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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. 3 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:

    The ironic thing about this whole mess is that if Boss had just confessed, given a few million in compensation to the victim's family and apologized, he would have been sentenced to a couple of years of probation and community service and this would have been all over long ago. 


    Instead, his and his family's refusal to take any responsibility has lead to years of negative publicity and they have spent many more millions trying to cover this up and get him legally absolved.


    Yep. And strangely they presumable believe this keeps more "face". Can't have any convictions against their little darling. 

    • Like 2
  2. On 9/14/2020 at 5:21 PM, Mavideol said:

    ohhh the dirty laundry is coming out and Prayut doesn't like it.... be ready for more, the digging has started


    So nice to see you and all the posters who liked your post don't bother about trials. evidence, facts.


    Accusations, however fake or bizarre. are accepted as long as you don't like the victims.



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  3. 1 hour ago, andre47 said:

    ''Even those who had already bought units were unable to continue with payments due to problems in transferring funds as they couldn't get to Thailand. ''

    Why cannot transfer funds?


    I did read that China was restricting money transfers to foreign countries.


    I did wonder where all the customers were coming from for all these very expensive condos.

    • Like 2
  4. 16 hours ago, villageidiotY2K said:




    How about gas guns?? 

    There are huge selections on mega plaza yaowarat area priced at 1500~6000 baht. 

    One shop's owner hides his small pistol behind the belt buckle. (not his Co ck) 

    Some of Thsse gas pistols pump at 300 feet per second, and with metal pellets instead of plastic, can rip the skin to the bone.... 

    Without firearm license 



    I think you'll find the same or very similar rules apply to gas guns as firearms. 


    Have one in public and hey farang, deportation awaits.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  5. On 9/11/2020 at 8:41 AM, robblok said:

    You describe exactly what the problem is with carrying weapons. It makes people brave and take stupid risks.


    I think, from his post, it was a better example of the problem with alcohol. Drunks tend to think they've acquired super powers! And knowing he'd got a weapon too, probably thought he was Bruce Lee!



    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, robblok said:

    In general i feel its the less educated that need arms. But of course I am not an American so I can't comment on that culture. But in my culture its not the higher educated with weapons. Never saw my dad or any of the people that were not blue collar carry weapons. 


    Having said that my brother who is an electrician did know some friends who did carry weapons and I also knew plumbers and people like that who had weapons (be it a crowbar or something like that) in their car. 


    Also on my brothers school when he was young (tradesmen) weapons and stabbings were more common then where I had my education. 


    I think its partly a macho thing or something. Also it could be that those who are poorer live in worse area's so they feel they need protection. 


    But for those of us who live in Thailand we don't need to live in poor dangerous area's.


    I have NEVER ever carried a weapon.


    If you go back a relatively short few decades, the carrying of bladed weapons for self defense was very common throughout Europe and most other continents.


    Serious martial arts students still practice with HEMA (Historic European Martial Arts), and various Asian martial arts that include bladed weapons.  There are plenty of videos on Youtube and the IT has made some very interesting German, Spanish and Italian medieval books on the subject easily available. (Don't believe the Hollywood rubbish to be representative).


    Walking sticks started to replace the carrying of swords and long knives. Although some were sword sticks of course. This too is less common now, unless for medical purposes.


    There are a number of martial arts schools in Thailand that include weapons training. 


    Having said all of that, I don't know many serious martial artist who walk around with a sword, Kris, dagger or fighting knife! 


    Unfortunately, the bar stool brigade do seem to have a propensity for claiming to be ex SAS, Foreign legion, Seals or whatever. But I doubt you or I would regularly socialize with them; and I doubt they actually carry a bladed weapon. More chance of cutting themselves!

    • Like 1
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  7. On 9/10/2020 at 9:36 PM, Daffy D said:

    Wasn't there a guy who got done for carrying a Swiss Army knife?


    It was his wife who got done. She was with him and IIRC told the police she had the knife for protection. (They were stopped at a normal traffic check and the officer spotted the knife). The photos in the press weren't clear. It could have been the largest SAK (latest Soldier model or similar) or one of those automatics you could buy at various markets. In any case, she gave an unacceptable reason. Fine and knife confiscated.


    I believe the law forbids knives in public places unless you have a reason. The farang yacht guy who fatally stabbed an attacking bouncer with his pocket knife was cleared on self defense basis. He said the knife was needed to cut ropes on the boat etc and was in his pocket.


    It seems it depends on the knife, the circumstances and how it's being used at the time.

    • Like 2
  8. 6 hours ago, Matzzon said:

    That´s great! Then everyone here have a new face to dislike and continue to tell all the fabels how their embassy don´t help them. 


    Better than people with no interest or access to the British Embassy wasting time posting fables about what doesn't affect them!

    • Like 1
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  9. 14 hours ago, sammieuk1 said:

    Sounds like a Tory party to me remove his whip and flog him with it he sounds like a right bleeding pervert ????


    More like a Keith Vaz party! 


    Read about his little parties and how he avoided a police inquiry over his unusual wealth; lied to Parliament and went into a mental health hospital. Now back as the Chair of his former constituency's Labour Party!


    Politicians seem to enjoy immunity from the laws we mere plebs are ruled by. In every country,

    • Like 2
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  10. On 8/26/2020 at 1:37 PM, rudi49jr said:

    I'm afraid I have to agree. Trump supporters are believers, it's like a religion: facts don't matter, just what you believe in. For all of you who want to see first hand how ignorant and delusional many Trump supporters are, I would suggest watching a few videos on youtube called 'Trump supporters say the darndest things'. It just beggars belief.


    Where as Democrat supporters are intelligent, decent moral, critical thinking, law abiding, peaceful citizens - which is why they vote for people allowing mobs to loot, burn and assault and murder people - "peacefully".


    Some of the Democrat supporters - politicians, wealthy entertainers, "activists" say some things that are so removed from reality it beggars belief. Then there's the do as we say not as we do mentality that is a trait of the left. etc etc. 

    • Sad 1
  11. 1 hour ago, herfiehandbag said:

    Who did you hang with it?


    I'm not sure that would be the case in the USA!

    As someone said earlier, it's a bit black and white and Old Testament over there.

    Black and white being the operative phrase!


    But not as black and white as the Chinese system. Execution carried out straight after the verdict. Family of executed prisoner billed for the bullet!

    • Like 1
  12. 15 hours ago, goldenbrwn1 said:

    My mum and dad crack me up when they get the scammer landline calls in the U.K. They are both in their 70’s very clued up and wind the sh## out of them.  I can’t even repeat some of things they say it even makes me cringe. They keep them on the phone for ages as-well.  And with the covid lockdown the phone has been ringing a whole lot more.  They are sometimes like a pair of kids arguing whose turn it is.  Yes I’m living with them, have been stuck here since March.    Great entertainment though. ???? 


    I must admit I do wind them up too. 


    I reckon I've found one really good company and person whose given me lots of good advice and facts without getting anything in return due to certain rules. A professional. One out of a dozen!

  13. 13 hours ago, flossie35 said:

    A Tory government gave the scammers the green light by giving certain pensioners the "freedom" to decide what to do with their pension funds. Freedom to be scammed in too many cases.


    These scams have been going on for decades. Blair and Brown, that wonderful double act, eased the financial rules enormously. 


    People were being mis-sold pension schemes and wrongly advised back in the 80's. 

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