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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 4 minutes ago, Susco said:


    Throughout this and other threads, you have made it pretty clear that you consider the Scots a minority- a burden on the UK economy, and that they should shut up. In short, it's obvious you don't like them.


    Why you care so much when someone like that want to leave?


    You seem to either have comprehension issues, or want to make statements based on your own agenda rather than actual facts. Maybe both.


    I consider, quite correctly, the population of Scotland to be a minority in the population of the United Kingdom. Those who have nationalist views are at best around half that population. 


    Show me where I have considered them a burden on the UK economy? Or that I don't like Scots. (Unlike you it seems, I don't like or dislike based on race or nationality generalizations). The Scottish part of my family are very likeable.


    The only thing obvious is your constant efforts to present your opinions and agendas as "factual" which they aren't.


    Which country are you from? Do you also support the Catalans, Walloons, and Corsicans?


    • Like 1
  2. 4 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

    This wasnt an election though .

    It was a referendum or are you suggesting that Scots should vote every four years on whether they want to remain in the UK  and thus continually leaving and rejoining (dependent on the vote ) 


    Interesting. IIRC Ms. Sturgeon previously said that should Scotland vote to leave the UK one of her first bits of legislation would be to lay down very strict criteria on any future referendum.


    She basically wants the referendum to be on a simple first past the post majority (1 will be enough) until she gets the result she wants. Then be so complicated with so many high qualifying %'s as to make it's reversal almost impossible.


    Hail the leader!

    • Like 1
  3. 42 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:


    so here's the thing..........i, and so many others in the last election, voted "NOT HER" rather than for trump.  this year is shaping up to be the same, many will be voting "NOT TRUMP" rather than for corrupt, sleepy joe.


    jeeze, you'd think the world's greatest democracy would be able to find a few honest candidates instead of the same old same old corrupt sleazeballs.


    i'd consider a third party write-in, but so many states, although they allow write-in votes, don't count them.  what a choice!  don't vote, throw it away with a write-in, or vote for one of the two essentially interchangeable gangsters.


    Totally agree with you. The UK faced much the same. Boris the bozo, known serial liar, back stabber and puppet versus Jeremy the UK hating terrorist hugging neo-Marxist. The LibDems had a great opportunity but squandered with a crazy choice as leader.


    Next time around who knows. But will most likely be another least worst choice.


    It's astounding that the US, with all it's brilliant people, can't come up with better than these. 


    But all around the world in seems inept, corrupt lying bozos are becoming the norm. Brazen ones at that!

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, tebee said:

    So once we have an election we need never have another?

    Things change, that;s why we keep having elections.

    Democracy is not decided by one vote.



    That's true. And it's also true that referendums are only advisory under the UK's constitution; the government resides in Westminster and the government, and only the government, as the authority to allow an advisory referendum.


    Democracy is not decided by a tiny minority trying to dictate their preferred agenda.

  5. 17 hours ago, Susco said:

    Since the UK actually is a union of the countries England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, same as the EU is a union of countries, I'm not sure where you get your 10% from.


    The UK Prime Minister's website has used the phrase "countries within a country" to describe the United Kingdom.


    How many percent of the EU represented the 51% brexiteers?


    Absolute nonsense. The structure of the UK is not the same as the EU. 


    UK Prime Ministers, as with other UK politicians use many phrases which they consider beneficial to use.



    • Haha 1
  6. 17 hours ago, 7by7 said:

     Point missed; not surprised.


    The point is Cameron introduced the Brexit referendum for his political agenda - and lost.


    Salmond and Sturgeon introduced the Scottish referendum to further their political agendas and lost. Sturgeon took advantage to grab the SNP leadership and has been agitating for another referendum ever since - as long as she can pick the timing, the wording and maybe lower the voting age!


    Both were announced as once in a lifetime.

