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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. On 8/26/2020 at 2:47 PM, Saint Nick said:

    Can you not take your tinfoil infused- BS somewhere else?

    Every thread is full of your inane comments about "them" and the "the media" and how "they" steer this or work towards that!

    It gets really boring!


    Yeah right, boring. So let's all just pretend the BBC, CNN, Fox, Reuters, News Corp etc etc don't have their own politically motivated agendas and only broadcast the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


    Try not to fall off that bar stool now.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

    There are no excuses for 7 bullets in the back.

    There are no excuses for shooting him in front of his 3 children who were also in the car.

    It doesn't matter how bad a man he was, or how many warrants were out for his arrest.


    The policeman needs to spend the rest of his life in jail, end of.

    If the policeman doesn't go to jail, not only will America burn, but it will deserve to burn.


    So, if he was reaching for a gun, as the officers had information he previously was armed, you still wouldn't think it right for the police to shoot him, children present or not.


    Clearly, 7 shots in the back seems inexcusable and mad. And the officer must be processed properly, transparently, in accordance with the law.


    But is acting in such way, in front of your children, defying lawful police commands, acceptable behavior.


    The officer will probably be charged and a court will decide. The shot person could also face charges. His behavior and actions aren't excused by the actions of the policeman. Just as his actions don't excuse the policeman. 

  3. On 8/25/2020 at 5:47 AM, Chomper Higgot said:

    The real story here is these 27 add to all the other Republicans Trump has driven across to support Biden.


    Mitch McConnell has given Trump until Labor Day to turn the polls around, if Trump can’t make that date ‘he’s on his own’.


    27 has-beens switching sides hoping to resurrect their careers? Hardly prominent are they?


    Do you have a citation for your Mitch McConnell "quote" please?



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  4. On 8/25/2020 at 7:51 AM, BritManToo said:

    The video clearly shows he was unarmed and shot in the back 7x from an arms length.

    There's no excuse in the world anyone can make to justify this crime.

    The policeman needs to go to jail for the rest of his life.


    I read reports in which it says he was waving a knife about prior to going to his vehicle. The police were ordering him to stop and tried to taser him ( the taser failed which apparently they do regularly). He was reaching in his vehicle when shot.


    Police officers attending had been told there was a warrant for sexual assault and domestic violence outstanding and that he had previous firearms convictions including threatening people in a bar. He also had convictions for assaulting police.


    The officers would have treated him as a dangerous person. He would have heightened that by not following their commands. They could be faced with him pulling a gun out from his vehicle.


    However, that doesn't explain why an office felt the need to shoot him 7 times from very close range. 


    This needs much more investigation but isn't just someone being innocent just because the color of their skin; or a police office r acting reasonably.  But the media hype to fuel the fires for their own agendas don't help.

    • Like 2
  5. Just now, Chomper Higgot said:

    By all means prosecute all individuals who committed crimes.


    But real crimes please, non of this made up nonsense of ‘looting’. 


    Guess you missed all the news reports of countless cases of looting in many American cities since the BLM protests began? Or the vandalism and destruction. 


    Once again, a great example of a left wing supporter denying reality and claiming it's made up nonsene.


    Fake news - your're right up there!

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  6. Oh the irony and how it will be lost.


    Those demanding free speech want to boycott and cancel anyone who doesn't share their views and speaks with a different view.


    Socialists, Democrats, Communists, neo-Marxists and all their mates just can't tolerate criticism or different opinions; and are way too arrogant to accept free speech means everyone not just themselves and their friends.

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  7. 18 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

    More likely that he wrote the pamphlet. Does anyone not know who he is? This is the go to guy on avian flu in Thailand. He led the team that did the genetic sequencing  of the H5N1 virus in Thailand.  I just can't believe the amount of disrespect  being shown on this thread. He  spends his life helping the sick and who has puts his own life at risk with his hepatitis research, and this is how a group of angry bitter farangs treat him?  All I can is wow. Just wow. And then people wonder why Thai officialdom has no patience for  farangs.


    Yep. All some posters want to do is slag off the government, create conspiracy theories or slag off Thais in general.



  8. 10 minutes ago, hugh mckee said:

    how come Aberdeen and the surrounding areas voted by a wide margin to stay in the union in 2014 if things are that bad? only the glasgow and dundee area, the poorest voted yes, the one's most likely to lose out if we were independent


    snp loonies blame everything that is wrong with Scotland on England even though we've had a SNP government for many many years, politicians just look after themselves, the snp loonies haven't got a clue, if we get independence every problem we get after that will still be blamed on the English, while those politicans live a good life.


    19 out of 20 of the top claimers of expenses for westminster MP's are SNP mp's, number one being that fat tub of lard Ian Blackford who claims almost £300k per year, how the English put up with that? Sinn Fein mp's claim nothing, not even take their salary, maybe because that is they are genuine in wanting an independent Ireland and not in it for themselves and their financial gain unlike those parasite snp mp's milking the system for ever last tax payer's penny.



    Your're posting far too much sense and sensible comments!


    Sad to say, but a considerable amount of those supporting an independent Scotland seem to be mostly motivated by a jealous loathing of all things English, fueled by the SNP, and are geographically clustered. 



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