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Posts posted by Baerboxer

  1. Nothing but naysayer responses. face up to it the world wants yingluck and her brother to visit and they know more than you lot. Please tell me where Abhisit or a Democratic delegation were invited or went in 3 years.... Nowhere as his puppet position was known by the rest of the world. He did not have the clout to make a decision without at least 1 phone call. Carry on the Shinawatras trying to get Thailand on the world stage for the right reasons not the wrong ones (snipering your own people in your capital city)

    Getting onto the world stage so they can scam and steal even more - all whilst pretending to be a caring progressive government. Good thinking Batman.

  2. Guns are definitely, the cleaned, quickest and most decisive way of disposing of another being, however, if you are looking for a cause to use one, go no further than mixing alcohol into the blood stream, goes to the brain etc etc

    It is called a no brainer, for this reason and hey it was some time ago but last time I looked here ALCOHOL had pretty much caused

    someone to beat his friend to death with a hammer, arguing about the virtues of female prime ministers.

    Only ALCOHOL could possibly create such distortions of perception to make that a life and death issue. Even coke and steroids won't do that.

    WHICH is why this little pooch pretty well leaves the stuff alone.

    If you're gonna ban guns, you'd better put hammers in the slammer with them.

    Correct. Let's ban alcohol. So much cirme and anti-social behaviour driven by alcohol. World wide prohibition - worked in the states in the 20's and been so successful on drugs.

    Banning guns is not the answer. The UK introduced draconian gun and knife laws. Guess what - criminals and those intent on violence still obtain and use them. At least in the US people have the rigth to bear arms to defend themselves. Either create a safe violence free society or accept the reality of human nature.

  3. I am sure decentralisation is a word they have used and I for one welcome it. But the town planners need to take a good look at urban design and try make this a little less visually 'polluted'. More shop houses, more wires strung on overloaded poles, narrow streets and footpaths crowded with illegal vendors. No-one can say Thailand is a beautiful city. More like it is a filthy place and needs some serious work to reverse that. As for the "Building Control Act", now that is an oxymoron.

    You are right. No one can say Thailand is a beautiful city - because its a country not a city. wink.png

  4. Wow - what an upsetting story sad.pngsad.png

    If the account is correct, I hope the authorities deal with this unpleasant individual angry.png

    Seems to be a number of stabbings in the news recently - I hope the BIB search for concealed weapons during their stop and searches for drugs, traffic violations etc.

    why,he was defending his dog from a loose dangerous animal,he should get an award,dogs are a pest at the best of times,though he could have done it the thai way.

    Well I think your wrong - one of the reasons I really love living in Hindu and Buddhist locales is their attitude towards animals. IMHO its very well summed-up in this quote from the net:

    Buddhism considers all of life to be evolving toward higher consciousness. To the Buddhist, any practice by which man sustains himself at the expense of other sentient beings is considered wrong. Buddhism considers non-human life to be Divine just as is human life. Animals are seen to be an evolving kingdom of living creatures destined in time to attain perfect enlightenment. All of life is seen to be one. According to this conviction, to harm any living thing is to do injury to the One Eternal and Divine Life. Since animals are considered to be traveling towards enlightenment just as man is, neither are they to be harmed, discouraged or hampered in their progress.

    Thailand gets close to this - but if you really want to see how to value all God's creatures, on a day to day basis - not in some abstract sense, then go and spend some time in India - coolest place I've ever lived.


    Have you seen how cruel Thais are to animals. Open your eyes.

    I think he / she kept eyes closed in India too! Cows are treated wonderfully with respect - anything else isn't!

  5. There is absolutely no control of dogs in Thailand, neither regarding wild dogs or dogs with owners. The authorities do not care, and the dog owners generally do not care. I completely understand this guy, although 17 times seems a bit excessive!

    A bit excessive? Complete maniac. I could understand if he tooj a walking stick or similar and walloped the retriever if necessary - but to stab it 17 times. This type of idiot could be prone to similar outbursts against humans given provocation.

    • Like 2
  6. It's good to see old, old allies (the country that defended Thailand from British repayment schemes after WWII again working with the country that angrily, as a result of treatment by the French during the colonial period, succumbed to the overwhelming force of the Japanese and officially [though without committing soldiers, financing or equipage] declared war on France and Britain) working together. It's sure starting out a chipper news day in Thailand. Gotta love the Asian 'Truman Show'-effect with the media.

    I believe Thailand also tried to declare war on the USA - but their ambassador in Washington DC refused to deliver the declaration (smart move). The USA leaned on the UK to stop seeking war reparations from Thailand because it suited US foreign poilcy. The US was still keen to collect its payments from the allies for lease-lend loans though. Similarly, the US prevented trials of many Japanese war criminals, because it suited US foreign policy (see the theme?). Thailand was never a French colony. Thailand "succumbed" to the Japanese after the Jap navy shelled a Thai base and demonstrated its firepower. The provinces taken from Malaya and given to Thailand no doubt helped sweeten things.

    The US is keen to keep relations with countries in the ASEAN region good, as it seeks to counter balance the rising influence of China, its biggest creditor.

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  7. its not hard, it just takes time and effort.

    When i think of the time and effort i needed to exert back home and the time and effort it took me here in Thailand, I dont know how anyone says its hard to find a "good girl" in Thailand.

