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  1. You wouldn't happen to live in Bangkok, would you😉
  2. But Thailand did participate in this circus🙏🤭 they üdid not sign the final Memorandum, however. Nevermind, two days in Switzerland in serene surroundings were certainly appreciated by the Thai Delegation as well.....
  3. How are the two stories related?
  4. While I respect your opinion (not really sharing it..) , you might want to look up the meaning of 'hitting on women' in a dictionary😘😘
  5. Oh dear. While your remarks are not quite untrue let's not get carried away. Any man who beats a woman should be deported to Switzerland. Really🙏? Even the Swiss do not deserve this🤭.. And a small detail: The OP is all about Swiss man #1, your comment is not.....
  6. Hmm He rents the place. So pretty unlikely that he built it. Ergo Land boundaries and developmet approvals are hardly his concern😘
  7. Probably true, although I don't know him. On the other hand, had the trespassing happened in the USA the woman might have been killed.... So everything is relative.....
  8. Because they have to be imported😎? On the serious side, a mutual apology (honest or not) would not have hurt anybody and the matter would have been settled🙏
  9. The Thai Government is looking for its senior citizens and provides a monthly payment to the elderly of thb 700. So the thb 2000 paid by OP seems to be fair enough....
  10. Have you lately renewed your Thai driving license (if you should have one)? You need to follow an hour long video which stresses the point of turning signals.: 30 m before the turn. You have to answer two out of four questions to this point...... and the speed you are driving at is on no concern...???? Nevertheless, I agree with your statement.
  11. Nice, very nice....... May I presume that you are living in Thailand? And may I presume that you were not too lazy to learn Thai?
  12. Caveat emptor..... So not the vendor's problem...????
  13. Would it change the story if you/we knew the name of the victim?
  14. I see lots of long haired Chinese in Pattaya in the near future????
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