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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 8 hours ago, impulse said:


    The difference being that he was one guy and could only steal so much.  The problem today is that there's a thousand guys each stealing all they can.   Because there's nobody controlling the trough and "turning against corruptions he can't take part of".  So it's a free-for-all.




    Actually, not one guy. There was his whole extended family; plus close associates; plus the hangers on and cronies; plus the lowly party workers and civil servants etc etc. All needed to grease the wheels of the kleptocracy.


    But your're right - he was the main man took the lion's share.

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, Tug said:

    Not panic just fact trump has actively solicited foreign interference he and his cronies are actively trying to skrew up the post office he himself is spouting the russan line of disinformation ect ect he is what he is we need to put him behind us 


    Can you please provide references to the proven fact that Trump has actively solicited foreign interference please?



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  3. 1 hour ago, Morch said:


    What "silent majority"? Or for that matter, what majority? Trump did not win the majority of votes in 2016, the Democratic Party got the majority in the House of Representatives following the 2018 elections. Even if Trump wins it's unlikely to be through the majority of voters supporting him, but rather due to the way USA election system works.


    Interesting point. If the system was purely who got the most votes, 2 or 3 states might effectively decide who was President which the other 47/8 might not want. As it is, winning the popular vote is not a guarantee of winning.


    How that is changed, if it is, remains to be seen.


    Are we on the cusp of a change of world leader / policeman? A US break up? A more central Federal government state? 

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  4. 11 hours ago, Tongjaw said:

    They didn’t seem to have any problem letting a wanted career criminal travel overseas in the first place either. No doubt the British taxpayers will have to foot the hefty bill for tracking and getting him returned. Just as well the North Yorkshire Police Force Intelligence Bureau had the help of Interpol and the Thai Authorities to find him. 


    Yes - a good example of using Interpol correctly and inter police cooperation. 


    Thailand also had no problem letting him in it seems. 


    Which all goes to show criminals can leave and enter countries without necessarily being detected.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 26 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Government is simultaneously trying to head off rebellions in both the House of Commons - where Boris Johnson enjoys a working majority of 90 - and the House of Lords, where the Conservatives are outnumbered by 536 opposition to 250 Tories ????


    The House of Lords, can at best, cause slight delay. No veto. The large opposition is thanks to previous Labour regimes creating peerages for people who donated large amounts of money to their party! A relic that's been turned into a pantomime of an old boys and gals club.

    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, david555 said:

    Or even  the whole World …..????


    Rather like the French, who still think French is an international language France is a colonial power; or the Germans who believe Merkel leads the free world; or the Americans who see the US as the current world's policeman; or the Chinese who want to quietly do what they want and stuff the RoW; or Putin, Erdogan etc


    The list is endless.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    We dont think we are better than anyone else.

    We just want to be the same as everyone else and run our own country.


    Your country is the UK. And has been for several hundred years.


    Did you read the interesting article on the Shetlands btw? Seems their council is thinking of it's own referendum to be free from Scotland's parliament and governance.



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  8. 3 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    If what you think is true then Johnson GAVE the EU the NI revolver. 

    He signed the deal.


    That's what I wrote. He should have been smarter and either inadvertently gave them that, or didn't notice and fell into their trap. Either way he's responsible and therefore must find a way out. His actions now are his attempts (or should we say Cumming's attempts?).

    • Like 2
  9. 18 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

    I dont think you Brexitears can claim the moral high ground when it comes to people calling others traitors.

    Almost no-one hates the English. Stop perpetuating a complete lie that has been demonstrated to you many, many times.

    People need to forget but you Brexitears cannot go a single thread without talking about the war ????

    Patriots dont vote to damage their own country so anyone who voted to leave the EU is anything but a patriot.


    Bill Cruickshank on Twitter: "I just love English Scots for #YES… "


    That's a fair point actually. But both Brexiters and Remainers lost all moral high ground during the run-up to the referendum and afterwards.


    My eldest daughter was abused verbally and vilified by other students at her university for daring to express different views to the "mob". (She has very different political views to me, as is her right). Those doing the abusing were Remainers.


    All because Cameron thought he was being clever and could shut up the Tory anti EU faction.

    • Like 2
  10. 17 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    Brexiteers always claimed the reason Mays deal was a failure was because the EU did not believe the UK was ready to leave without a deal.

    Well Johnson put the no deal revolver on he table and has been playing with it ever since.

    If he insists on reneging on the WA the EU are going to tell him to just go ahead and use it.

    Followed by sanctions, fines and a possible trade war.

    Is this what Brexiteers voted for?

    I suspect not but they claim they knew what they were voting for. 


    You may be right in your theories. But you ignore the revolver the EU apparently put on the table regarding NI.


    It could be argued Johnson and his team should never accepted that and been wise to the possibility when concluding the current agreement. 


    It's clear with May and then Johnson and their respective teams, the EU have also tried to play the bullying game as well as good cop bad cop routines.


    I doubt either currently has the statesmen with enough nounce to resolve this amicably now. The only remotely sense seems to be coming from Eire politicians. 


    British people should also remember this all started because of internal Tory politics and bad decisions from Cameron and May. That together with Labour's ineptness paved the way for Johnson to mess up or manipulate the current mess.



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  11. 13 hours ago, Chomper Higgot said:

    Britain is suddenly concerned China might disregard longstanding legal norms.


    Your usual anti British sneer and sarcasm. And where is the bold brave HR champion the EU? Floundering around as usual.


    Given the treatment of Australians and Canadians, any sensible government should be concerned about this growing Chinese tendency and warn it's citizens.



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