-tropical diseases.

    However, I wouldn't say that their tests comprise a HIV test as a norm.

    The concoction in this article would lead to an uncommon test, if it is true the 'fake' doctors were testing for HIV. That is not normal.

    They may test for drug abuse, syphallis and so forth, but in students I even doubt the parents were informed it was a HIV test.

    That all tantamounts to misrepresentation, at least, and especially from the board of directors of the institute, if they were aware of events and projected results.


  6. Fake doctors, dirty needles repeatedly used...... This is culpable, willful mass intent to murder.....

    Are you a lawyer?

    I understand anger, but to define it as culpable, wilful "mass intent to murder"? whistling.gif

    Slight exaggeration there... wink.png


    Possibly, the range might be negligent->culpable. Are greed or stupidity valid defences?

    Here in Thailand?

    That has to be an absolute 'YES' - says Simon Cowell. :)ermm.gif - They pass to the next round..sad.png


  7. That's not right Bucholz!

    The original proposal, and now catastrophe, was to supply all first graders of Prathom 1 (No mention of Matthayom), those being elementary or junior/primary school level students, with a tablet, aged 7 or 8 in their year. The government failed miserably on that one!

    To now propose a second bent idea of supplying grade 7 (Matthayom 1, aged 12 or 13 in their year) with tablets is a completely new proposal, and not related to the first <deleted> up.

    It's all a tea-money bent fructed up venture, that won't happen.

    Note the quote, ""The delivery of tablets to Prathom 1 [Grade 1] just marks a beginning. The government is trying to expand tablet distribution to students at other levels of primary and secondary education."

    Marks what? The delivery hasn't happened, and all the money in the kitty is gone!

    So what is the government trying to expand upon? Something that hasn't happened? Ruddy paradoxical to me, that one! sad.png

    And then the other quote, "However, a source engaged in the project said 10 eligible schools in Bangkok and neighbouring provinces would join the project, since their infrastructure is adequate, especially Internet access, while the Web connections at schools in other provinces might be too slow."

    10 eligible schools? What about the Esan schools, and the rest, for the students of parents who voted in this smoke-screen of taking money from the government?

    Wow! Mr T sure taught his objectives very well. bah.gifermm.gif


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  8. Call me cynical but has there ever been any conclusive positive findings made on post mortems' in any of these mysterious deaths in Thailand in recent times..'Inconclusive'seems to be all they ever report and that's the end of that...a pattern is there for all to see now and it don't look good to be honest!

    There's certainly a pattern of knifing farang to death lately. A new fad, like Song Khran water pistols??? :(


  9. Tourists will keep coming to Phi Phi anyone who thinks differently is in dream land. Shame about the deaths but life goes on and this ultimately will end up as forum fodder when next unexplained death occurs.

    Yep, meaningless forum fodder, unless of course it is your daughters that turn up dead.

    I can't think of anything less helpful to the parents than reading the posts here ... not one thing I recall having read on this thread that would be the least bit helpful or comforting to them, including my posts.

    Even if they did find something there is no way they can pin it on anybody. Did you spike the girls drinks? No! End of story.

    Ever heard of rubber and semen not being traceable after years?

    Sorry, but I gave up! I asked for calm and serenity, but no; the nit-picking continues, so I may as well join the herd. whistling.gif


  10. “I want to explain to the public that we have already done our best at every step of the investigation, but we still have yet to determine the cause of the death,” he said.


    I seem to remember these exact words from the chief of police in London in 1888, about Jack the Ripper.

    That's how far ahead the Thai police are developing.


    "Maj Gen Boontawee did not elaborate on what further steps police had taken in order to contact the man."

    steps??? :o.... The police fight each other, never mind taking steps together. However, they do take the same steps in one direction, and those being: corruption and rip offs, hiding evidence, not being qualified to do their jobs and generally getting drunk and having no responisibilities for the upkeep of the law.... not that there is one, apart from free to take from all ! :(


    "Among the other experts investigating the deaths is Dr Jakkarat Pittayawong-aka-ripper, a specialist from the Bureau of Epidemiology, Department of Disease Control.

