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Everything posted by jacnl2000

  1. jacnl2000

    Images Of Isaan

    Month May 2023:
  2. Where are seeds available preferably in a Thai seed store or as a young tree at or near a local market somewhere in the northeast of Issan (area Loei, Udon Thani, Nong Khai, Sakon Nakhon) for the Maprang (Bouea macrophylla) a.k.a. Marian Plum?
  3. jacnl2000

    Images Of Isaan

    Name in English ("Lonely Mountain") is visible inside the picture attached. You'll find great craftmanship once you've passed the entrance gate. Reminded me of Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble. Beautiful.
  4. Wat are the best Kodi boxes in (at 23rd) January 2023: https://kodi.expert/best-kodi-boxes/ Listed #8: MINIX NEO U9-H Don't know if it cannot hardly playback any modern formats. For me it is important it can play all my existent stored formats. I do not trust the specs at Lazada. I would check the minix forum. Review mentioned is certainly not outdated (only 2 days old). Didn't realize this was a 5 year old box. All I wanted to show is that many more different boxes exist. Despite its age, this relative old box it is still mentioned in a most recent review and still mentioned by Lazada.
  5. The White Lotus Mike White's social satire ... https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13406094/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0
  6. Since most of today's smart TVs run their own proprietary OS, it still makes sense via a HDMI port to add a TV Box which is able accessing and running apps via Google Play store. Historically, I'm used to running Kodi on a Minix TV Box (started with the Neo X7) so I'm able play all kinds of video formats from external USB drives using an additional externally powered hub. Propriety OSs of today's Smart TVs are only capable of handling specific subsets of video formats. Here are some other links for further information: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/neo-u9_h-i4321184515-s17212042573.html
  7. Airport price SIM >> NE street price. AIS in NE works fine too.
  8. Nitridocarbonate
  9. Knowlegebase: https://clients.orongowebhosting.com/index.php/knowledgebase Don't forget available functionality here... ???? https://clients.orongowebhosting.com/index.php/knowledgebase/58/21--Gerer-des-bases-de-donnees-MySQL-avec-phpMyAdmin-dans-cPanel.html
  10. Can this Huawei be used with a smart keyboard also having Thai characters displayed on its keys?
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