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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 31 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Before or after he said the 1917 pandemic, which was in 1918, caused the end of WW2, which for trump supporters i have to say was 1945.


    He really will have problems saying things about Bidens mental health when he himself has issues.


    No there is a difference. Trump is ignorant and can't be bothered learning things he considers irrelevant or not important. And he don't give a sh$$t what anyone things about that. 


    Biden shows strong signs of mental capacity deterioration. Could be due to many different things. But at his age, not surprising.



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  2. 5 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    Didn't recognize London or Cambridge when I was there last year. Not English, anymore. Labour let them in a decades ago (thanks Blair) and it never stopped.




    Started late 60's early 70's - before Blair. Subsequent governments, Labour and Conservative, made it worse by pandering to immigrants and passing laws which encouraged more to come.

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  3. 3 hours ago, bristolgeoff said:

    How many years did it happen, now they are going down this route.Why not at the start.like closing the gate after the horses have gone


    They never expected to be challenged so much on all the fairy stories and made up excuses. They thought they'd simply let him lie low (well lying low as billionaires do) and then quietly drop the charges without telling anyone. Bare in mind it was CNN who reported the charges had been dropped, not any domestic media.


    All the various ruses put forward have been significantly challenged by angry citizens. So it's back to the drawing board to thrash out a new "solution that suits all" set of stories. And avoids any accountability for all those involved.

  4. 1 hour ago, paul1804 said:

    Was the officer on the motorbike stationary when the Ferrari ran into it? If they were both travelling in the same direction at the time of impact and the officer was doing 60kph, the Ferrari 170 the difference being only 110kph. 
    I think all those giving evidence in favor of the Boss should be made to reveal all their bank account details around that time, including all officials and officers of the law! That would really open up a can of worms and anyone guilty of receiving money for knowingly providing false evidence be convicted and the money confiscated and donated to Covid victims. 


    Bank accounts - shoe boxes under the bed mate!

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  5. 2 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Like I said, you would have to build a wall in the channel then in order to not let anyone in in the first place. Once their boats are in UK waters, what the UK gonna do? 


    So you don't see the irony in countries trying to shift these illegals onto others?


    France suffers because other EU countries won't process them and allow them to travel into France. Now you want France to do the same?


    As to what the UK should do? Intern all illegal immigrants in detention camps, very basic camps. Not 4 star hotels, with wifi, clothes, food and pocket money provided. No welfare benefits, zilch. They stay there till they're sorted out. Genuine asylum this way and welcome. Illegal economic chancers - work camps until deportation.


    Whilst there's plenty of freebies, including houses, health care, education, spending money etc they'll keep coming; and when there's enough demand more and more.  

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  6. 3 hours ago, welovesundaysatspace said:

    Boarding a boat is probably not illegal, so there’s nothing much the French police can do about it. They could patrol the border in the channel, but that would cost a bit for nothing in return (quite the opposite, they’re probably happy to get rid of people who want to leave anyway; wow, that sounds like Brexit). So the UK would have to pay if it wanted to outsource their border control to the French, but that would upset Brexiteers who wanted to “take back control” of their borders. So in the end, the UK will have to deal with them, unless it wants to build a wall in the channel. Sending them back will hardly work as many don’t have paperwork. It’s not like you can put them in the mail and write “E. Macron, Paris” on it. 

    I believe the UK and France will agree on a deal similar to the one between the EU and Turkey. 



    If you can't see the difference between Brexit and mass illegal economic immigration then you really are beyond any form of intelligent reasoning.


    Are you seriously suggesting France will use the threat of aiding and abetting illegal immigration into the UK as levers to get money (or fishing rights) out of the UK?


    Wow, just how low has shifty France sunk in your opinion?

  7. 3 minutes ago, 7by7 said:

    We have no right to stop them in French waters, no right to stop them in international waters. (Rescue is not the same as stop.)


    Once they are in UK territorial waters, international law and UNHCR conventions to which the UK is a signatory all say that they are the UK's responsibility.


    Maybe the UK should take a leaf out of Australia's book? They dealt with too many illegals coming by boat.


    Isle of Wight could house some nice detention centers. 

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  8. 5 minutes ago, kingdong said:

    perhaps take a leaf out of the land of smiles book and put illegal immigrants in prison.


    Or turn the boats around, and give them a good hard push back out into international waters!


    But, seriously, I agree. Any illegal immigrants should be placed in a not too comfortable detention center whilst their fate is decided: genuine asylum or deportation for illegal economic migrants. No four star accommodation with free wifi, clothes, food etc etc etc. 

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