    Dr Jakkarat-the ripper arrived with his team on Phi Phi Island on June 20 to collect evidence needed to discern the exact cause of the sisters’ deaths.

    However, he said that only after his team had compared their findings against the postmortem examination results would they submit a report to the Krabi Provincial Office and Krabi Public Health Office."

    What he actually means is that he is shit scared to contradict the Thai police, in case he disappears, but must also wait for the Canadian autopsy to keep some kind of ripping credit.


  11. MIssed again....... the link between NASA and et al.

    Weather studies. Need to dig deep to see what's going on down under the ground that affects the weather, and we also think there may be untapped sources of some good alloys....... and maybe even some black liquids..... clap2.gif

    Couldn't fool the Russian's with wrong shadows and winds, and can't fool the daftest of Thai's - you gotta be kiddin' me?

    -mel. ;) (pass take)

  12. The Police Maj-General said "Shooting a rival in a bus full of passengers is not an act of a student,"

    Couldnt agree more. This crime is worse that a planned murder on an individual. Someone who fires a shotgun at a bus full of innocent people, killing 2, can only be described as a terrorist.

    I would like to see where that one ends. Pull of the balaclava and show your face, coward.

    I would think that the "drastic" measures for violent students mentioned here are no more severe than 5 minutes on the bench during a game of Rugby.

    Violent students in the first instance should get a size 9 up the arse, out on the streeet and expelled from the school. Teachers and administrators promoting violence (if thats the case) fired, same size 9.

    Shutting the school down only penalizes those who genuinely want to learn.

    Perhaps someone should go to these schools and ask each student. Why do you have this hatred against the other school? I would bet there would be a lot of blank stares, shrugged shoulders and dunno's.

    Dont buy the TV and media bit. Thats always a soft target when people act out of order.

    I'm sorry, but I don't agree.

    It WAS the act of a student.

    He might be an off the rails thug, but he is still a student and an enticed one at that. That's what they have become. That's what the college rivalry embeds nowadays, and it is that problem that needs addressing in order to minimise rival feelings and violence.

    He also isn't a very intelligent student, because shooting at a bus to hit a rival student, knowing full well there are passengers on board who have nothing to do with his rivaly, is plain dumb and thick. That's the sad part - he couldn't even work that one out.

    But this act was perpretrated by a 'student', and not an experienced assassin or murderer. That is factual, and for the police to say it wasn't the act of a student is ALSO plain dumb and thick! But I expect nothing less from the BIB....


  13. Did anybody actually dissect the original post on page 1?

    OK, democracy's not perfect - but what's the alternative?

    Well for a start, that should read, "What are the alternatives?" so immediately the precursor to what is following is already in bias.

    It then goes on to say, "Most people know they each have one political voice and it can be exercised through elections as well as street protest. But if some "educated and well-to-do" Thais insist otherwise, the question would then be: What other option does Thailand have?

    The other option is to try to reinstate a political system" - is this encouraging street protests? That is non-indicative of democracy, or an alternative proforma option, in fact I'd go further to say it is incredibly negative..... almost red-blooded.

    I state again that this is asking for opinion, and why not 'OPINIONS'?

    And then re-emphasised a paragraph or two later come the words, "Learning to become a truly democratic society can't simply be taught in schools; people must exercise and fight for their rights and democracy, be it on the street or at polling stations."

    On the street again? Where are the options requested in the headline, as opposed to option? Intended brainwashing?

    As for the words "democracy can't be taught in schools"........ hum? I have words that would beg to differ, but can't publish them... ;)

    Can't be taught in schools hey? And yet the prose is followed with, "A recent poll by the National Institute of Development Administration revealed that most Bangkok respondents long for members of Parliament who are "moral, ethical and educated".

    So where are these moral, ethical and educated future personnel going to come from? The next genertion of Minister's thugs of children?

    And then the closing words, of this BURNING ISSUE, "Eighty years on, a political system that thrives on inequality, no matter what it is euphemistically called, will continue to be resisted by people who recognise it for what it truly is."

    It is not resisted by those who clearly do not recognise it for what it is, or what it is worth..... as their votes are still queued up to be bought for a few measley hundred baht at the booth...... the booth of voting honesty, that is. whistling.gif


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