    • Confused 1
  7. On 8/13/2020 at 12:17 PM, RuamRudy said:

    If you would prefer to see the Tory end point of US style labour laws and a gig-economy nation, that is your right, but I would be happy for anyone to put a spanner in those particular works, even though very soon it will be only tangentially relevant to my country. 


    I doubt the Conservative party would remain in office long, were they to do as you suggest. British people will only put up with so much. How quickly opposition parties get themselves in shape remains to be seen.


    I'll ignore your self delusional comment.

    • Like 2
  8. On 8/13/2020 at 7:44 PM, Sujo said:

    Or like normal people and believe them until evidence shows otherwise.


    Or believe trump and accept he paid porn stars.


    You conveniently ignore the actual relevant fact. Harris publicly stated that she believed Biden's accusers and thanked them for being brave to come out.


    She did that before any evidence whatsoever.


    So you want a VP that judges people publicly on hearsay without bothering with evidence; and then is prepared to ignore it as soon as doing so benefits her career.


    What a chameleon she is.

  9. On 8/12/2020 at 6:24 AM, Tug said:

    Oh well guess you and I are cut from a different cloth I think obvious ignorance is unacceptable in the commander in chief especially when he’s taking about something that has killed more Americans in 6 months than Korea and Vietnam combined totally unacceptable pathetic in fact as far as Biden he’s not ignorant and he knows and his TEAM knows what they are doing they are going to build an excellent administration 


    Ignorance is never acceptable - but it seems ignorance was preferred to the outright evil corruption Trump surprisingly beat.


    Biden and Harris. Should they win, we'll see how prophetic your words are. But looking at the 2, their histories and track records in office, I think you might be a tad disappointed.

    • Like 1
  10. On 8/11/2020 at 4:21 PM, Morch said:


    You're making a whole lot of excuses for Trump, none of them firmly grounded in fact, but rather in your partisan position which implies the need to defend him at all costs.


    In the same way, allow me to doubt the value of the offered medical/mental assessment of Biden's situation. Again, nothing more than the usual partisan fare. 


    As for age, you can't be serious. Trump's 74, Biden's 77. Not much of a difference there.


    I read Biden will be 78 come November 3rd. 


    So you think Biden is a-ok, totally mentally competent and that all the documented gaffes are just simple unimportant mistakes any aspiring POTUS could make; even one with such a long career in politics and 8 years as VPOTUS.


    Not sure any of your comments are actually grounded in facts other than your opinion.

  11. On 8/12/2020 at 12:18 AM, ericthai said:

    I think that is wishful thinking, I don't think I could name one country in the world that enforces and applies all laws, fairly, evenly and to all without favor or prejudice!!


    Sadly, you are probably correct. What's worse is that those in which genuine efforts were made seem to have slipped back and moving in the wrong directions.

    • Like 1
  12. On 8/11/2020 at 3:10 PM, Mr Meeseeks said:

    Some great whataboutery there.


    But, but... Thaksin.


    You cheer-led this military regime into power on the premise they would be less corrupt than Thaksin and would clean things up.


    Those of us that knew better told you that an authoritarian regime would not have any checks and balances and thus be less accountable and more corrupt than an elected one.


    Looking a bit foolish now bud.


    No he's not. He quickly saw through the false dawn being touted and commented so.


    Thaksin and his puppet minions were doing their best to remove all checks and balances on them, including the boss's whitewash as they eagerly sought to get their hands on 2.2 trillion baht loan to be spent as they wishes with no accountability.


    They must be so envious. Not recognizing that, or pretending otherwise, makes you look more than a bit foolish sport.

  13. 3 minutes ago, madmitch said:

    If the AG office hadn't made the announcement that they were dropping charges, all would have remained quiet. Boss would have continued his life overseas and although many people aren't happy, nothing would ever have happened.


    What we saw was an unexpected public reaction and that in turn is starting to unravel the case and it may well be that the police might have to take some action. It could even be that some people might actually be charged with corruption (though that's probably doubtful).


    What a can of worms they inadvertently opened!


    Just to add to that, CNN reported the dropping of charges. 

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