    Its difficult to find a "good girl" in a red light district

    Its difficult to find a good girl at a pub

    Its difficult to find a good girl who will let you sleep with her on the first date

    Its difficult to find a good girl when your always drunk

    Its difficult to find a good girl if you haven't washed your close in a month

    Its difficult to find a good girl if you smoke like a chimney

    Its difficult to find a good girl if you have no interest in her culture

    Its difficult to find a good girl if the girl must be no more than half your age

    Do you know a lot of men who don't wash clothes for a month? What country do you live in?

    i have run into my fair share of farangs who seem to have never learned to wash their clothes

    Yes - me too. Usually "notice" them on the BTS!

  8. I have a farang friend who was dating someone he insists is a good Thai girl. So I approached a Thai lady colleague to ask her what she thought of this "good Thai girl." Before I can even tell her a few things about this girl, my Thai lady colleague said flatout, "good Thai girls don't date farangs." Ouch.

    Sounds like she does not think very much of you to make such a comment to your face. smile.png

    Many Thais think all farangs are boozy women chasers, here just for cheap sex and spending time with bar girls. They unfortunately stereo type farang in a similar way that some farang stereotype all Thia women.

    • Like 1
  9. Looking at the video the car outside the house may have been the romeo's thus the cuckold would have already been suspicious and fired up on entering. However a psychopath emerged from where there had been an angry man so he needs to be taken off the streets. As regards the slut, well she'll end up with big face, owning a big house and smug in the knowledge that she's worth killing someone over.

    You have no idea how you or anyone else would really react in the same circumstances. I have seen instances where normally quiet, respectable, professional people have found their wives in bed with another man. One normally very reserved guy smacked his wife and kicked the crap out of her lover. He had to face the consequences of his actions, as well as the divorce and effects on his young children. Another, a police officer and martial arts blackbelt told the lover to leave, packed a suitcase and told his wife to get out too. We all react differently and sometimes, although we think we know how we would react, the reality is different. This does not mean someone is a psychopath.

    We don't know all the circumstances yet - but they will no doubt come out.

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  10. Meanwhile, Ms. Patcharaporn was studying for a master’s degree at Ramkhamhaeng University, where she became acquainted with the Thai lawyer.

    Where does this leave all of those members who bang on and on about having girls with Master's degrees being so much better than those evil bar girls....?

    The same as before.

    Extramarital affairs go on all over the world - nothing to do with educational achievement, nationality, relgion, age, or occupation. The consequences of one partner having an affair and being caught often lead to violence and sometimes murder, which some countries recognise as a crime of passion.

    The differentiation between a "bar girl" and non-bar girl, is not based on educational qualification. Bar girls supplement their income by whoring and scamming punters. Non-bar girls don't. See the difference?

  11. Complete waste of space. No idea what the problems are, let alone how to address them. Big brother tells her where to go, who to see, and what to say. Still, she enjoys the shopping and all those nights away in luxury hotels. And, it's all free. - well not for the tax payers of course.

  12. This is what happens.

    If they just stick with the usual 35% bribe / corruption everything is ok.

    When they try to get more it will go wrong.

    Lesson learned

    Germany can do much better!!! Bribes, scheming, cronyism, favoritism, incompetent politicians inside the board of directors are the reasons for a ONE year delay of the opening of the new Berlin Airport. Additional costs 1.2 billion Euro plus another estimated 3 Billion Euro in damage compensation for airlines, businesses, and the DB(German railway).clap2.gif

    As Delboy would say "vorsprung durch technik" ! Sadly, this scenario is a world wide phenomenon in public sector activities especially construction. Thailand is by no means the "hub" of this.

  13. Welcome to justice the rest of the world style. One thing I can be absolutely sure of....no matter how much money he hs he WILL NOT be out on bail while he appeals his sentence, and there will be no annual Kings amnesty and reduction in time.

    Actually S.A. you can buy justice much easier than Thailand. This case also involved a S.A. whose made millions allowing the Thais to hunt the Rhinos on his land but he was granted bail and then the charges against him dropped.




    Interesting how the rich always seem to get charges against them dropped. Seems the same all over the world - its what you've got, who your related too and who you know that counts. This moron should be serving the same 40 years - or more.

  14. I think that many Thai men don't believe there is such a thing as rape. The problem there is that most of these like minded thinkers are in the police force.

    There are very different mindsets on rape. In the West a woman can say "no" at any point, and failure to respect that and continue is rape. Taking advantage of a woman who is drunk and therefore considered incapable of deciding "yes or no" is rape - as a Welsh footballer found out last year.

    In certain Moslem countries, rape victims can be imprisoned for being raped and are often murdered by their families to purge the "shame of being raped".

    In Thailand, from discussions I have with male and female Thais, the mindset seems fo be one of " if girl go alone with boy, she know what to expect". This is not seen as rape as we would see it. it's not just Thai men that think this, but women too. Women have to be much more on their guard here than in the West where they have high legal protection (which is sometimes abused).

    I'm not trying to judge which mindset is right or wrong, just show that there are very different ways of looking at things sometimes. If you travel to a country other than yours, then you need to appreciate laws, behaviour and social norms are different.

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  15. The 90 day report, whilst annoying, is not major issue here as it requires only a visit to the local immigration office, rather than Bangkok, and is not at all affected by the closure of the local consulate. As far as I'm concerned the closure is merely the British Government cutting off it's nose to spite it's face as they will no longer be getting my 2400 Baht a year for the income letter as I will now go the 800k route for my retirement extension.

    Wow - your THB 2,400 will make massive impact on the British economy! You'll probably get a better interest rate for your savings here though.

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